December 2005


Honesty Pisses People Off

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

Here are two examples:

1. Okay, remember the missing iPod that I found on Friday night and my attempts to locate its original owner via Craigslist? Well it didn’t take long for the responses to come in. The first couple were from folks who seem nice enough, that stated their case by describing the color and the playlist. When I responded with “sorry its not yours”, they all replied with “oh well, thanks anyway”, and even two folks said it was good what I was doing, which left really nice.

Well its a few days later and the general tone of emails have changed. Most are folks who knows its not theirs but want it anyway for a price. Many aren’t even bothering with proper punctuation or spelling, and a few are being assholes about me not wanting to sell.

For example, here’s one guy who sent me the following yesterday afternoon: “hey I know its not mine but most people who loose theirs never get it. so how much do you want”

My response? “Sorry, but its not for sale. I’m going to look for two weeks and if I can’t find the original owner, then its going to my girlfriend.”

Then later last night, he replied with: “come on dude I’ll give you an easy 100″

I never responded. And then this morning he wrote again with: “so you want the money of[sic] what”

My response? “Again, not for sale.”

And within five minutes, I got: “well your fucking stupid”

Am I justified in saying, what the hell?!

Last night another asked to buy it off me (also using the “hey, you’ll never find the original owner” line) and I again responded with “its not for sale”. And this person wrote back with: “That’s fucked up.” I don’t even know how to respond to that one.

2. Then there’s what just happened at the bank: I went to the check counter to write out a deposit slip when I noticed a bank card just sitting there. I picked it up and asked aloud “Hey, is did anyone forget their card?”

A guy in the line for a teller answered, “Yeah, its mine.” When I asked for his name, just to make sure of course, he became annoyed.

“I said, its mine!”

“Well, if it is, give me the name. I want to check.”

“I ain’t messin’ around, give me the fucking card.”

Right then, a woman also at the check counter began chiming in: “What’s your problem? Give him your name! You trying to be a thief?”

The guy wouldn’t relent and just began full blow cursing at me, so I decided to take the card to the info desk. When I handed it over to them, they explained that a card was reported missing earlier in the day, so that had to be it. Upon returning to the teller line, the woman asked whose card was, and when I told her it wasn’t his, she was hardly surprised. “Some people!” And then the guy went totally psycho, and started yelling at me again! And I just stood there, due to being in total shock. At least the woman got my back by stating “No one is honest anymore!” in a very thick Jamaican accent. But the guy just kept going at me, to the point that I thought he was gonna punch me… and the dumbass Citibank security card just stood there watching the exchange, and with his arms crossed, the whole fucking time. Finally, others started getting on his case, but that was because while in his fit of rage, he was completely ignoring the flashing light for the next available teller.

So yeah, you try to be an honest guy in the day and age, and you seem to only get shit for it. Also, I have no fucking idea why this shit only happens to me….

… Though upon telling my tale, a few coworkers shared comparative tales. Thank God they’re other honest people out there, as well as other firm believers that karma can be a real bitch sometimes, so it’s best not to mess with her.



Time Will Tell

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

- After MK & I had dinner at a small little BBQ joint around the corner from my house (we had to go after she saw a Craigslist ad for an apartment around the area that used the place being nearby as one of the pluses… and it was pretty decent), I spotted an iPod mini on the ground. Instead of sticking our heads into close by stores to see if the owner was around (like that would work anyway), we took it home to investigate it; the iPod wouldn’t turn on at first, so I though it might have been broken, but the battery was just completely dead and simply needed a charge. Its a bit a scratched up (hardly surprising since it a first generation. 4 gig model) but otherwise in fine working condition.

Since I’m an honest, kind-hearted person, I’m currently trying to find the original owner. Later that evening we made a post in the lost & found section of Craigslist, and I just made some signs that I’ll be posting around the neighborhood tomorrow. There is a name attached, but only a first name and there’s no other contact info (the person wasn’t using it to hold Address Book files), so I’m using knowledge of the playlist, as well as the name and color, as proof of validity. So I am giving it my best shot. But if I don’t hear from this person in the next two weeks… MK gets it.

- And earlier in the afternoon, I came across this site for a really creepy (and stupid looking) cosplay movie:

Yes, I know cosplay isn’t nearly as funny without morbidly obese white guys, but still…

- Got some holiday shopping done(I’m one Amazon order away from being completely done) and picked up a tree with my roommate during the day. Later in the evening we had a tree decorating party where a bunch of folks came over to, you guessed it, help dress up the tree (which I totally forgot to invite my friends to… I still feel stupid about that). Here’s a pic of the result:

Note that the Early Faggot Acupuncture is at the top, and the mess at the base (the cats just love messing with the string).

Once again, I super psyched for the holidays simply because I can finally celebrate it in a proper fashion. I’ve been in New York for about ten years and this is my very first Christmas tree during that whole time, plus back home my folks stopped bothering to pulling the plastic one out of storage for almost the same length of time as well.

- And later in the evening I went out to the city for a party being thrown by Gerry, a fellow PixelJumper and whom I hadn’t seen in a while. Sal, another PL-person was on hand, so it was really nice catching up. For those who are curious, I guess you could say PixelJump is somewhat in “hibernation” these days, with development now occurring on per client basis.

Afterwards, Jason came over to my place where I showed him the Patrick Stewart clip from Extras. Jason’s idea of making Sexy Cakes shirts (based on the classic SNL sketch) was once again brought up.

- BTW, as of late I’ve been getting back into the world toys, and I picked up a new designer piece while at Zakka Corp earlier in the afternoon. Here’s a pic of my current collection, not including my Transformer PVCs, my Nintendo related toys, and some of my bigger stuff:

And here’s a different, and bigger, pic.

- Mostly just chilled at home. Downloaded some game music, including the soundtrack to Bushido Blade which I’ve been trying to track down for literally years. Now if I can find rips from Xevious 3D+G, I can die a happy person.

- Poked around Insert Credit a small bit where I discovered yet another Micheal Jackson versus a bunch of old school Famicom games video. This one is pretty awesome since it also features Zangief (a la Street Fighter 2 fame) attempting to take on the entire planet Earth.

Also at the IC are some serious discussion surrounding sex and games, specifically boobs and games, where I discovered that in the old game Jurassic Park: Trespasser, you had to look down at your character’s breasts to check your health, which was represented by a heart tattoo. Never in the world of video games has something been both so brilliant and so retarded.

Plus a question came up, which needs to be asked: who do you think is hotter, Peach, staple character from the Mario universe and long-time squeeze, or Daisy, Mario’s one time fling and I guess Luigi’s girl for the moment?

- And as hard as I tried, I didn’t manage to beat Shadow of the Colossus; I’m still trying to make my way towards the last boss (I guess it didn’t help that the one before was particularity draining… it took almost an hour for me to figure out what to do and to then chip away at the big fucker). Maybe later tonight.

- This morning, I woke up to discover the following link sent by MK: a chance to own a piece of the greatest film of all time, TRON!!!

- And this also made me laugh.

- So I’ve been contacted by a publisher who’s interested in me writing a book about game design for them. There’s not much to say thus far… I suppose I should say much anyway as not to jinx the project, though I also know how book deals work: they come and go. I’ll pass along enough when (or if) they happen.

- Work has resumed on Spready Bear as of today. The plan right now is to have it public beta by the end of January. Will that happen? Time will tell…

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Mega Man Doesn’t Care About Black People

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

I decided to take a “mental health day” and call in sick from SVA, so I’m working at home trying to get stuff that I’ve put on the back-burner for far too long done and over with, which I’ll be doing weekend (along with getting and decorating the Christmas tree). I’m also going to try to beat Shadow of the Colossus this weekend, as well as try and get past the second boss in Recca: Summer Carnival ’92, plus do some drawing. Its also holiday party this season, so on Saturday night is the first one, at PixelJump HQ.

Anyway, real quick like:

- PSP Spot has revealed two new bosses for Mega Man Powered Up (Rockman-Rockman), the chibi-fied Mega Man 1 remake, and one of them is racist!

What you’re seeing is Timeman and Oilman, and anyone who might have noticed the latter’s lips may also be reminded of Japan’s love of tar baby jokes. Jesus Christ Japan…

- Today Insert Credit reported what I had a feeling was going to happen: Radirgy is DC bound. This makes it the latest “last game ever for the Dreamcast”, which I’m more than happy to hear over and over again.

- Meanwhile at the boards, someone’s pointed toward a fighting game in which you recover energy by taking pic of your opponent’s panties

… I was going to post this on the front page, but since I can’t translate Japanese, I don’t even know what its called. Once again, Jesus Christ Japan?

EDIT: Here’s the trailer.

- People doing “wacky” musical send-ups of Super Mario Bros at high school plays are pretty a dime a dozen at this point I know, but check this out: a Mega Man rock opera. They call themselves the Protomen and describe it as “Fisherspooner meets Andrew W.K. meets STYX meets The Faint.”

- Wrestlecrap, a site dedicated to all things stupid is wrestling, has decided to shift its attention to stupid wrestling games. It’s all about the twisty rockets.

- Meanwhile in the real world, I forgot to pass something that MK came across earlier in the week: a lesbo porn flick featuring the bad guy robots from Doctor Who. Simply awesome, especially the (NSFW) center image. Well, for anyone who still can’t figure out what to get me for a Xmas gift, now you know (since I’m such a big fan of robots and all, though I dig chicks that dig chicks as well).

- I also found out that Hot Topic is now selling Adventures of Pete & Pete, which makes me sorta angry. I know I’m a bit too old to bitch about the mainstream parlaying nerd culture, but it annoys me to no end. Besides, I love how my disdain for it was enough to turn a roomful of girls against me when I spoke about women in games at ICON earlier this year, and I was a on a purely pro-woman platform!

- Finally, one last game related thing: John has created a website for that zombie game that’s he creating that I saw a few weeks back; you can check out Nearly Departed here. I’m lucky enough to have seen it in action, and it looks pretty f’n hot!