October 2004



by Matthew Edward Hawkins

One of best parts of last weekend’s SPX has actually been reading all the various impressions from friends and acquaintances over the past week. I already mentioned Dave’s and Raina’s, but here’s another one from Toby.

But perhaps my favorite has to be from my travel companion MK, which I guess is no real surprise since hanging out with her was perhaps the best part of the whole trip. Some people are actually turned off by my tales of assaulting the handicapped, but MK was not, which is what made her so cool.

And Matt “I drove down with you” Hawkins has a nice ring to it; I think I’ll add that to my next round of business cards.



Girls Just Wanna…

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

So I got this email the other night:

?I was reading on a website called BattlePony (www.forums.battlepony.tk) here is the link to the direct article. http://forums.battlepony.tk/viewtopic.php?p=1008#1008?This is where I found out GMR’s doubt that females play videogames alot. Well I am a female gamer from Empire Arcadia and we have?a division for female gamers, and we all play games. I have pictuers that I want to send and I remember you from GNG last month so I sent them to both you and the email that the other GNG guy left… check out our gaming site, and you will see more than just me playing games, you will see a whole bunch of other females playing as well. Hope I get to make it on the Next GMR. Thanks for your time.?

Well I would assume that most are able to recognize the statement from GMR as a joke. But still, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to clear up any misconceptions. The truth is that more and more females are embracing video games as a form of entertainment than ever before. Though at this point, from my point of view, the stereotype that it’s only for guys is starting to slowly seep away, and may no longer exist in a few years time if things stay the course. Now, I’m not saying that one should ever ignore a problem to make it go away, but again, as video games become mainstream, the numbers of women who play games will increase and it won’t be anything to write home about. For example, I personally know just as many girls as I do guys who enjoy Tekken 3, but they never make a big deal out of it. And they prefer if no one else did as well, and I can totally understand.

It’s bit of a double-edged sword really; whenever anyone does an article on how to “get your girlfriend to play video games” for example, it can serve as an informative piece, but often the tone and sentiments (and accompanying pictures of some bimbo model who’s holding the controller wrong anyways) are often condescending, and even counterproductive, by pointing out to a stigma that may not even exist. Okay, so most girls are not “gamers.” So what? Is that something that should upset people? If more females want to be part of a club that encourages horrendous social skills, blind love and affection towards big giant Japanese companies, and lack of psychical activity, then by all means, the door is open.

But anyway, I’m eager to see what GMR gets in response. And I’m not saying this since I write for them, but I’m confident that the pics, and the girls in them, will be treated with respect and not paraded around like objects. BTW, here’s the pic that the person sent me:

And the funny thing is, I don’t remember the girl and I always remember girls from any gaming event.

In other video game happenings, there’s tons of talk going on, from the expected (the upcoming DS and the slew of high profile releases that set for release in the coming weeks… some are even calling 2004 the new 1998, which was when the first Metal Gear Solid and Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, among other ultra-high quality softs, were released) to the ridiculous (stupid rumors constantly pop up regarding PSTwo… Okay, so it can’t play Final Fantasy XI, but blue disc PS2 games? And the need for totally different memory cards? Where the fuck do people get such info?). But the only that’s really noteworthy is this announcement of a “Dreamcast on a chip.”

After the success of the Genesis 3, there were rumors that a similar, stripped down budget version of the Dreamcast might come out, so perhaps this is the first step. I really hope it’s true because I’ve been meaning to get a new DC for a while now; I’ve been lucky, but I’ve had numerous friends (as well as heard for countless online) have some strange problems related to the system, from not being able to read certain games out of the blue, or controller ports dying.

Also, here’s yet another crazy mass gaming collection for sale, which actually tops the last one…

This one is pretty noteworthy for the sheer variety of systems, many of which most casual gamers are totally unfamiliar with, such as the Panasonic Q (which is the GameCube/DVD player… it’s the silver box on the lower right), the Pippin (the Mac OS based game system which was a total bomb, on the upper left), the FM Towns Marty, an Amiga 32, a PC FX, a Super Grafix, a N64 with the Bulky Drive, a PS2 with the external hard drive (which I always liked the look of), and even a Phillips CD-i. Hell, there’s even a top loading NES (I’m still kicking myself for not getting one… it was between that and a game back in the day, so why the fuck did I choose Lethal Enforcers for the Genesis?). Then there’s the insane amount of games for sales. including some arcade boards, and good ones at that. I’d kill to have my own Virtua Fighter 1 at home.

And finally, yesterday was the wedding day for my friend and coworker Steve. There’s not an awful lot to say other than the whole thing was short and sweet, which seriously, all wedding ceremonies should be. It was a renaissance themed affair (though from this pic, it sorta looks like he’s a pirate) and that may sound dumb to most folks (and even I had my reservations upon hearing about it) but everyone, from the bride and groom, to the parents and close friends, were totally into the spirit of things, and were there to have fun, as well as not take themselves too seriously, which again, is how people should handle the occasion. Heck, I may even doing something non-traditional for my own wedding when the day comes. So congrats to Steve and his new bride Kathy!!!



“That’s Gotta Be $80 Of Meat!”

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

Last night Dave Savage was back in town, which meant another evening immersed in the smell of salted meats at Katz?s Delicatessen. After a previously wretched sandwich, I had sworn off the highly overpriced and extremely overrated New York City landmark, but it is the designated spot for Savage and numerous other (now former) members of the Funny Garbage crew (which I know through Jason) to gather, so I had an excuse to go. And I have to admit, their hot dogs were not that bad. Not $2.60 good, but not bad either.

Got to catch up with quite a few folks as usual; most are former (Flash) animators who are all dealing with varying degrees of freelance hell. One guy had a short stint at MTV Animation, which lead me to ask what the fuck happened to them. I used to be a hardcore fan of their output, such as Liquid Television, Beavis & Butthead (at least the very low-fi first season), and the Maxx. Hell, I eve liked the Aeon Flux television series despite it being not as incredible as the original shorts. But near the end, the shit they were producing really was that: shit. One that comes to mind a lot, which I even brought up, was Clone High. I have to admit, I never even watched a single episode, but the premise alone (a high school full of kids that are clones of famous folks) was enough to ensure that I would never give it the time of day.

This of course led into a discussion regarding the overuse of pop culture references and how it?s ruining comedy today. Back to Clone High, the premise is actually pretty strong, but I can no longer stand people simply using other people?s over developed sense of pop culture knowledge as cheap means for a laugh. Though the thing is, it still works; I love that dumb reaction that some people get when they hear some random 80?s quote. Yes, I remember the Goonies and Ghostbusters. We all do.

Another guy currently works as a toy designer, and he told me how shitty that was. Basically, you can?t do anything anymore due to parents being such pussies and the fear of lawsuits. This of course lead to me recalling the anger I felt when I discovered that the 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime that I spend a good deal of money on had shortened exhaust pipes just to avoid some dumb kid from poking his eye out. Plus there was talk about some person everyone knew, who?s actually well known (credits include work on the old Nickelodeon show Kablam!), getting arrest by the FBI for soliciting a minor. And that in turn lead to me mentioning this.

But the highlight was watching some guy eat like 8 sandwiches all by himself. I saw him sit down with one on a plate and the rest in a take out bag, didn?t pay attention to him eating the first one, but later noticed him digging through the bag for the rest. As he went on, he became more aggressive, and would tear through each sandwich, slamming the bread onto the plate and just ate the meat. In the end, there was a huge pile of rye bread with mustard and chucks of salami strewn about the table. And the guy wasn?t huge or anything, but he was wearing a pager. Seriously, who the fuck in this day and age still uses a beeper?

Afterwards I met up with Joe to catch a video shoot in Times Square for GWAR (word of this came from the drummer, who happens to know Joe, since he did artwork for a recent show). June joined us and we arrived at the spot around 11, and I was immediately hungry; I was exhausted and since the shoot was going till 9 in the morning, I would need some protein to help stay awake. Since the Yoshinoya near my work closed down, I figured it would be a prime excuse to grab a beef bowl, so I did. I have to admit, it was a real New York moment: standing in the middle of Time Square, rubbing shoulders on a street corner with tourists and crack-heads, eating Japanese fast food, while waiting for a heavy metal band who?s main shtick is that they?re from outer space, fought the devil, had sex with monkeys, and gave birth to all mankind.

I was surprised to discover that one of the PA?s was a recent graduate of SVA. Super nice guy. He was also super tired. When he asked who the hell the band was, I don?t think he expected me to know. And if not for the fact that I was a fan, I think we would have gone off on how stupid it all was. Though you can?t blame the guy for thinking that way when his crew trying to get the intestines on the stage ?just right.?

But other than dealing with an aggressive hand handler (which I always seem to get; I guess I look like some push over who has money coming out of his ass? I sorta wanted to take Morgan’s advice, but I really didn?t want a punch in the face or a rusty fork in my kidney), it was pretty much a dead scene the whole night. I thought I could hang in there till at least 3, but by 1:30 I was beat, so June and I headed out. And naturally, Joe tells me that GWAR came out about thirty seconds after we left, but his description of the video crew dealing with annoying metal heads and drunk yuppies who were described as ?fair-weather GWAR fans? was perhaps more amusing than actually being there.