
Hot Off The Presses…

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

With so much to do, I guess its time for the obligatory final post (maybe) before the MoCCA Art Fest. If you’re in the New York City area, please stop on by this weekend, where I’ll be on-hand along with a slew of friends, and other cool folks, along with a veritable mountain of cool comics and other small-press, indie wares, like shirts and prints, much of which are worth scoping out and scooping up. Needless to say, its a pretty big deal for me, since its a local show and the chance for many cartoonists friends from other parts of the country to gather in my backyard, but MoCCA seriously does get bigger and better each year.

But making it perhaps the awesomest ever is the fact that I’ll be sharing a table with MK, Robin, Katie, Travis, and even my roommate Steph, who’ll have cute unicorn painting on-hand. PLUS, we’re right between Toby and Liz (you know ‘em, and hopefully love them, for those unfamiliar… hence the links), and I couldn’t possibly ask for cooler neighbors.

Unfortunately, it seems that I definitely won’t have enough time to whip up a coloring book (I’ve long since given up on A Nerd’s Guide To Organizing Your Movies, Video Games, Japanese Toys, and Other Nerdy Stuff). But at least I have whipped up some new covers for the pair of Unlucky mini’s. Here’s what they looked like before…

And here’s the new look…

Why the change? Basically, even though people really like my drawings, and some might actually miss them, I just don’t think they did a good job of getting the content across to people. Perhaps the overall tone, but not the individual stories. Basically, at this early stage, primarily because most of the world doesn’t know who the hell I am, I really need to prove that I’m not doing the same old auto-bio comics that everyone else is doing (no offense to everyone else, of course), and that’s to stress the “unique” qualities of my stories, specifically those that are in a particular issue. Plus it offers a chance to really focus on the folks who helped flesh them out up front; I’m not sure, once I have 20+ stories all drawn up), if I can include everyone’s art on the cover. I know they might be a bit too busy, but again, the whole point is to grab one’s attention, which I also feel the previous covers were sorta failing to do. Again, its a preview mini, so there’s no real need for total permanence here.

But yeah… they should be on-hand at the show! So at least I do have something. Plus, this is the first time I’ve had something for sale at MoCCA, so I don’t feel too bad.

UPDATE: There were some spelling errors, but they’ve been fixed. Also, they aren’t final either… just go to the comment section for more info!

Not much else to report. Last night was the first class for my summer semester of my intro to game design class, and it went rather well. Overall, a great group of folks. I don’t know why, but I always forget that most people, despite how much they are into video games, really don’t know much about it ultimately. Then again, the art of game design, especially when it comes to articulating its many facets, and the act of passing it along, is a relatively new thing. But I’m still shocked that most simply aren’t aware of its history. And hey… if people don’t mind sitting and listening to me talk about the Nintendo PlayStation, and I certainly don’t mind. Getting paid for it is also a nice bonus.

I finally got a chance to check out the new Dave & Buster’s in Time Square this afternoon. It’s… a Dave and Buster?s alright. Exactly like all the others I?ve been to, though a bit smaller.

And of course, all the games were ridiculously expensive, but that?s always the case, regardless of location (and there weren?t that many, but I?m assuming that?s due to space issues). But it was nice to see what looked like a brand new 8 player Daytona USA rig. I?m real happy that the game is still in production. Gave that a spin, of course, Also played a game of Virtua Tennis 3, primarily to see the Lindbergh board in action. Fun game as expected… insane animation! People looked creepy, which is to be expected for the series.

Also got a copy of the PS2 version of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories from Rockstar. I might try to give that a few minutes, though it is movie night, plus I still have plenty of other work to do…

BTW, if you look in the Weekly World News, either this week’s issue, or next (or perhaps even last week’s, or the one before that), you might find an article about “The World’s Most Allergic Boy” who goes by the name “Matthew Forte”. Hmmm… does it have anything to do with the fact that I’m friends with the editor and all the writers? Maybe…

  • http://www.entdepot.com/ thatbox


    Your “trapped” in “trapped in a gorilla suit” is missing its R! I hope it’s not too late!

  • http://www.johngreenart.com John Green

    Yeah, a woman being “tapped” in a gorilla suit is something totally different.

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Oops! Yeah… I totally missed that misspelling. Thanks guys.

    And no, its not too late. Actually they haven’t gone to press just yet because I’m still working on the covers. I should have an even newer version tomorrow; I’m making some tweaks here and there based on feedback, plus I’m actually going to try something that I orignally thought of but ended up moving away from. I’d do it now, but it’s almost time for bed…

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