
You Will Believe That A Hunk Of Iron Can Fly!

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

Time for some very quick random bits and pieces…

- Slonie passed this along earlier today: Sony’s been sending out guides to journalists on how to review their new game Lair properly. There’s only one real response to Sony’s latest faux pas: LOL.

Some might recall my Lair impressions a little while back, and I’ll be honest that I was somewhat easy on the game. Perhaps too easy? To be honest, it was on purpose; I was still trying to get ahold of a PS3 review unit and didn’t want to completely scare/piss Sony off. Basically, it was a very pretty game that was also rather frustrating to play, but one that was also incomplete and therefore had room for improvement. Though from what I gather, that didn’t happen with the finished product. So again, LOL.

- So I just got an email from Red Octane. After much back and forth, in the end, they simply do not want me to interview the guy that worked on Guitar Hero 2: Hacker’s Edition and who was hired to contribute to Guitar Hero 3. All I can say is that, while I can understand them not wanting to publicize how a hacker managed to get himself involved with the company in such an unorthdox manner (though it’s exactly how Ms. Pac Man came to be), I simply figured that such a piece would help to cement the upcoming sequel’s credibility (since there seems to be a certain degree of doubt, with Harmonix off working on Rock Band). Plus, I figured it would make an awesome read. Oh well…

Hopefully, I’ll be able to get ahold of Sonic the Wrestler for an interview with GSW instead.

- Speaking off, just found out that Claire Redfield is now a wrestler for ECW (along with Alice, which is Milla Jovovich’s character from the movies). Interesting…

- Oh, and the first trailer to the new Iron Man movie was officially went live online today (I’m assuming its the same trailer that made its debut behind closed doors at the San Diego Comic Con earlier this summer). And how is it? FUCKING AWESOME, THAT’S HOW.

UPDATE: In less than 12 hours, I think I’ve watched that trailer maybe 50 times thus far. The flying looks especially amazing, and you can tell that they’re ultra proud of it as well. Reminds me of Rocketeer… except even better!

  • http://www.vitaminsteve.com Steve!

    Don’t pay attention to that ECW thing. It’s just a way WWE has been doing media tie-ins for a while. In the past, they’ve listed Nacho Libre and 300′s King Leonidas as ‘superstars’, even though they never appeard on TV.

  • http://www.vitaminsteve.com Steve!

    oh, the San Diego Iron Man trailer was lightly longer, and therefore, more awesome.

    Oh, and according to Jon Favreau, all of the stuff of the older Iron Man costume is ALL PRACTICAL EFFECTS.


  • Slonie

    I’m gonna send out reviewers guides to all my produced work in the hypothetical future. Otherwise how will I insure that my critics “get it” ?

  • Slonie

    Oh yeah, Iron Man does look sweet. Saw the trailer during The Daily Show tonight. And I am a huge proponent of Robert Downey Jr. being in more things since Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

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