
Just Dropping In…

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

Not too much to report. Been mostly working, which I can’t really talk about it cuz, once again, NDAs and the such.

Anyway, today’s Valentine’s, which is I usually try not to harp about too much, even though I have a girlfriend and all, since I know that it can be a lame-o of a day for those that are single. But I’m also a romantic at heart, or so I’d like to think, hence why I don’t mind passing along public displays of affection if they are at least neat, like this Valentine’s Day card that Matthew Bernier passed along this morning.

… I’m sure that there’s some new, awesome game related V-day card floating around, but again, been a bit too busy to really look around…

Speaking of, Valentine’s Day means that Chulip finally (or at least supposedly) comes out. For those who don’t know, or can’t remember (and I couldn’t blame anyone for that), its the kissing RPG that Natsume has been supposed to release for years now. I actually gave up on a while back since I was so sick of all the waiting, and simply did not want to give a shit, but I ended up pre-ordering my copy last night (even though I am still less than thrilled that its original $15 price tag ballooned up to $30).

Though what I haven’t gotten even though I said I would, and probably won’t, is Last Hope for the Dreamcast. It?s been out for a short while, but the word is that the shmup for Germany I believe pretty mediocre. Most complains center on how it?s hard to play due to muddy colors and sprites. And everyone feels pretty sorry for the “suckers” that paid $500 for the original Neo Geo cart. Oh well? at least there’s still Karous and Trigger Heart Exelica. Plus, there’s the recently announced sequel to Trizeal, called Exzeal, coming out in the arcades, and if the platform is NAOMI, then we could have another “okay, this time for real, its the very last Dreamcast game ever”. Provided Sega hasn’t already pulled the plug on all those GD-ROM burners.

There’s actually been quite a bit of shmup news as of late. At the Something Awful forums, there’s now a rumor that Ikaruga might be Xbox Live Arcade-bound. Interesting… though I’d still much rather get Radiant Silvergun.

Meanwhile, over at Select Button, someone posted a link to that French shmup documentary, along with subtitles which I’ve been looking for forever! Then there’s this other game called Edomae, that I know nothing about other than it’s the “spiritual sequel to Viewpoint” and by the looks of it, I have to agree…

And I might be grabbing the Japanese Metal Slug collection for the PSP because of the box art alone.

Oh, and on a unrelated note, there’s a new publisher called Gamecock. Wow… I really am out of touch with things…

  • Job



    *cries at the amount of farking farming games and fishing games that will make it out before Chulip ever does*

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Are you fucking serious? Come on now…

  • http://www.dmauro.com dmauro

    XBLA Ikaruga has been confirmed. And yeah, I’d rather see RSG, although then I would have to actually buy some XBL points which would be annoying.

  • http://www.dmauro.com dmauro

    I take that back, the source of the confirmation was Joystick. Of course Joystick didn’t bother to confirm it anymore than I did, and it’s still just a rumour.

  • http://lj.slonie.com Slonie

    That Viewpoint-like game looks shit-hot!

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