
The Last Golden Age of Animation, And Television In General: MTV Networks Cira 1989-1994

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

So this past weekend, Pat and I bonded quite a bit when we realized that, like many folks our age, we grew up on the same television shows. And as I mentioned to him, as well as to many other friends (plus on this site numerous times), television… specifically animation and comedy… never got much better than 1989-1994. That’s when sitcoms were still about wacky people in wacky situations that you glad you weren’t, but were still somewhat relatable and sympathetic, and totally unlike the pretty perfect people with problems that everyday folks are jealous for not having. And it’s also when cartoons were actually fun to wash: the animation was raw, but still very tight, and the writing was actually written and not just an overload of lazy pop cultural references. Among many other things.

I could go on, but instead, I’ll simply pass along what made me think of the “good old days” this morning, which is this thread from Insert Credit on the golden age of MTV. My comments are near the bottom. It’s hardly anything new to my friends, but if you too are in your late 20′s, was a TV junkie, and feel that pretty much everything today is crap, you might agree with some it.

Man, do I ever miss HA! The First TV Comedy Network…

And seriously MTV, where the fuck is the Maxx DVD set?

  • phooky

    It’s important to recognize that when people bemoan the “golden age” of MTV or TBS or whatever, they’re really just bitching about television’s continuing inability to make them thirteen years old again. I already can hear the clamor of future twentysomethings bemoaning the lack of availability of Aqua Teen Hunger Force in a format that they can physically insert directly into their dumb fucking skulls.

    For me, television reached its apotheosis in Max Headroom. Anything else it can give me is pure gravy.

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Point well taken…

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