
“Sucking dicks in 06!”

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

… That’s what the Evite said to Hollis and Stephy’s New Year’s Eve party. Hollis btw is that girl with the Mac that needed assistance, and who hooked me up with a big bottle of her family bourbon as a thank you, so not surprisingly, there was plenty of booze on hand. MK & I didn’t stay long (though it was enough for MK to get nice and loaded), because the main event was the big bash organized by Joe, and thrown at the Brothers Brett’s place.

Aside from ringing in the new year, it was a going away party for Rod who’s leaving for California to work for the video game industry. I actually owe quite a bit to Rod, since he’s the guy that introduced me to, among other things, the emulation and warez scenes back in ’99, and basically held my hand as I made my first steps into the wild world of true diehard gaming. I’ve played some crazy, bizarre, amazing, and downright insane stuff over the years, much of which even the most dedicated, self-rightious gamers, the one’s that constantly claim to be in the know have absolutely no knowledge about, and its all because of Rod. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have such gems in my collection as Lack of Love, Internal Section, Geppy X, and Love Love 2, nor would I have been one of the first persons in North America at the time to play Rez. Rod is not only a true blue, walking, talking encyclopedia of video game-dom (who puts everyone else to complete shame), but he’s also seriously one of the nicest, most pleasant guys you’ll ever meet (hence why I can’t stand most gamers, because Rod has proven that you can be really into games and not have to be some annoying douchebag about it). The guy will be missed.

Anyhow, to celebrate the occasions, I got really smashed, as did almost everyone that night. But, that’s what New Year’s Eve is all about, plus I (thankfully) didn’t get sick, so its all good. And of course, I took plenty of pictures, but I don’t think I’ll be posting any, since I wouldn’t want to embarrass anyone (especially myself).

The rest of the first day of 06 was spent recovering from the night before, which equated to MK & I spending the entire day sitting in bed and watching Futurama season 4 on DVD, which has to go down as one of the greatest seasons in all of television history. Seriously, what the fuck is up with Fox? How the hell does stuff like Futurama and Arrested Development slip away while tripe like The War at Home and (I’m sorry, but) Family Guy get the green light?

Anyway, the vacation is over with, and I’m back at work now. The time for rest, however fleeting, was good…. even though I didn’t play nearly as many games as I would have, nor did I fuck around online that much (though I did find time to check out some awesome Japanese music vides, which I’ll pass links to a bit later), but I did get to catch up on some comics and DVDs, and got some much neglected work done.

This week is gonna be killer: there’s already a ton to do. Its finally time to kick start a few new projects for the new year (and to reboot one that’s been perennially work in progress). At least this weekend will afford me the chance to properly blow some steam off, by shooting some guns! I’ll be heading to Delaware on Saturday for Andy’s birthday, which will be spent at a shooting range. Then on Sunday is another insert credit-NYC meet-up.

Oh, and since a few people have asked, I guess I’ll just say it now: my pick for game of the year? Shadow of the Colossus, duh!

  • http://www.angelfire.com/ny4/timkelly19/ Tim Kelly

    I don’t think Fox owns Futurama 100% the way they do with the Simpsons, therefore they didn’t promote it as heavily as their other shows. Which is a shame, because it’s probably the most original prime-time animated sitcom in years. Although Billy West did say in the Onion that there might be a straight-to-video Futurama movie, followed by more episodes.

  • Westacular

    Yeah. Fox doesn’t own Futurama, which meant they didn’t care if it failed (because they wouldn’t be making *that* much money if it succeeded), and they treated it like absolute crap. Far worse than Arrested Development, even.

    Personally, most of my favourite episodes are in Season 3, but the fourth has some gems of its own. I’m happy that they were able to bring things full-circle before being cancelled — even though the cancellation was actually Fox saying “we’ve preempted the show for football SO MANY GODDAMN TIMES that we’ve got an entire season’s worth of shows still unaired!”, which they finally let slip in August without promotion. Yeah.

    The commentaries are great — casual, fun, revealing, and one for every episode. The commentary on the third episode of the first season, “I, Roommate”, really says it all with what happened to the show. When early in production they got all sorts of inconsistent, self-contradicting notes from Fox worrying that it was too “spacey” or unrelatable and that viewers wouldn’t be able to follow. So for this episode they decided to give them want it seemed they wanted — a very down-to-earth, sitcomy story. And Fox’s response was “worst. episode. ever.”

    At which point Matt Groening, David Cohen, and company pretty much said “Screw you”, and went off and just made the show they wanted to make. And it was wonderful.

    The way the television business is these days, there’s an obscene amount of money being made with DVD sales. Enough that from a financial perspective, the broadcasts are like just a big advertisement for the inevitable DVD. Seriously. Of course, in very general terms — things like Firefly, Futurama, and Arrested Development are notable exceptions — the more popular the show is on the air, the better DVD sales. Profits of these sales go to the production company, not the broadcast network. So if the two are the same, and the network actually owns the show, … well there’s a much greater incentive for the network to try and make that show a success over a show that’s made by someone else.

  • http://www.gamebunker.com Arluss

    Hey, speaking of Futurama voice actors has anyone watched Comic Book: The Movie?

    It isn’t exactly the best film in the world, but it is cute and entertaining.

    As for Futurama, I still need to get the boxed DVD sets. =/

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Regarding the commentaries, they’ve obviously the selling point for any DVD”Jesus, I can’t believe the show looks good!” to any of the show’s 3D effects (and he’s right… its also one of the most consistently good looking animated shows ever from a major network… even some of the best episodes from the Simpsons had something spotty animation).

    Regarding the possible movie and maybe more episodes, I too have heard this, but I ain’t holding my breath. Though I secretly hope that the reason why Matt Groening hasn’t pulled the plug from the Simpsons (which, dear God, really needs it) is to save up money for future Futurama stuff.

    And regarding Comic Book: The Movie, no I haven’t seen it, but if they’re featured, I will most definitely check them out. I actually saw the cast live at the San Deigo Con a few years back, right before they were cancelled (or maybe just after). They were a pretty fine (and every funny) bunch.

  • http://www.angelfire.com/ny4/timkelly19/ Tim Kelly

    A Future for Futurama?

    By: Ryan Ball

    What?s good for the Family Guy is good for Fry. DVD sales of FOX?s canned primetime toon, Futurama, reportedly have network execs considering a revival of the Emmy-winning sci-fi comedy series from Simpsons creator Matt Groening and scribe David X. Cohen.

    Daily Variety reports that FOX has begun discussions of producing a limited number of new Futurama episodes. The rumor mill is also abuzz with the possibility of a direct-to-DVD feature a la Family Guy Presents Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story.

    Futurama centers on Fry (Billy West), a pizza delivery boy who is accidentally cryogenically frozen and thawed out a thousand years later to find himself a fish out of water in a futuristic society. Having joined up with an intergalactic delivery service, he travels the galaxy and gets into wacky adventures with a rag-tag crew of bizarre characters.

    The show lasted five seasons on FOX and picked up three Emmys, including Best Animated Series of 2002. Following its cancellation in 2003, it was picked up in reruns on Cartoon Network, where it has been enjoying a successful run during the broadcasters late-night block, [adult swim]. When that contract expires in Dec. of 2007, exclusive rights to the re-broadcasts will go to Comedy Central, which is shelling out $400,000 per episode. It is not yet known which network will get the new episodes should Fox Television put them into production.

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Yeah, I heard this from Jeff Rovin last night. This is certainly awesome news!

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