
The Fangamer Podcast

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

I’ll be appearing on the Fangamer Podcast, along with my partner in crime Adam Robezzoli, to discuss everything Attract Mode, where we’ve been and where we’re headed. Along with details regarding our newfound partnership with Fangamer, naturally!

Also, we’ll be chitchatting about games in general, plus answering questions live! To take part and watch the recording as it happens, simply hit the live stream, starting 1PM Easter/10AM Pacific. Or just wait for the final product when it goes live shortly afterward!

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PAX Prime 2011

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

It’s been almost a year, so perhaps it’s time I paid Seattle, aka my pre-NYC stomping grounds, a return visit. Especially since that’s when this year’s PAX Prime is going down!

Though this year show’s is going to EPIC for reasons that, I’m afraid, I can’t get into for the time being. Sorry! It’s basically a surprise, so stay tuned…

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GameSetWatch 2.0

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

Today marks the beginning of GameSetWatch 2.0, the revamping of what was already the web’s finest alternative gaming news and culture blog. The first step includes an increasing in reporting, so I am very proud to announce that I am now one of the new full-time editors for the site!

I’ll basically be offering all the wacky, off-beat gaming goodness that’s made my blog somewhat stand out over the years to a whole new (and much wider) audience! At least the SFW stuff. Simply keep your eyes on (now more so than ever) GSW.

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