attract mode archives

The following post originally appeared on, on August 24, 2012.

We are now t-minus one day & one week away from VERSUS! So I figured now might be a good time to share just a taste of the amazing artwork that has been steadily trickling in.

Though you may have seen a few of the following already, since they’ve been blowin’ up all over the place, especially Tumblr.

Like Kyle Fewell‘s jaw-dropping Dark Souls X Studio Ghibli piece, above, which was also recently highlighted by Kotaku.

You also have Daniel Dussault:

Mikko Walamies:

Kris Mukai:

Hilary Florido:

Jude Buffum:

Zac Gorman:


Stephanie Hans:

Campbell Whyte:

Jovo Ve:

Steve Courtney:

Lindsay Collins:

Ashley Davis:

Maré Odomo:

Jon Kay:

Farel Dalrymple:

And remember, there’s more where that came from, and pretty much everything (with the exception of just one piece) will be available for purchase at the event, albeit in limited quantities.

Any prints that are left over will be available online shortly afterward, for those of you who cannot make it to the party. But those who can, also please not that we have a second musical guest for the evening: underground hip-hop sensation Mega Ran!

And for those who will be in Seattle and were not able to score PAX passes, no worries; VERSUS is open to the public. We’ll have “tickets” for sale at booth the Fangamer booth and at the door.

For more info, and to RSVP, check out the Facebook event page. You’ll also find even more artwork there as well.

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The following post originally appeared on, on August 24, 2012.

Ultra obscure, Japanese PSone titles are my jam, but they’re becoming increasingly scarce. For instance, pretty much everyone knows about LSD these days (okay, maybe not everyone, but you know what I mean).

So thank goodness for Tokyo Scum Brigade. It has long been a favorite corner of the web, for those of us who love Japan’s extremely weird side. The kind that makes dakimakuras and dollfie dreams look positively pedestrian.

You’ll find everything you need to know about horror manga (in addition to Blip Tokyo, I also need to get my ass to Japan for Umezz Carnival). As well as reviews of trendy bars in Shibuya (specifically ones that get Resident Evil makeovers on occasion).

But by far their best game related post is their most recent: it’s all about a pinball game made by a visual effects artist that’s a God among gore hounds.

You should also add the Same Hat Tumblr to your RSS reader while you’re at it. It’s where Ryan Sands (unquestionably the driving force behind the zine renaissance AND popularizing underground manga in recent years) and friends post random goodies.

Like an early 90′s PC game being used as a source of inspiration for a mash-up involving a song that some might recognize from Silence of the Lambs and footage from a 70s flick that details how harsh those Russian winters can be. I think?

The following is not for the feint of heart. And was originally posted in January of this year. Been waiting ages to share this!

[This video that was originally embedded here was removed from YouTube.]

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The following post originally appeared on, on August 15, 2012.

A friend recently asked about one of the Instragram pictures I posted last week (the one with the CD). I then realized that not everyone is necessarily familiar with Sakamoto Kyoju, aka Prof. Sakamoto. So I’m here to fix that.

I honestly don’t know all that much about the guy, other than his ability to tap into the sounds of classic 8-bit games, in a way that’s wholly unique to Japanese chiptuners. Plus how he wears a Famicom strapped to his head. See for yourself, via his YouTube channel.

BTW, here’s another favorite video of his, a single from the aforementioned album, SKMT…

I don’t think he’s ever graced the stage of Blip Festival Tokyo, at least not yet; hopefully he’ll be part of this year’s installment; the line-up, far as I know, has yet to be revealed. But even if he’s not, I still need to go. Especially after the bad news 8bitpeople broke recently.

Blip Tokyo 2k12 will be “the last installment of the Blip Festival event series for the foreseeable future” according to festival co-founder and co-organizer Bit Shifter.

Reason cited? Basically, everyone behind the scenes is in desperate need of rest, and they absolutely, most definitely deserve one. Still, it’s a bummer to know that there won’t be a Blip New York 2k13 (at least for now). Hey, at least we still have Pulsewave!

Anyhow, in other, more positive news, the dynamic duo known as George & Jonathan is cooking something up called Staggering Beauty. Expect good things. Though that epilepsy warning should be taken VERY seriously.

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