by Matthew Edward Hawkins
Am headed to Las Vegas! For the Consumer Electronic Show, where the next big thing in technology (well, the stuff that you can purchase at Best Buy at least) will be unveiled.
And I’ll be there, giving my two cents on whatever fancy new smartphone, television, or computer (plus a robot or two if I’m lucky) I come across on the behalf of TechRadar! Am also hoping to see Penn & Teller’s live show since it’s in the same hotel as where I’ll be staying.
by Matthew Edward Hawkins
So, it’s back to school for me. As in, I’m back to teaching, for the first time in a little over six years!
I’ll be imparting everything I know to the student body of Marist College on the subject of interactive media this fall semester. And, perhaps if all goes well (the slot is somewhat of a test drive for myself), perhaps I’ll be back in the spring?
The course is for full-time students only, so if you happen to be a Marist student reading (and perhaps there’s someone from Poughkeepsie who reads this site), be sure to sign up!
by Matthew Edward Hawkins
It’s Attract Mode 2.0′s first live event, and our very first shindig in the Seattle! For the folks in town for PAX Prime 2012 to be exact; we’re teaming up with our fine friends at Fangamer to throw a party that will quite literally have it all.
For starters, we’ve got games: what’s sure to be the world of indie gaming’s GOTY (for whichever year it finally comes out), Super Time Force, and the breakout star of this spring’s Comics vs Games spectacular, Cumulo Nimblers. Then there’s music: the 8bit rockstar known as Danimal Cannon and the 8bit hip-hop sensation known as Mega Ran!
And finally, there will be a gallery filled with eye-popping and mind-blowing art from both Fangamer and Attract Mode’s stable of artists, doing what they do best, and paying tribute to what we all love the most. Video games, duh! For the full line-up plus event details, be sure to hit the Attract Mode blog.