
How About This…

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

Okay, so I decided to make some revisions to the the new covers I made yesterday, based on feedback, primarily from MK; she made a pretty valid point about trying to avoid cursing on covers whenever possible. Plus, I also realized that I had gone away from my original ideas when decided to re-do the originals in the first place. So here they are, the NEW new covers, and they’re pretty much final in (and on) my book(s)…

I personally think they’re much better. In the end, it is indeed more effective to have just one image represent each story, as does getting rid of the cursing, plus I figured it would be a good idea to put the issue number info up-front as well.

Oh, and I discovered yet another reason to get excited for MoCCA today: Nate Powell will be there! Such an awesome guy, and an amazing cartoonist. Who’s also really hard to get ahold of, so it’ll be nice seeing the guy again.

In other news, last night was movie night, which I had to miss the week prior due to a birthday dinner. And wouldn’t you know, last week was also the last viewing of Millennium (see what happens when I miss it, even for a week!). And oddly enough, Jeff showed the two-part Nazi episodes instead of the final two from season two (guess it would have been too much for everyone). Instead we saw another Abbot & Costello clip, and one from an old Tyrone Power flick, The Eddy Duchin Story, all of which has some unexpected awesome camera work.

The feature was Night Watch, the first part of a fantasy/horror epic trilogy from Russia (sort of like their own Lord of the Rings, though set in modern times) which was actually pretty neat. Some might have heard about it last year, as the film that “did awesome things with the subtitles” which was certainly true. Also everything else was pretty tops, even if the story was extremely convoluted. The acting was also superb, even if it was all in Russian and I couldn’t understand the dialogue, but again, the playful subtitles really helped… to the point that I think it would be a tad bit less exciting if you understood the language and didn’t need them. And the special effects were phenomenal, and granted while much of it was quite flashy, it all had sincerity to it all, and not at all annoyingly show off-y like when Americans try the same tricks. Plus everything had a very dreary, dead-pan Russian sense of humor to it. Also, its one of the very few films to incorporate video games into it and do so effectively (and not insult my intelligence or make me feel embarrassed).

Though the highlight of the night had to be when Mike’s cellphone rang, which was the theme to Indiana Jones, prompting Jeff to proclaim with total disgust, “Such a sign of betrayal.”

Speaking of games, again, too busy to really check up on stuff, but today I’ve heard that…

- There was a rumor going around that Bowser Jr, Link from Wind Waker (a.k.a. “Celda”), and Ridley (from Metroid) were added to the roster of Super Smash Brothers Brawl, but it was debunked in less than 24 hours.

- Also heard that the news of Mother 3 coming to the UK was also a rumor, which is news to me (and if so, there’s quite a few folks out there that are still believing it).

- (Co-worker) Steve told me this afternoon that while watching G4, that channel that used to be all about video games, but now its mostly centered on either car detailing or old reruns of Star Trek: The Next Generation and the Man Show, their next episode of ICONS, which has always been one of their only two good shows, where they go behind the scenes and examine the story behind a successful video game series or figure, which means that nobody ever watched it, will be on… wait for it… the SuicideGirls. Awesome. Simply awesome.

- Back to the subject of Game Boy Advance games that we may never see here, Jonnyram recently posted some info on the bit Generations games (previously known as the Digitylish series) over at the NeoGAF. Meanwhile, at Insert Credit, there’s some news on Rhythm Heaven, from the makers of Warioware, which is just like that game, but with music. And I too am pissed that Nintendo doesn’t seem to care about the GBA in America at this point.

- The other day someone at the NeoGAF brought up the idea of new games being produced for the NES and SNES via the Wii’s Virtual Console. And he was quickly dog-piled. Quite a few thought it was a “stupid” idea and sorta missed the points behind such a move. And lo and behold, it might be happening after all! I’m talking about the part that says: New games (not just the emulated stuff) on Virtual Console could also be 500-1000 yen.

BTW, here’s another, far more sensible thread on the subject matter.

- Finally, and for no real reason, here’s an old pic that I came across today that I still think is funny: a hamster playing Virtua Fighter…

… One last thing: today I discovered that I’ve finally gotten the green light to teach Macintosh Basics at SVA! They hold these weekend workshops to teach people how to use a Ma, and since one of the instructors had to bow out, and I’m pretty well versed with the platform, one thing lead to another and, and there ya go. I’m pretty psyched, especially since I’ve basically been helping all my friends with their Mac, like fixing stuff or showing them helpful tricks, for years now. Expect this time its ultra simple things like how to make a folder and rip mp3s and the such.

  • http://www.vitaminsteve.com Steve Flack

    I agree with MK’s point on avoiding cursing on covers, but what about nudity? Granted, I don’t mind, and I think the covers look great, but I can see a potential problem with the nipple biting panel.

    And speaking of “Mac Basics” i was actually going to email you about this: I took the plunge and purchased a new 17inch MacBookPro (y’know SVA offers student discounts on computers to Alumni?), and I was curious what tip you would give for transfering over files and settings from my G4 Desktop, and how I could then prepare my G4 to be sold on eBay?



  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Yeah, I see your point about nudity, but I’d like to think that any potential offensiveness is undercut by the fact that it’s a cartoony nipple.

    Plus, this anthology is ultimately a complete and total realization of who I am in every single aspect in a comic book form. And one major aspect that is impossible to ignore is that I love boobies. That’s just who I am.

    As for your Mac related questions, first off, the best and easiet way to transfer files from one Mac to another is to simply connect the older Mac via Firewire and simply reboot the attatched machine (not the host, or the new primary one) with letter T pressed. This will enable “Target Mode” and it basically turns the G4 into, basically, a Firewire hard drive. Then simply drag all the important stuff over.

    One very important thing to consider is if you use certain Apple programs like Mail, iCal, iChat, iTunes, Address Book, and Safari. To carry over all your personal settings from your old computer, make sure that you copy the Library file in the users folder (this is the Library folder located in your Home folder… not the one that’s in hard drive icon). And don’t replace the one that’s already there in the new machine, just put it aside, and simply drap and drop whatever files are relevant. This is especially useful for Mail; instead of re-inputting all the setting and the such, which can be a real pain in the ass, as well as importing all your mail messages, which can be somewhat unpredictable for some dumb reason (importing Outlook/Entourage Mail into Apple Mail is easy, but when it comes from another version of Apple Mail, funny things can happen), this way is absolutely hassle free. Also for iTunes, so you don’t have to completely re-create all your playlists (just make sure that the actual music goes in the same location as they did before, and if not, you have to re-create the conditions). Plus its always a good idea, right after you’ve made the move, to not start any of the programs and just run disk permissions verification (which all Mac users should do once a month anyhow).

    As for selling your G4, once you have all your important files, simply use the install discs that came with that machines to wipe out the hard drive. Make sure you use mulit-pass and zero all data. And you’re set!

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