June 2009


“If that was real, it would be such a tragedy!”

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

So instead of my very first New York Asian Film Fest report, since I’ve only seen two movies thus far, and I like to wait till I have a million things to talk about before filing a report, how about another post filled to the brim with gaming news and nonsense? But first, the weekend, starting with yesterday…

A Story About A Vampire, Finger-Banging A Japanese Woman, Or Something Like That

So the zine show at the Ding Dong Lounge was… interesting. To be honest, I kinda feel bad for complaining, especially since there’s really wasn’t much to bitch in the grand scheme of things; to begin with, both Katie and I had zero expectations going in, given how unpublicized the entire affair was, neither of us were expecting a mint. Plus after MoCCA, we both wanted something far more laid back and less pressure sensitive, which we certainly got. The tables were absolutely dirt cheap, which also lessened any pressure, plus there was free booze and bagels. And the girl running the entire thing was nice as could be.

The entire affair could be best summed up as this tiny little thing run by a similarly modest and seemingly tight-knit community, more or less for themselves it felt like, that myself and Katie along with our friend Jenny, total strangers, were somewhat crashing. It was by far the smallest show I’ve both attended and participated in; there were only six tables selling stuff in total by my count, and when you exclude both me and Katie’s set-up as well as Jenny’s, that means a grand total of four, with everyone else appearing to be good pals, so the vibe on that end was definitely on the weird side. At least Katie and I had the coolest table!

The three of us had zero idea how publicized the event was, though going in we had this sneaking suspicion that it basically wasn’t, which was later confirmed by the extremely low amount of attendees. As in virtually none. Though the primary issue was how it echoed the punk rock mini comic shows that used to run (and perhaps still do), which tried to combine comics and live performances to poor effect. Yet instead of blaring loud music in a tight confined space, which was fine if you’re there to enjoy the music, but which made both selling and checking out comics, primarily interacting with either artists or customers whatever the case may be, just flat out annoying, here we had assorted folks reciting poetry and short stories. And not to be a douchebag, but a lot of it was flat-out awful.

Things kicked off with a pair of ultra uptight feminists, and it was funny how Jenny noted that she was invited to attend something similar at that same time, to hear a bunch of Latino women talk about their day to day affairs, such as preparing food, meaning stories about rice and beans, and here she was instead, hearing about… how to eat quail. Along with numerous issues and problems that only white people could possibly related to. Surprisingly, only one of the two bitched about their mothers. And not just these two dames, but practically everyone on stage that afternoon was able to convey to the rest world how little they get laid by how hard and heavy they emphasized any word that had anything to do with sex. But the lowest part was how for whatever reason, a mom and dad came showed up with their eight year old kid, and around that time one of the chicks starting going into her boring sexual exploits, and the parents immediately made their exit.

Not all of the acts were totally wretched, thankfully. There was this dude whose an art teacher in the Bronx that put on a puppet show based on anecdotes from the job and that was pretty cool. The puppets themselves were actually nicely rendered illustrations done in black & white, and then made into paper cut outs, but they still had a good degree of motion. Also the accompanying set was pretty fab; unfortunately, couldn’t take a pic of anything since the stage was dark, the puppets themselves were pretty small, plus I think my camera is dying. Then there was this other dude who told a story, but it was a work of fiction, about a wannabe vampire who finger-bangs some middle aged Japanese divorcee that he finds on Craigslist, or something. To be honest, I couldn’t really follow along, but because the dude telling it wasn’t at all pretentious like his fellow storytellers, plus he had a pretty neat looking cowboy hat (also, he bought stuff from us), I didn’t mind.

But then you had this “collective” in which one guy would tell a story and another guy provided a soundtrack (or a “soundscape”; I never actually heard that term being used, but they totally seemed the type to throw such terms around) with a theremin, which would have been cool if not for the fact that instead of the generic theremin hum it was programmed to play annoy crowd sounds at even more annoying frequencies. The first of two speakers had a tall tale about a Russian woman going to a job interview with a chainsaw, and it’s amazing how such a premise that’s ripe with potential could end up so mind-meltingly boring. The second one I couldn’t understand because he literally had the mic in his mouth while he spoke, and in the ensuing headache from the feedback was both me and Katie’s signal to get the hell out of dodge. This was near the end of the show, but with almost two hours left, a part of me was afraid that we’d be missing out on some last minute influx of people, though Jenny who stayed behind noted that nothing of the like occurred. Then again, she left only twenty minutes afterward; her final Tweet from the show was, “Reader used phrase ‘escape my privilege’. I’m outta here.” So yeah, that’s more or less it. Wish I could say more, but there honestly wasn’t much else. Show kinda blew, but once again, it didn’t cost us hardly nuthin. Besides, it’s always been about this weekend’s zine fest in Brooklyn anyhow.

Afterwards was a trip downtown, to the ITM Lounge in SoHo, for the opening reception of Joe Simko’s one-man show!

… Unfortunately, Katie and I couldn’t stick around too long; the day before she wasn’t feeling so hot and was still trying to recover, while I myself had only three hours of sleep the night before. Which meant missing out on most the musical performances, including Deth Race. Bummer.

Hey, I Actually Like Grand Theft Auto 4 Now! Somewhat

The day before, Saturday, was the Mermaid Parade, but didn’t go due to the crap weather. Actually, it wasn’t all that horrible, but just didn’t feel like taking that risk of getting on the train while there’s only a light drizzle out, and then arrive in Coney Island an over later with a full-on tornado all of a sudden going on. Plus, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey was involved this year, and can’t say I’m a big fan of that. Yes, I’ve heard that they’ve really stepped up with their treatment of wild animals and all, but whatever.

Instead, just stayed at home (no else felt like leaving their houses that day either) and played a much of games. My copy of Flower, Sun, and Rain arrived the day before, courtesy of XSEED, so kept me busy in the morning. Came at a good time too; needed a break from Ghostbusters for the 360, which for whatever reason hasn’t been clicking with me. Among other things… it’s not very funny. A related issue is the wonky visuals; just not a fan of the graphics nor the animation, which clearly aren’t up to snuff for rendering Bill Murray and company, which in turn kills much of the comedic performances. But I’m still early into things, so gonna reserve final judgment till a bit later on, though games generally start out super polished and become progressively rougher around the edges, never the other way around.

Then you had the OutRun Online session later that evening, with literally half the time spent on trying to figure out how to host a game so my pal Rob in California and I could play together. I thought this stuff was supposed to be simple? Afterwards was some Burnout Paradise; I really dig Big Surf Island because it’s tight and confined, whereas its far too easy to get lost in the main game, though I still find myself going into showtime mode whenever I get bored, plus it’s the only thing I’m actually good at in the game. Katie thinks it’s hilarious, yet the spectacle of it all still managed to illicit the quote at the very top. She does have a point there.

Also, believe it or not, had a grand old time with Grand Theft Auto 4 the night before, courtesy of Dave Maruo; it would seem the only way to really play the game is with a pal online, but with no other players or cops to get in the way. Bonuses include lots of awesome firepower being readily available, along with the best cars, plus Manhattan is easily accessible. We blew almost an hour trying to create a gigantic car pile in the middle of Time Square for a gigantic chain react explosion via rocket launchers. So yeah, just another Friday night.

Oh, finally gave Virtual On Marz a spin; recently got a brand new PS2 modded and been running it through its paces by firing up assorted domestic, imported… and yes, bootleg… PSone and PS2 titles, including that one. Got the game maybe three of four years ago, but never actually got around to checking it out till this very weekend! And it does indeed suck as much as everyone has said it does. Goes nothing it going to beat the Sega Saturn version. There’s also a few others that I wanted to talk about, but can’t think of them at the moment, so moving on…

Shia LaBeouf Hates People Who Like The Wii

When was the last time I went over a bunch of random game related items for those who might have missed them? Feels like ages. Again, it’s sure to be old news for most, though I’m confident some of it will be new to somebody out there…

- One of the biggest news items from the last week was Activision’s head honcho telling Sony that either the price of the PS3 is dropped or they stop making games for it. Needless to say, Sony is rather non-plussed by such a demand.

Some feel that such a move would be reminiscent of EA’s refusal to support the Dreamcast, which is believed it be one primary reason why that platform died prematurely. Interesting analogy, but the video game world of today is quite different from back then; EA was one of the few software powerhouses as the time, and their Madden was easily one of the hottest things going at the time… still is today, though there’s plenty of others out there. Meanwhile, Activision is just one of many big time publishers, and their ace in hole, Guitar Hero, is not exactly on fire these days.

The real funny this is how it’s actually one of the least douchiest Activision-related headlines as of late. Aside from all the retarded sounding Guitar Hero spin-offs that they plan of flooding the market with, there’s them suing Double Fine to prevent the release of Br?tal Legend. And to a lesser extent, their assertion that people are not interested in a game based on Generation One Transformers. Yet people are willing to buy Guitar Hero Van Halen, filled with Weezer songs? Give me a break. But yeah, they’re definitely up there on my list of game companies that I wish would just disappear or something.

- Meanwhile, one guy at MS says there’s gonna be a new console, and another guy says no. Eh, if it happens, it happens. Again, totally not thrilled about it, but the time for such an announcement is now, especially for MS who technically has every reason to: their current console is the oldest on the block, plus they have this hot “new” technology to exploit. I just wonder if I’ll get the Xbox 720 before or after I get a PS3?

- Not nearly as big, but noteworthy nonetheless in my book: Nintendo for whatever stupid reason is is pulling the plug for posting screenshots, replays, and custom maps in Super Smash Bros Brawl at the end of this month. Huh? Then again, this is Nintendo we’re talking about. It’s clear as day to anyone… especially Brawl players out there… that they clearly do not care about online play. What a shame indeed. I wonder how many people even bother with online Brawling in the first place?

- And in not so nearly as bad news, a new Tingle game is on the way! Sweet. No idea what it’s gonna be just yet… maybe another RPG? Will it actually come out in America this time? Will one have to import the European version? Will there be a European version at least? That’s the questions I want to ask the fortuneteller on the teaser site.

- Speaking of Nintendo, Raina Lee passed this one along, mostly for the zine, since she knows that I’m into brilliant and heinous examples of video game fashion. Hipster-dipster Brooklynites plus Mario equals

… Reminds me of this but even lamer. EDIT: Here’s some more, for anyone that’s interested. I’m a big fan of sexy ladies, not just in the flesh, but in video games, and even like it when they merge, such as in cosplay. But I find burlesque in general to be… not my cup of tea.

- Sticking with hipsters and video games, though I’m guessing unintentionally, comes this

- Meanwhile, when it comes to video game themed shoes, these Galaga kicks are not so bad in my book

- As for this week, thus far the big news is how Grand Theft Auto’s Chinatown Wars, which was supposed to be this big DS exclusive, is being ported to the PSP. Hey, I thought the whole reason for leaving the PSP in the first place was because prior installments for over there were such huge bombs?

- And this week’s biggest non-news item, and back to Transformers for a sec, has to be Shia LaBeouf, who is starting to get up there on everyone’s top ten list of annoying and arrogant young Hollywood hot-shot that would just OD and die already, and his opinions of the Wii…

Q: “What’s wrong with the Wii?”
A: “This is how in a simple way you can find out if it’s a gamer you want to play with. Ask them if they have a Wii. If they say yes, get the f*** out of there.”

The rest of the interview provides further insight when it comes to his video game tastes. He also really likes Godfather 2. The video game. I can’t believe I used to find that kid entertaining. I also can’t believe that out of anyone from Even Stevens, he’s the guy who makes it big. There is no God.

- Guess which game has been officially classified as a bomb? The Bionic Commando revival, that’s what. The reason? I actually completely agree with Kotaku’s assessment that it was mostly the absolutely horrid demo’s fault. I too was all excited to learn how this crazy new beast would perform, and next thing you know, I’m in the middle of this multiplayer melee with absolutely zero idea what I’m doing, nor any advice to get started.

It was actually pretty high on my list of games to play the first chance I got, but it also came out at a bad time for me (and Capcom never passed along a copy either). Will get it eventually, if only for the Mike Patton fan in me.

- Metal Gear Online recently got an update, giving gamers lots of tits to play around with. It goes without say that Sankaku Complex is all over this news.

- They were also the first to reveal that Dream Club will prominently feature groping

- Related: Tiny Cartridge points out that some Star Radish footage is available in the latest trailer for Doki Majo Plus. Though I still can’t figure out if Eric is truly disgusted with the primary game’s little girl groping or is just trying to look dignified.

- Also on that note, another major story item that actually broke weeks ago, while I was too wrapped up with the Connecticut Film Fest and MoCCA to address in a timely manner, was how “rape games” have officially been banned in Japan. Once again, I realize I risk looking like a gigantic creep for stating the following, but this is pretty wrong. Sorry, but please refer to me any proof that a video game could possibly lead any sane person to rape another human being. And even if you can, I’ll probably quickly dismiss it since there’s a report to prove and support any point.

Yet it’s still business as usual, though certain parties are making necessary adjustments to avoid the law; my favorite example of this would have to be Gang Raped By The Entire Village/Girls Covered In Milky Liquid… now henceforth know as The Trap Set By The Entire Village/Bodies Covered In Milky Liquid.

- Those crazy kids at Something Awful are at it again, this time with fake title screens NES games based on B movies from its time

… I’m kinda shocked there was never a Howard the Duck game. After all, there was one for Hudson Hawk.

- I really, really, REALLY wished I was in LA last weekend. Why? To play the new J. Otto Seibold game, of course…

- Also pissed that I missed out on The Autumn Society’s 80s Pop Show, which took place earlier this month in Philly (which I could have totally made), due to assorted game centric pieces like this…

- At least here in NYC, we have X Initiative?s No Soul for Sale, which is set to feature a one night only arcade featuring games like Sexy Hiking, The Thrill of Combat, and something new from the always awesome Cactus! Hopefully my camera might be somewhat useful that evening.

- Then later this weekend is the opening for a solo show centered on the work of the noted 8-bit-guerrilla artist from France, Invader. But instead of just focusing on his Space Invaders-themed pieces, it’s supposed to cover his use of blocks as a whole, which he calls Rubickubism. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend since I’ll be in the midst of the New York Asian Film Festival, but hopefully I’ll be able to convince Dave to check it out and file a report!

- Meanwhile in Japan, there’s an exhibition going on called The Death of Mario. I’m unable to find many images, but at least the show’s poster is pretty neat..

- Since we’re here already, may as well spend a little extra time over at Offworld; as noted in the past, Brandon’s constantly striving to be the ultimate go-to guy for every single wacky Super Mario mod out there, so here we have Super Mario played with a theremin. Though I have to wonder how this is any different than using the U-Force.

- It’s also the best place for ultra hip, video game-y music vids, like this one.

- Hey, it’s a really old Game Boy commercial featuring a bunch of folks from The State/Viva Variety/Reno 911/Wet Hot American Summer/Stella? On a side note, thank God MTV is finally releasing The State on DVD!

- Check out this amazing Ninja Gaiden papercraft!

- Brandon was naturally the very first one to pass word of Reset Generation finally becoming available on the Mac, since he’s the biggest…. and only fan of the title I personally know of. The concept is pretty interesting, and is the execution, but… still not my kind of game.

- Seriously, there’s going to be a Lars Von Trier video game?

- This one guy’s attempt at uncovering the meanings behind the names of famous game characters is pretty interesting, but seriously, anyone above the age of 30 needs zero help figuring out who the Koopa Kids were based on…

- Mentioned it over at Life Meter just the other day, and I’ll bring it up once again, since it’s so damn awesome; here we have Post 217 as rendered by Edison Yan

- Hey, remember a while back when I mentioned that PS3 owners were getting their news delivered by Evangelion?s Misato Katsuragi? Well here’s what it looks like.

- Want to know whom I’m a fan of? The all female anime and manga group CLAMP. Not a cary carrying member of their fan club, but I was a big fan of Card Captor Sakura (is that any real surprise, huh?), hence why news that they’ll be designing special costumes for the home version of Tekken 6 doesn’t fill my mouth with the taste of bile!

- Despite the fact that I am not LittleBigPlanet’s number one fan (seriously, one of the most overrated games of this generation), I must admit that the Shadow of Colossus DLC that just came out looks might cute…

The trailer makes it awfully inviting, but I know damn well that it will be frustrating to play.

- And on the subject of Shadow of Colossus, if you’re a fan of the beautiful art of the game, here we have an online repository or pretty much EVRYTHING. Including… the card game?

- A new trailer for Katamari Tribute was recently introduced. Aside from being the best look at the game thus far, which has to make even the most jaded Katamari fan out there interested, it also provided our very first decent taste of the remixed soundtrack. And just earlier today, via the PlayStation Blog, comes a few words from Yuu Miyake, the sound director for the game (as well as the dude behind some of my fave tracks from the entire series) and a closer listen to two of the title’s tracks, including one from YMCK. It still makes no sense to me that there’s no 8-bit visual filter, but whatever. Maybe they tried it and it didn’t work?

- Also on the PS3, something semi-interesting finally went down over the weekend at PlayStation Home

.. lol.

- If you’re an art school and you want to attract gamers, take a page from Tokyo Zokei University’s book and target Earthbound/Mother nerds

- Want to know what’s even sexier than the tall, leggy blonde lead in Bayonetta? Her guns.

- This has been slowly making the rounds all over the place: a blog about two homeless people in the world of The Sims 3. As much as I shouldn’t admit this, but I generally roll my eyes at 99% at similar projects at this point… sorry, but covering the gaming academia beat here in NYC for the past couple of years has made me, among many other things, extremely jaded on that end. But this one is actually pretty fascinating stuff!

- Brand new, almost guaranteed to be crappy video game movie on the horizon alert: the Asian dude in Heroes has an idea for a movie involving kids from around the world who play a MMO getting together to save the world or something. Actually, that’s not the worst idea in the world, certainly tighter than the concept for a television show that I was helping to develop a couple of years ago. Guess it wouldn’t hurt to spill the beans on that one at last… especially since I basically walked away from the project. Perhaps it’s in my best interest to detail the concept online, since the whole thing was so informal, meaning nothing official was signed. So if it ever does make it on the air, I have no real proof of working on the damn thing. But next time.

Moving on, the upcoming live action rendition of King of Fighters keeps looking like the dumbest thing ever

- I can’t believe that Hori is actually producing Twin Sticks for Virtual On 360…

… Best part is how it’s gonna cost $300! Is that still cheaper than finding ones for the Saturn and DC and a USB adapter? Is the game really that popular in Japan? I’d be first in line if not for the fact that it’s such an utterly broken port.

- Courtesy of the Capcom Unity Blog, here we have the Servbots planning out their strategy before going returning to work with the upcoming XBLA version of Marvel vs Capcom 2!

- Re: fighting games, as well as the recently published summer edition of the zine: there’s a part where I mention Justin Wong, noted pro game player from around these parts, mostly for his skills with fireball and dragon punch motions. But what he’s really famous for is this now legendary clip and his rivalry with fellow expert electronic pugilist, Daigo Umehara, the other guy in the video. While doing some research on the guy, I stumbled across this article that talks about the feud, which examines why Justin’s the bad guy while Daigo is everyone’s hero. Long story short: racism. Everyone loves the Japanese guy, and everyone hates the Chinaman. At least in the eyes of hardcore gamers, who generally speaking have an affinity for all things Japanese. The entire piece is… interesting to say the least.

- Remember how I mentioned how Dave got himself a Japanese 360 for dirt cheap? Well it arrived the other day, and he somehow was able to clone his American Xbox Live account to work on it. Anyhow, still haven’t checked it out, mostly since Death Smiles hasn’t arrived yet. But soon. And next on his list will be Mushihimesama Futari, which according to Siliconera will have cleaned up sprite! Not that it really needed it, mind you.

- And no, Dave hasn’t bothered to pick up DoDonPachi Dai Ou Jou Black Lable Extra. BTW, the possible reason why that one came out so screwed up was recently revealed, along with further evidence of how inept 5pb truly is. What an epic fail.

- Back to Siliconera for just a sec, when I first saw the headline “Sega Racing Classic Sounds Like Sega?s Next Arcade Racing Game” in my PSS reader, I immediately began jumping for joy, cuz I assumed that Sega had finally smarted up and decided to release Daytona USA on XBLA, but with some generic name, since EA owns the rights to Dayton. But then I read further and discovered it was the name for some new arcade racer. Okay…

At least when I saw the title “Did UFO Interactive Snag Another Wii Shooter?”, my first hunch that it might be Illvelo turned out to be correct!

- They also have a nice little interview with Atlus regarding their Shin Megami Tensei, which can be found here and here.

- Siliconera is also the very best place to hear about ultra wacky import titles first, especially if you don’t have time for NeoGAF. Like Saint for the Wii, that combines the Monkey King legend with Space Harrier gameplay…

- And you know, it’s about time Nintendo made something that combined Tamagotchi with everyone’s Mii’s.

- Another oldie but a goodie: Bioshock 2′s Big and Little Sisters, made all animu, courtesy of Famitsu…

- Back to video game clothing for just a moment: UNIQLO’s severely disappointing line of UTxJapan Game shirts recently revealed their Mega Man design…

.. Like pretty everything else in the line, about as conservative and boring as it can be. Though I totally didn’t notice the Virtua Fighter tee till now, and it actually looks interesting!

- Next are some of the more notable recent posts from GSW, like this recent interview with the developer behind the latest DUX, which might actually be the very last Dreamcast game ever, but for real.

- Next we have some diehard Genesis fan who created his own localized versions of Alien Solider!

… And it’s available for sale too. Though I’m just sad that I missed the chance to get a localized Pulseman cart.

- Coming soon, people will be able to Twitter via their Xbox 360s, once the dashboard has been updated, whenever that might be. But why wait when it’s possible now… via the Commodore 64?

- Here we have the skinny on an erotic cell phone game from Denmark. Most notable part is how its aimed at women! The description is fairly enticing, but I can’t make heads or tails from the video… and I don’t think it’s because I’m a dude. I’d download the demo myself, but I only have a lowly N81.

- Hey, those of you who want to spice up whatever film or project with video game sounds, forget the Super Mario music or anything else Nintendo, which almost everyone has done to death. Instead, maybe choose something from Falcom’s vast library of games? Especially since they’ve already given you their blessing… so long as it’s not for some other game.

- For whatever reason, GSW has been the go-to source for all coverage related to Let’s Tap. But now that I have the soundtrack already, I just don’t care about the game anymore, sorry.

- Onore no Shinzuru Michi wo Yuke also finally came out in Japan, which is that Cursor*10-esque title with ninjas for the PSP I mentioned not too long ago. Get this: same dude is behind both titles!

- I really wish this shump based on the life and times of Christopher Columbus had been completed. And on a side note, I really miss the look of screenshots of Genesis and Super Nintendo games from game magazines, especially EGM, circa 1991-94.

- And here’s a pair of videos featuring the Happy Button machine, one of which features by far the coolest dude in all of Japan.

- Plus, not trying to sound cool here or something, but I totally remember Nanatsu Kaze No Shima Monogatari from back in the day.

- If we’re going to spend some time at GSW, then we obviously have to spend a few extra couple of minutes at Tiny Cartridge! First off, the prospects of a domestic release of Retro Game Challenge keeps looking worse and worse.

- Time for the obligatory Made in Ore clip, this time featuring a homemade DDR/Spy vs Spy mash-up?

- After many years of both being curious about it, yet never spending that much time to think about it, here’s some info behind the chime that would play whenever the arcade version of Gradius would boot up. Followed by the remixes.

- And Space Invaders Extreme 2 has not only been confirmed for a US release, but for just $20! Though I agree with Eric that the Japanese cover rocks very much harder.

- Yet another dating sim that I would love to get my hands on, but will forever be stuck in Japan.

- Gotta admit, this is pretty cute.

- As is this

- Guess what Persona 4 fans: two new Teddie figures are on the way. It’s nothing to get exciting for unfortunately, since they’re so close to first one that was announced a while ago. Also, seriously, where the f*ck is my Chie figure?!?!

- And Mia scoped this one out; some kind of tribute to the game, which I can’t see since my Nico Nico account is apparently borked, but at least there’s stills

… What’s the deal with Rise looking so manish?

- And back to models for a sec, check out this totally sick model of R-Type’s third stage warship

… Which reminds me, Yujin’s third wave of Shooting Game Historica figures finally came out recently! And wouldn’t you know, they’re already sold out at National Console Support, and stupid me didn’t bother to pre-order. But I went over to eBay and picked up the entire set from some dude in Japan… who happens to read this site! Sup g-rizzle.

- Those who enjoy both Chrono Trigger and mixed drinks might want to see this list. The Chrono sounds the tastiest, though the Gato also looks right up my alley.

- Time to swing on over to GamOvr to see what new stuff they’ve managed to uncover, like this totally use animu chick crossed with a Vic Viper…

- Then you have this…

- The somewhat similarly themed pixelstyle has the following, whatever the heck it might be…

- And here we have another fine assemblage of pixels, one that’s ready to wear

- I for one am always happy to see vintage video game hardware, nicely photographed

- The following image seems to be quite entertaining for many folks. Even mind-blowing for some. I for one don’t get the reason for all the hubbub, but whatevs…

- Guess it’s time to check out a bunch of random vids, all relating to games in some manner of course. For starters, here’s something I totally forgot to mention a few weeks back, also due to my speaking and small press engagements? The 25th Anniversary of Tetris. Well, better late than never: a pretty damn fine documentary that tells you everything you need to know the greatest video game ever created.

- Here’s something from Keita Takahashi, to help commemorate Girl, from his latest game Noby Noby Boy, making it to Mars.

- Next we have the trailer for King of Fighters Online was recently unveiled. Looks like Final Fight to me, not some fighter. I’ll wait for the KOF shump, thank you very much.

- Air PIrates is something new from Cactus, and it totally has this U.N. Squadron vibe in my mind. Which is a very good thing! When I first heard that a new game of his was going to be at that thing tomorrow night, but once again, it’s supposed to be something in 3D.

- Hey, I’m actually interested in the new Tiger Woods game all of a sudden.

- Anyone out there familiar with Akatsuki Blitzkampf? It’s a doujin fighter, and the most important thing to know is that it features a Nazi tank with a skull for face, that can also jump, as a playable character.

- Guess it was only a matter of time before someone finally combined Mario and Keyboard Cat.

- Okay, I no longer mind the new look of Fret Nice. You were right Phil Fish!

- The Drunken Samurai (sup TDS) was the fine fellow who passed this one along: one of the greatest game related freak outs I’ve seen in a very long time.

- And finally, ladies and gentlemen, Sonic and Tails Adventure 2… trailer! And naturally there’s a remix.

… Anyone still there? Next up, my Microsoft report (they’re coming to town tomorrow) along with one from No Soul for Sale, plus pictures! Provided they come out okay.



Where’s My Kula Diamond?

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

Weekend’s gonna be crazy packed, so time for a quick update before things start swinging into full action! Just odds and ends mostly…

Only Seventeen

First off, the New York Asian Film Festival 09 officially kicks off tomorrow! And I’ve got my tickets. From yesterday…

… Though that’s not all of them, believe it or not, just the stuff showing at the IFC Center. Had to make a trip to the Japan Society today earlier this afternoon to nab ones for Love Exposure. Which meant dealing with the torrential downpour, since the subways were totally f’d up, but at least the crazy weather was somewhat of a decent reason this time. I guess.

Anyhow, I believe it was mentioned previously that I was aiming for eighteen, and my final total (at least as of right now) is only seventeen. At one point there were twenty-five movies that I was super interested in, so it was tough figuring out which ones to knock off the list. Which meant looking at trailers over and over again; even though that one on body modification sounded great on the website, this did very little for me ultimately. And that’s the thing; the people who write up the descriptions make everything seem like total must sees, though in the end, that’s not necessarily the case. Hey, they just know how to sell stuff!

Also, I learned my lesson from last year and made sure to avoid seeing four movies in a row. Next Saturday there’s three, but that’s about it, everything else is nice and spread out, but not too much so either. Before I would catch a movie in the early afternoon, and then come back later in the evening for another, which seems doable enough on paper since the IFC is just around the corner from the 4th Street A train stop, but in the end, I wasn’t nearly as productive in-between as I had anticipated, among other reasons.

Plus I’m trying to avoid stuff on Friday and Saturday evenings if at all possible. Not that the NYAFF crowd is annoying or anything (certain HK flicks will bring out obnoxious film dorks, but they all pale in comparison to the idiots that pack the AMC 25), but I do want to keep some nights open for socializing, and who cares if seeing something on Tuesday afternoon instead of Friday night isn’t as cool. Though, I originally planned on being first in line for Written By tomorrow night, mostly to see and hear from the star of the movie in the flesh, till it was revealed that Lau Ching-wan bowed out. Which naturally totally sucks.

And of course, I’ll be writing about each film I see, yet with so much to cover, that might mean passing on video game talk for the next couple of weeks. Yay, another ginormous post encompassing a month’s worth of old news! For the three of you out there that solely refers to this blog for all your gaming info. And speaking of games…

A Book, A Magazine, And A Compact

Earlier this week, Jason and I finally exchanged birthday presents, despite it being many weeks after the fact for both of us. Hey, we’re busy dudes! I got him the totally brilliant Tokyo Zombie (on a related note, I can’t wait for Last Gasp’s newest announced title), while Jason got me…

… It’s by this dude who writes for Kotaku, just another American video game journalist living in Japan, a guide to it’s arcade scene. Only just started, but thus far the book’s a nice little read; instead of a straightforward, analytical look at the subject matter, such as providing a detailed history of the world and the like, Arcade Mania aims to be a colorful tour guide that’s almost semi-intended to the outsider instead, with plenty of pictures and helpful facts dotted along the way…

… There?s also a good number of interviews. Hey, I had no idea what Kenta Cho looked like till now…

… Some will love the colorful, all over the place layout, which again feels like a travel brochure. Others will hate it. Guess I’m somewhat in the middle. I’ve heard some complaints that it’s pretty light when it comes to the facts, but again, that’s not the focus, plus I already have plenty of other books that handles all that. Too bad they’re all in Japanese. Not sure why I haven’t taken pics of any of those thus far.

Next, guess what finally arrived in the mail earlier this week?

… It’s somewhat of a standard fare design mag, but nonetheless a very nice one. Has loads of articles and reviews covering art, design, toys, film, anime, and even features some comics. Plus this particular issue focuses on games…

… Most of the focus is on chiptunes, like this interview with Nullsleep…

… Included with the magazine is DVD that has a bunch of videos from assorted chiptunes artists and performances, including some from Blip Fest, as well as trailers to various indie games…

… As well a super fab poster from EbOy…

… Somewhat reminiscent of whatEDGE subscribers got recently, though it’s not as video game-y and more New York-y. Or at least supposed to be. Regardless, me likes. I also loved what was covering the magazine, which I’m guessing was intended to provide padding of some sort (the thing is originally from Romania)…

Spotted the following on Boing Boing the other day, a wallet made from an old Atari 2600 cartridge Which reminded me, I’ve had the same basic thing for years now! Though for girls.

Long story short, years ago at the Philly Classic, I came across these girls who were selling assorted personal items for women that were made from old Atari carts. For whatever reason, I picked one up and have held onto it ever since. Always planned on giving it away, but simply never got around to it. And really glad I didn’t since all traces of its creators have vanished (they called themselves YAKMALA! btw), plus I have no idea how many were actually produced when all was said and done. Anyhow, here’s the item, still sealed since 2004…

… On the back you can tell that there’s supposed to be a quite a few in various configurations…

… And here it is, outside it’s bag for the first time ever!

… Basically, the cart is sliced across the middle to accommodate…

… A mirror on top and a band on the bottom, I guess to hold make-up accouterments and the such, and lined with red velvet, as indicated by the label before. Everything is held together by magnets. Pretty neat. I wonder if YAKMALA is still around, but on Etsy? Actually, just checked, and nope.

King Of Fighters Alpha 2

Was gonna save the following for a post that was more about actual game talk, but since I’m not certain when that might be, and because I actually do have some fresh news, why not here? Earlier this afternoon was a press event in the city held by D3, Ignition, and Codemasters. Since I really can’t talk about the D3 stuff, at least not yet, let’s move onto Ignition. For starters, they had KOF XII, and yes, it actually looked awesome. Nowhere as ugly as it does in Chinatown. Again, you’d think the folks at Chinatown Fair would know better, but according to Shane Bettenhausen (yup, formerly of EGM fame, who now works for Ignition as their New Business Development Director), the documentation for the arcade board is fairly complicated, making set-up quite the task, so perhaps its not their fault.

Onto the more important details: Shane was also able to clarify the game’s battle system. Basically, it’s pretty different as far as KOF titles go; remember how I was told that it plays like 2001? Well trying play as such (or at least trying to… not super familiar with it, but a least a little) didn’t work simply because that’s all wrong; in Shane’s opinion, it’s a lot like KOF 94, primarily when it comes to the moves for characters that were around then, mixed with Street Fighter. Primarily Alpha 2; once a bar is filled, called the Critical Counter, the player can unleash a move that’s similar to the Custom Counter in Alpha 2, meaning that any combination of moves will automatically link together for devastating effect. There’s also a bunch of other additions, such as a different means of rolling and throwing, plus the ability to parry (which I found supremely satisfying to pull off). Overall, it’s lots of fun to play, and a bit more faster paced when compared to some of the KOF titles of old, and that works for me. Though here’s two not so stellar points: I was extremely disappointed to see the same paltry roaster as in the arcade version. We’ve all heard of additional characters, but they’re all going to be DLC it would seem. Bummer. And when I pointed out how I was shocked by the total lack of bosses in the arcade version, it was explained to me that this was the case for the home release as well. The deal is, KOF XII is considered another “dream match” meaning that there’s no storylines attached, which also means no big boss, since they are always integral to the plots. Then again, if it’s a dream match, why the lack of characters? It should be overflowing with figthers from across the series. I know everyone wants Mai Shiranui, but I just want Kula Diamond. And throw in Vanessa while you’re at it.

Back to how the game looks: there’s a few display options out there, for the arcade enthusiasts. This info is for you Dave Mauro. You can choose either chunky pixels, or a soft filter. The range between goes from 0 to 5. Here’s what 0 looks like, with every pixel in all their glory…

And here it is with the filer, perhaps level 5…

… Oh, and for the record, the Japanese cover designs will indeed be gracing American shelves.

Moving on, next was a new 3D Samurai Shodown called Edge of Destiny that was described to me as a combination of Soul Calibur, Bushido Blade, and Mortal Kombat. Soul Calibur because its weapons based (duh), Bushido Blade because you can literally die from just one or two strikes, and Mortal Kombat because of the wacky decapitation moves, which are essential finishers. It features a mix of old and new faces, including some Viking looking dude wielding an axe, an Amazonian princess, and a black dude that’s clearly based off of Afro Samurai. Unfortunately, most of the faces from part three and beyond are absent, including the sexy maid with the gigantic blades. Bummer. And its all downhill from here unfortunately. To begin with, the game is not pretty on the eyes at all…

… It seriously looks like a PS2 game with slightly sharper textures. SNK just can’t seem to do 3D all that well. Visuals aside, I personally did not enjoy my few minutes with the game; felt unbalanced as hell. My biggest beef lies with the two hit kills, which worked in Bushido Blade since it was a completely different beast, not a traditional fighting game whatsoever. But here, in a button masher, especially one like Samurai Shodown, it doesn’t add to any sort of atmosphere or tension but instead just puts a harsh spotlight onto the overall lack of imagination and depth.

Third up was Muramasa: The Demon Blade. And… I remember a few days ago how Tiny Cartridge quoted some review from some site stating essentially that the game totally lacked depth and was basically just another stupid Wii game. After spending a good amount of time with the demo today, I’m convinced that either this person is an absolute idiot or completely lying when claiming to have played the game in the first place. Style over substance? Give me a f*cking break. Seriously. It’s stylish, don’t get me wrong. As beautiful as the still pictures are…

… Trust me, it’s positively jaw-dropping in motion. The sound design is also equally awesome. But underneath the eye and ear candy is a fairly complex platformer. You’re not just running left and right, mindlessly slashing away at bad guys, far from it. Here’s how everything all works, in a nutshell: each level is divided into “room” and each one contains an enemy encounter (or more). You’re basically graded after each action sequence, with the criteria being the speed in which you handled them, as well as what techniques you employed, plus other factors like who got the first strike. All these add up to experience points that help enhance various attributes. Now, you dispense damage with a sword, though every time you take a swing, the blade takes damage. Putting it away will help “heal” it over time, as will killing enemies, who give off sword replenishing orbs. Since you can hold up to three swords at a time… there’s over a 100 total, and each has its own attributes I believe… one can simply rotate the three during a fight to ensure nothing breaks. But easier said than done.

I played the part of the girl, since it was supposedly easily, especially the end battle. Shane noted that if the boss was to defeat me, he’d be a bit worried, and while I’m fairly open about the fact that I totally suck at video games in general, I’m usually not so bad when it comes to platformers (it’s what I was practically raised on), hence why I could believe the pounding I was receiving. You basically had to wail away at this big blue, James Lipton-looking monster, whose health bar was super long, while making sure your sword didn’t shatter midway. But in addition to keeping any eye out at your sword status (btw, a broken blade can still be used, but it’s nowhere near as effective), you had to be weary of his attacks, including projectiles that can be re-directed towards him, though that’s super tough, as well as a giant belly flop attack that insta-breaks your sword. Not exactly easy stuff, especially this early in the game (apparently I was playing level one).

The game is gonna be fantastic, there is no doubt in that. And thankfully we’re getting the total package, nothing is being messed with. It’ll have it’s original Japanese dialogue with English subtitles, no wonky localized voice acting to worry about, plus the onsen segment is also being retained. Originally Ignition thought about dropping it for an E-10 rating, till they realized that in a game so Japanese, it deserved to stay in, hence why they can live with a Teen rating. The only question remains, of course, is if the general public will care about the game. The hardcore gamers out there, the ones who have known about it’s existence since day one, they’ll be picking it up, no doubt about that. But everyone else, specifically those that passed on No More Heroes and MadWorld, hmmm…

After Ignition, I spent some time with Codemasters. The obvious highlight was DiRT2. No joke, it might be the most photorealistic game I’ve ever witnessed, and played…

… What else can or needs to be said? It’s Codemasters. They know their driving games. Period. It’s more or less the same down and dirty traditional rally action from DiRT1, infused with more contemporary off-roading action, like the stuff you find at the X-Games, along with a far larger variety of vehicles in general, not just traditional rally cars. Another addition is the ability to go back 15 minutes to avoid that nasty spill you just took, a la GRID. Unfortunately, the one single aspect that I was looking forward to the most, that being the ultra hawt front-end, was not present in the build I played. Bummer. Though I believe I might be getting a preview build in a few weeks, where it’ll be included. Neat! Fun-fact: the one in DiRT 1 cost two millions alone. Wow. And it honestly shows.

Guess that’s it for now? EDIT: What a minute, I’m a total idiot, there’s one more thing I almost completely forgot about! Thanks for the reminder Lin…

Meet Me At The Ding Dong

This upcoming Sunday I’ll be at the Ding Dong Lounge for the Kaboom!Fractious Zine and Small Press Shindig! I’ll be on-hand with the latest zine, for those of you who couldn’t stand the heat long enough to find my table at MoCCA, along with the very first one plus some UNLUCYs, plus Katie will be by my side with Nurse Nurse, naturally.

I know the weather will suck that day, but at least there’ll be roof over you head (wouldn’t you know, for the very first time in ages that there’s no conflict with the Mermaid Parade at Coney Island and it’s supposed to rain like hell, great), plus booze on tap.


So E3. Still kinda pissed about being so damn busy while everything was going down. And talking about it almost two weeks later seems rather pointless. But everyone keeps asking me for my two cents, plus it remains a major point of conversation many days later, which I guess is proof positive of what a truly crazy show it was. One that most folks, myself included, had zero expectations going in. Maybe because last year?s sucked so hard? While it hardly blew anyone?s minds this time either, there was still plenty of genuinely intriguing stuff laid on the table. Case in point: the game of E3 2009? According to all the major gaming outlets, Scribblenauts of all things. Hardly a surprise, since keyboard cat is in it, I realize. Do people still care about that, btw? Sorry, but I’ve been out of the loop for a bit now. Anyhow, yeah, it was just that kind of a show.

Also, federal laws mandate that every video game blogger in North America have the obligatory E3 rundown, no matter how after the fact it might be…

- First you had Microsoft, who was the first out of the gate and in many people’s mind the overall winner, since they provided so much to talk about. Almost immediately after their press conference, I was already hailing E3 2009 a roaring success, not because of what MS announced, but what they DIDN’T, that being a brand new system. I was super afraid a Xbox 720 was going to be formally unveiled and that same old song and dance would begin anew, especially since it just doesn’t feel right, despite the fact that it’s been about four or five years and on paper that’s precisely when one starts hearing opening salvos. Hearing the experts explain that, due to high cost of everything, one shouldn’t expect any word of any new systems from some time now, since MS and Sony were just starting to turn a profit and weren’t looking to dig themselves into another money pit anytime soon, due in part to the crap economy these days. But then came word just days after the show formally wrapped up that next year might see the Xbox 720 after-all, perhaps to support their new Project Netal, which I’ll get into in just a bit. Just great. Perhaps they kept mum at the show due to a possible backlash?

EDIT: Apparently there’s no 720 for next year. That’s nice to hear. But what about 2011?

Well instead of talking about the future, at E3 MS showed their commitment to the present and the existing 360 user-base by laying out all sorts of new features and tricks, some cooler than others admittedly (I guess Facebook and Twitter functionality is a neat idea, though I have no idea how Last.fm is going to work on the console, unless it actually creates custom soundtracks to games, which would actually be really neat). Then there were the games, and near the top of that list was… yes, Metal Gear Solid is finally coming to the platform! But it’s not a port of part 4, which is what everyone (well, me to be honest) really wanted, but some new title starring Raiden as everyone had assumed, plus it’s gonna be on the PS3 anyway. Yay. I was actually going to address this later, but since I’m on the subject of MGS, seriously, f*cking enough already. Jesus Christ. And this coming from a Meta Gear fan, but enough is enough. You’d think that Kojima and crew would want to leave the series off on a high note, that being part 4, which did the impossible by tying up every loose end nice and neat. The more you do, the more you risk of undoing. Plus, I just wanna see the guy move onto other things, like you know, ZOE or Snatcher, or how about something completely original! Hence why I’m not super jazzed for the Castlevania title that he’s producing, since he’s once again only the producer, plus the actual studio itself is European or something like that. It looks okay, but just Devil May Cry with Castlevania, which would be fine if not for the fact that we’ve gotten two of those already. At least it features a killer voice cast. Now make no mistake, I’ll pick up MGS: Rising on day one, along with the new PSP installment. I’ll play the damn games, but still… I guess the main problem is that Kojima is in the same shoes that Bungie is in, meaning that neither really can afford to move on due to all the bags of money being thrown at them.

Back to MS, like so many others, I’m hopelessly in love with the Beatles Rock Band opening that kicked off their event. Perhaps the game of the show for me, even with Team Ico’s PS3 masterpiece present at Sony’s end. I simply cannot wait! Then you not just one but TWO new Halo games on the horizon, which I know both Dave and Katie are pumped for, and various other high profile titles that I could honestly care less about, so moving on! On the XBLA front, there’s Shadow Complex, aka Contravania from Cliffy B, which sounds awesome on paper but looks rather bland and somewhat boring in motion. At least Trials HD is coming as well; I know Dave is a pretty big fan of that one. Though the real star of the show was the aforementioned Project Natal, that new motion controller. Hey, remember when MS (along with Sony) said Nintendo’s use of motion to control a game was ridiculous? Yeah, me too. I guess it’s neat, but I remain unconvinced till I actually give the thing a whirl for myself. Though I will admit, hearing surprisingly well it worked with some off the shelf title has forced me to take the whole thing more seriously that I normally would have. But even then, the reason why Nintendo was so successful with introducing motion control to the masses was because A) it was Nintendo, B) they had Wii Sports backing them up, and C) that’s what the Wii is really all about, period (yes, I realize there are plenty of non-waggle Wii games out there, but you know what I’m saying). It’s neat that Project Natal works with existing games, but it’ll need some kind of killer app to truly push the thing. Then again, with the possibility of a Xbox 720 being designed around this new control method, it might be MS trying to be Nintendo but even more so. Which means the need for a killer app is even more vitally important, so whose gonna make the dame thing? Bungie, MS’s current go to resource? Since I highly doubt Halo fans would stand for a game featuring said tech, sorry. Perhaps Stephen Spielberg then? He seems eager as hell to do something with it, and all I can say is… dude made Boom Blox, so perhaps he can finally get his wish and make a game that makes everyone cry.

EDIT: No sh*t, Johnny Chung Lee worked on the thing? Interesting…

And no, I didn’t catch Natal being demoed on Jimmy Fallon’s late night craptacular. Maybe if it was on Conan I would have, but we all know he’s more of a Nintendo guy. Also, what about Milo, the creepy looking virtual boy and his dog? Because it’s from Peter Molyneux, I already knew it wouldn’t live up to the hype, so moving on!

- Speaking of Nintendo, they tried their best to extend an olive branch to their disenfranchised hardcore fanbase and succeed more or less. No word of a proper Zelda sequel, but at least we got a slight teaser…

… Meanwhile, you’ve got two new Mario titles coming down the pipe, both the Wii version of New Super Mario Bros (I love the four player support, but am saddened that player four will be a second Toad instead of the Princess, a la SMB2) and an actual sequel to Super Mario Galaxy (considering that Miyamoto & crew simply scratched the surface of what was possible in the first one, I heartily welcome a direct follow-up). The most exciting news for me was Metroid: Other M, by the makers of Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden. Though I have no idea how good it’ll be without Tomonobu Itagaki steering the ship. Or maybe it means that the difficult level will actually be reasonable? Immediately my mind filled with visions of Samus, completely naked and covered in Metroid goo, though I’ve heard from various sources that, it being a Nintendo game, the t&a will not be totally insane. Drat, Though the teaser vid already shows Samus semi-interacting with another woman that looks vaguely like her. Her mother/sister/clone? Whom she’ll make out with? One can only hope. At any rate, it looks kinda like Metroid mixed with Devil May Cry, which is not the worst thing in the world honestly. Plus, unlike the new Castlevania, which once more is purely in the “seen that, done that” territory, who knows how Kojima’s pals will fare in such territory, whereas Team Ninja obvious has a strong pedigree in such things, as anyone that’s played the last couple of Ninja Gaiden titles can certainly attest to.

Along with a bunch of other first party Wii and DS titles, like Zelda on a train, you also had the Vitality Sensor. You know, that thing you hook up to your finger while playing so you look like you’re in the emergency room? Hopefully it’ll be supported better than the Wii Talk! And much like MS, talk of a “Wii HD” never really surfaced till after the show. Unlike the Xbox 360 and the PS3, the Wii’s visuals hit the roof some time ago, so a HD upgrade relatively soon makes a certain degree of sense. Though unlike their competitors, Nintendo is enjoying their success via a very healthy profit, so I also don’t see them screwing that pooch up anytime soon. Once again, time will tell.

- There’s actually a lot more to talk about when it comes to Nintendo, but I guess now might be a good time to mention you know who. Yup, Sony. First off, I can’t believe people actually believed that they had anything other than an abysmal showing. Seriously. I was expecting an epic fail, and that’s precisely what I got; with the exception of one single game (any guesses as to what?), absolutely nothing made me want to run out and finally pick up a PS3. Yet a need finally exists, if only to avoid the horrible looking redesign that’s apparently legit according to many. First no price drop. Yay! Next, one of the Final Fantasy 13s were shown. Too bad I don’t care about Final Fantasy. Not gonna lie, it looks gorgeous, but I know already that I won’t be able to play it. Final Fantasy 14 was also announced. Okay, sure, whatever. God of War 3 was highlighted as well, but not a fan of the series, so didn’t even bother, sorry. Then you had Sony’s own motion controller, which basically gave me douchechills for a number of a fairly obvious reasons.

I guess the primary talking point was the redesigned PSP, aka the PSP Go. First off, awesome name, lulz. I’ve already gone over how ultra lame it looks. so moving on, $250?!?! Wasn’t the whole point of ditching the UMD drive was to make the stupid thing cheaper? Jesus. Anyhow, numerous parties will be keeping a very close eye out on the thing, believing that it’s the first real test to see how the average consumer will feel about digital distribution. What did Brian Crecente call it? Oh yes, “The Great Experiment”. Sorry, but as much of a fan I am of digital downloads, this new PSP is not the best means of judging or determining its long term viability, and if anything might actually hurt its reputation in the long run. Meanwhile, what if you want the system but already have a bunch of UMDs already? Which already is kind of a silly situation to consider. Well according to Kotaku, a solution is in the works. Which again, seems a tad bit wonky and half-assed; I totally understand the fear of pissing off your existing userbase, but when if you’re going to forge into new territory like the Go aims to, sometimes you have to go all or nothing. Period. And speaking of pissed off, not surprisingly, those who operate the traditional distribution channels are less than pleased about such a device since it’s a clear “f*ck you” aimed at them by Sony. But ultimately, I honestly believe the Go will fail due to Sony being wishy-washy on a number of fronts.

As for heavy-hitting software, a portable Gran Turismo is at very long last coming out. About damn time. I’ll admit it, I still care. Then you have LittleBigPlanet, which sucked on the PS3, and I’m sure it’ll suck on the PSP as well! Next is a new Resident Evil title. Color me interested, I suppose. Though the real hotness was the other new Metal Gear Solid title announced, Peace Walker, which is supposed to act as the “missing link” in the saga. Which I thought Portable Ops was supposed to be, though much to my surprise while playing it recently, that’s not really the case, hence why I’ll definitely be picking this one up. Actually, a third Meta Gear title was revealed, but it’s an arcade title, so who cares. And not to be a hater or anything, but I’m a thousand times more interested in this one than the one starring Raiden, since Peace Walker features Big Boss, four of them!

There was still one game on the PS3 side that managed to floor me, as it did for everyone else, though it was hardly a shock. Been one of the main reasons to get the system since day one and continues to be. I’m talking about Project Trico, aka The Last Guardian…

… Additional images can be found at Offworld. And for those who somehow missed it, the simply awe-inspiring trailer. But yeah… that’s more or less it. Good job Sony.

- This might be a good time to pull out the E3 2009 Photoshop and animated gif thread over at NeoGAF. At first it appeared as if MS would be the star, thanks to this retarded little moment (my passionate disdain for their avatars btw have yet to subside, and I highly doubt it ever will), but once again, Sony rose to occasion by providing the maximum lulz, as they’ve been doing for the past couple of E3s…

… I’m also a big fan of this, and I had a grand time reading all the Twitters from assorted game journalists bitching about James Cameron hogging the spotlight at the Ubi Soft conference. You know this entire time, that movie he’s doing, Avatar, I thought it was based on the Nickelodeon cartoon! Best of all was how his egomaniacal ranting and raving was the reason why No More Heroes 2 wasn’t featured at all. I wonder if Tetsuya Mizuguchi was supposed to hit the stage as well (it was revealed at the show that he’s doing something for them) but was given the boot as well. Also in the same thread, make sure you don’t miss any of the choice God of War 3 animated gifs featuring Kratos ripping out the genitalia of a minotaur or something like that.

- Back to Nintendo, who in my mind was the real winner of the show, simply because most of the stuff I really want to play is on their platforms. For starters is the already noted game of the show in many people’s professional opinions, Scribblenauts. Why? Just ask NeoGAF of course; here we have just one person’s glowing praise, which sounds totally ridiculous, but is apparently very much true

So listen to this story. I was in the early levels; I didn’t quite have an idea of how ridiculously in-depth the database was. I was summoning things like ladders, glasses of water, rayguns, what have you. But I reached a level with zombie robots, and the zombie robots kept killing me. Rayguns didn’t work, a torch didn’t work, a pickaxe didn’t work. In my frustration, I wrote in “Time Machine”. And one popped up. What the fuck? A smile dawned on my face. I hopped in, and the option was given to me to either travel to the past or the future. I chose past. When I hopped out, there were fucking dinosaurs walking around. I clicked one, and realized I could RIDE THEM. So I hopped on a fucking DINOSAUR, traveled back to the present, and stomped the shit out of robot zombies. Did you just read that sentence? Did you really? I FUCKING TRAVELED THROUGH TIME AND JUMPED ON A DINOSAUR AND USED IT TO KILL MOTHERFUCKING ROBOT ZOMBIES. This game is unbelievable. Impossible. There’s nothing you can’t do.

… Apparently, the game simply works. That alone is blowing everyone’s minds. Oh, that and keyboard cat.

Also high on my list is Sin & Punishment 2; was a huge fan of the game on the N64, though for whatever reason, the Virtual Console version just hasn’t clicked with me. But I have high hopes for the sequel via the Wiimote + nunchuck set-up. Plus it just looks plain awesome; you can find the trailer and some of the beautiful concept art over at Offworld once again, like this…

… Nice to see that the dude behind the artwork on Ikaruga is still employed at Treasure!

And I recall Dave saying that he thought the Wii remake of A Boy And His Blob looks boring, but I personally think it looks rather nifty!

- I still can’t believe that some of the best looking stuff coming down the pipeline is via WiiWare, which aside from a few notable gems (Bit.Tip BEAT, Cubello) has been a total bust in my mind. Remember that one title from Kenji Eno I spoke of a while ago? It’s heading this way as You, Me, and the Cubes. Looks totally hawt.

Then there’s Icarian, that vaguely Kid Icarus-ish platformer that I either spoke of already in the past, or have been meaning to but keep forgetting to. Plus And Yet It Moves was also announced, on the down-low it would seem. It’s been out for the Mac or PC for some time now, and while the art design was certainly not my cup of tea, I thought some of the level designs are pure genius.

And here we have Night Game, by Nicalis, along with the creator of Knytt, Nifflas. Kind of a tongue twister there. Though folks are mostly jazzed about Nicalis’s other WiiWare project, the souped up port of Cave Story, also got a nice little E3 trailer that most folks totally missed in all the hoopla.

Meanwhile on the DSIWare front, Reflection, which was shown at the GDC earlier this year has been picked up by Konami. Yet another one of those games were you control two characters, one on each screen, but at the same time games that’s become quite the formula recently, like the just released Mighty Flip Champs. Though this one looks a tad bit more on the complex and action-y side.

- A few hidden gems were also revealed for the PSP. Like the sequel to Echochome, which borrows elements of Cursor*10 and Braid to form Echochrono!

Even more exciting is Sony’s first real foray into augment reality gaming via the PSP’s own camera attachment (which I’m not even sure if its come out here yet), the Invizimals. What I like most about this particular title is how it’s aimed squarely at kids, which virtually no other ARG, at least the commercial variety, seems willing to do. And more than any other group, its kids that need the biggest push to go gaming outside.

- It would seem that Echochome isn’t the only title taking a page from Cursor*10;s book. So is the new Ratchet and Crank? Perhaps I’ll finally play a R&C title.

- Also according to Siliconera, Team Ninja’s collaboration with Nintendo on the new Metroid game was so secretive that not even Koei, which merged with them earlier this year, know about it!

Back to Kotaku, my good pal Steve Totilo has some additional info on Other M, such as how it’s gonna be “the most cool Metroid ever”, as well as how it’s not Metroid Dread, which I guess is still in the works? The GBA had to two portable Metroids, and its about time the DS got at least one. And then a remake of part 2, please.

- The big news that Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is actually coming to America I think got lost in the shuffle, among all the other huge announcements. That or most people simply did not care? When I first got the press release, it was stated how one of the Tatsunoko characters was not coming over, due to licensing issues, and I immediately became concerned. But when it was revealed to be Hakushon Daimaou, the comic genie, I gave out a sigh of relief; he’s not terribly interesting I’m afraid. Instead we’re getting five new faces, though they’ve yet to be revealed. Perhaps we’ll get Dante after-all! Oh, and possibly online play; as soon as one source said it was in, another said it wasn’t, and I’ve more or less stopped keeping track of the situation. Eh, online fighting via the Wii is such a pain in the ass that I could either care less.

- At every E3, there’s literally an avalanche of new game announcements, and if you’re heavy into Japanese gaming as much as I am, you sift through almost all of them in hopes of discovering that a few might be that hidden gem that’s stuck back east and finally making its way here. I think most people safely assumed that Mare In Ore was coming to America, but at last we get the official title of WarioWare D.I.Y. which is much better than the totally unremarkable title it was going by in recent weeks. Then you have the long-awaited (in America at least) Professor Layton sequel, though most of us knew of its existence for some time now. But I’m almost certain that most folks have never heard of Acroknights, which will be known here as Go! Go! Cosmo Cops. Give the Flash demo a spin to see why it’s one to watch!

But there are still tons of awesome stuff that have yet to see the light of day here, and might not ever. Tiny Cartridge has a list detailing just a few of such games, who clearly has not given up all hope for a domestic release for Zekkyō Senshi Sakeburein. Though I’m personally miffed that the Tingle RPG was never released here in America, despite Brits getting it, plus now I hear there’s another Tingle title coming soon! But considering that Starfy eventually made it out here, there’s still hope at the end of the day.

- I’ve read and re-read this preview for Line Attack Heroes maybe twenty times, and I still have no idea what the hells its going on.

- Oh God, I can’t believe Fret Nice finally made its triumphant return, thanks to Tecmo, but now it looks like this monstrosity…

… As a refresher, what it used to look like can be seen here. And to be totally honest, now that I’ve had some time to think about it, the new look has kinda grown on me.

- Most noteworthy news-item of the entire show? Hearing how New Super Mario Bros for the Wii might include that wacky new method game playing mechanic that allows players to jump in an out of the action like they were taking over in an animated cut-scene, which Miyamoto patented last year.

- And the screenshot of the show was indeed this scene from Tekken 6…

… If hanging with a bunch of lazy kangaroos doesn’t make you wanna play the game, how about the prospect of beating the crap out of this gigantic robot?

- Finally, some sad news: Steve Wiebe was not able to set a new Donkey Kong record. Bummer. What the GSW post forgets to mention is how Billy Mitchell was supposedly making fun of Wiebe afterwards via Twitter, though it has since been concluded that it was an impostor. Oh teh drama!

… So yeah, not the most incredible E3 by a long shot, but at the same time, not a total stinker.

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