
I Walked Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Orpah: New York Comic Con & Super Week 2014 Part 3

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

Time for yet another massive helping of cosplay from NYCC 2014; the initial batch concentrated on mostly guy and gals from the world of comics, so time to move onto memorable faces from the silver screen. And what better place than the New York Comic Con for the Warriors to have a truce with the Baseball Furies?

Kid Miyagi…

Among women, Hunger Games was perhaps the most popular subject to draw cosplay from this year…

It’s Police Constable Nicholas Angel!

And not much else to say about Moaning Myrtle either here, other than she’s awesome…

Yet another excellent use of props, a Lone Starr (from Spaceballs) cosplayer who had a little friend with him…

Seen a few AT-ATs in my time, but never seem a guy cosplaying as a TIE Interceptor before…

Joel and the bots… or is that Mike? It’s too dark to tell…

And speaking of puppets… actually a Muppet…

My fave basketball player, Prince…

The one and only, Jerry Only…

Gender-bending Wayne & Garth are… say it with me… excellent!

The couple that cosplays Trailer Park Boys together, stays together…

Easily the most obscure cosplay of the weekend was this twosome tapping into Pushing Daisies

Xena! Sans Gabrielle, who was the one I had the major crush on, not the Warrior Princess… but still!

And… 2 characters from Game Of Thrones. Don’t know their names; still haven’t watched the show, but once I’m done with True Detective, it’s next…

Who doesn’t love Zedd & Rita? Except the Power Rangers, of course…

Gender swapped April O’Neil and Shredder…

And April once again, getting totally what she deserves…

It’s a match made in heaven: TNNT X Breaking Bad

Hey, it’s the whole gang! The Scooby Gang to exact, and I’m not talking about Buffy’s…

Here we have a sorta nervous looking Dr. Mrs. The Monarch…

And a sorta nervous looking Jem…

Along with another Jem, whose hair is particularly impressive. Dare I say it’s also outrageous! Truly, truly, truly outrageous…

No goofy rubber mask for this Skeletor cosplayer…

He-Man cosplayers, but no He-Man. Though I always liked Ram Man better anyway, so no complaints here…

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more obscure, here comes a Johnny Bravo cosplayer…

… And them, less than five minutes after that, some Fairly OddParents cosplayers!

My childhood hero, Powdered Toast Man…

So right under Katniss, the second most popular character among female cosplayer at this year’s shindig would have to be Tina Belcher…

Bendin’ ain’t easy…

Finally, what I originally thought was a Pink Floyd reference was actually cosplay inspired by Pixar…

… K, that’s all for now. Though once again, there’s a whole lot more to come!

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