September 2004


Just One

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

I’m going to try my best to be as brief as possible…

- There are now plans for me to be a thesis advisor at SVA. One full time student who took my class over the summer wants me to help oversee his senior project. Originally I made the offer to lend my services in a purely nonofficial role, but I guess that’s been changed, and I’m rather psyched to see how this will go.

Also, I finally found someone whom I might be able to collaborate with on a Flash game that I’ve had the idea for years now (anyone who knows me personally knows that game I’m talking about). I’ll find out more later this weekend or early next week, and even though it’s not definite, just the chance to finally get it made is something I’m extremely happy about.

- But back to game academia, I’ve just learned that I’m now officially SVA’s only game design teacher, which is both good and bad. There were two other classes running, but despite an earnest search by myself and the school, no qualified instructors could be found to replace the two who had to leave. And now my fall class is just a few weeks away, but with the numbers being as low as they are, there’s the possibility that it may not run. After the surprisingly large number of students the first time around, I figured I won’t need to do nearly as much promoting, but I guess I’m wrong.

So when I was asked to be interviewed by a magazine on the subject of my class, I jumped at the chance. But as it was being conducted, it was discovered that the article was for a Ziff Davis publication, and since I write for them, it’s a conflict of interest, so I cannot be mentioned by name, so there goes that chance for some free publicity. But I still contributed some facts, and with the veil of anonymity on my side, I ended up being far more “honest” than even I expected to be.

- Last week, at the last Gamer’s Nite Groove, I met a number of new faces including a guy named Jim who’s a second year cartooning student at SVA that’s interested in video games as a career. Job, the guy who organizes the GNG, recommend to Jim that he speak with me since I have a similar background and was able to quite a bit in a relatively short amount of time, as well as in a less than ideal location for such a thing. I met him on Wednesday and he showed me his work in progress, which I was genuinely impressed by. So I passed along some advice, from design to career-wise, which I’m always happy to do. But I have to say, the most eventful thing about the meeting was the location.

Jim lives in the George Washington Hotel, which serves as the dorms for SVA, and is where I first lived when coming to New York. It was so weird being back; anyone who’s been there has plenty of crazy stories, and I myself have enough to fill a modest sized book. And the place actually looks worse now than before, with all the walls now a solid (and sickly) yellow. But what was most shocking was to hear that the tenants (the original occupants of the building before SVA moved in) can still be found. Though Jim didn’t recognize my description for the “Yoda Woman”. I wonder if the old British lady is still around? Last I saw her, she was still nursing a hurt arm from the time this punk rock chick pushed down a flight of stairs (trust me, the old woman sorta had it coming to her). As for the punk rock chick, there’s a million stories surrounding her as well, but I will say real quick that she was the only girl who was willing to go topless and spread shit on her breasts for a film I was directing at the time. Ah, memories…

- BTW, my Alien Hominid overview was finally posted on Insert Credit this week. Truth be told, it’s not exactly my best piece of writing, but in my defense, I’m not used to the IC method of reporting. Also, while digging around the Internet Archive for stuff to spotlight, I came across an awesome interview with Tetsuya Mizuguchi. Instead of simply repeating what he said, I suggest that everyone simply check out the vid for themselves.

- Perhaps the biggest headaches of the week has been provided by Gamestop and EB, though one should never be surprised by any among of incompetence or bullshit that they’re well versed in providing.

First off, a few weeks ago I purchased Gradius V via in order to secure the pre-order bonus which is a bonus DVD (I’m assuming it’s just the Gradius Appreciate DVD that came out in Japan). So now that it’s been released, I like everyone else got an email saying the game was being shipped…. without the DVD. No reason was given (of course) and attempts to get an answer from them has been futile (of course). Now word has it (from the GameFAQs message board, which isn’t exactly the most reliable of sources) that due to a production mishap the DVD was delayed, but everyone who is entitled to one will receive theirs, but this just sounds like another one of their bait-and-switch tactics yet again. The only fucking reason why I even bothered with Gamestop in the first place was for that damn DVD, which I now hear may not even be the same one from Japan!

EDIT: I just got an email telling me that my copy is on it’s way. So I’ll be keeping Customer Service Agent “Randi” to his word.

Next: last week I went to my local EB to pre-order Katamari Damacy and pick up a copy of Dog’s Life. Since I was told that wasn’t out yet, I pre-ordered it as well. Then a few days later I’m at Bust Buy and saw Dog’s Life on safe, one day before it was “supposed to be” available (which was the 15th). I went online and found out that the game has actually been out for at least a week (hence all the impressions I’ve been reading online) and that EB for whatever reason was only getting their on the 15th. So when the 15th arrived, I gave the store a call, which of course is never fun since every EB seems to have only one phone line (cuz they know nothing makes customers happier than hearing a busy signal) and once you actually get someone, the person is usually a complete idiot. This one claimed it “didn’t exist” despite being the personal who actually filled out the order in the first place. Eventually she did figure out what game it was after realizing the game’s proper spelling (cuz we all know how hard the word dog is to spell) and was given the classic “the shipment hasn’t arrived yet” excuse. I’ve heard this two days straight, and now it’s the 17th, I bet it still hasn’t come in because it will never come in, and I’m confident those copies at Best Buy are long gone (it’s been reported that the print run was super small, hence why I was so shocked to see it at Best Buy).

I swear to God, there had better be no problems getting Katamari Damacy.

- At least my copy of Twin Snakes arrived on time. I’ve been pretty busy so I really haven’t had much time with it, but thus far, I really hate the redone music. Plus there’s the controls. The means to pause the game is far too complicated; on the PlayStation controller, you have a select button, which activates with codec, and a start button, which simply pauses that action. But since the GameCube only has a start button, you have to hit that plus A for the codec and start plus B to pause. When you consider how the action is paused anyways when you use a codec, plus when accessing your inventory and arsenal, its total nonsense.

I also finally got Virtua Racing: Flat Out, but have yet to give it a spin.

- Well Star Wars seems to be getting more and more news, with the DVDs coming out next week (I think). I’m still steadfast with my objections towards them, but I have to admit, I am curious to see how they turn out (though I still refuse to support the endeavor financially, though I know it ultimately doesn’t matter… piece of mind I guess). Anyway, here’s an awesome thread from Something Awful relating to the subject, which I think is one of their best ever (with this one being the best, imho). It’s certainly a lot more than the Watchmen thread from a whiles back…. though this one is still pretty funny. And this one.

- Since I’m going over almost everything, I may as well mention my health, which has not been so hot as of late. Basically, my ulcer is back, plus I’m just tired of being run down and feeling like shit all the time, so I’ve decided to get serious and really watch what I eat. I almost want to say I’m on a diet, but considering that fast food is still a major component of my eating habits, I’d feel pretty stupid doing so (though it’s mostly healthy stuff, I swear!). I guess it’s working because the other night, with no water in the fridge, I had to drink milk instead. And for whatever reason (I guess lactose intolerance?) I can’t drink milk by itself, I had the very last bit of chocolate chip cookies I had lying around (I had sworn of junk food, so these cookies were before this, but I hate to throw out food as well). And after eating them, I felt incredibly guilty.

But the inability to cook really is the only thing standing in the way of a truly healthy diet. But simply given up on any notions of ever creating anything more complex than a baloney sandwich in my home. I guess that’s the sacrifice I’m willing to make to live in the Upper West Side….

… Though I just noticed a huge banner that was raised right across the street from my apartment. Next weekend there’s going to be an “Anti-Gentrification Street Fair” whatever the hell that is. And it said “14th Annual” as well. This can’t be good. I am of course Asian (as Dave so astutely pointed out to me), so I should theoretically have nothing to worry about, but I still have a really bad feeling about this.

- As for this one that’s coming, and as tired as I am, I’m afraid I won’t be getting any rest. I’ve already had to blow off a coworker’s bachelor party and an IGDA event (both in the heart of New Jersey), and getting what I have to get done was already going to be a bitch, but with the threat of yet another tropical storm rolling into town, I’m ready to just roll into a ball and throw in the towel.

Also a number of flicks are opening tonight that I want to catch, such as Sky Captain, Ghost in the Shell 2, and Silver City, Plus I still haven’t seen Hero (on the big screen at least) or Resident Evil 2 yet (yeah, I know it’s bad… I just want to see it, and it’s not because I have the hots for Mila Jovovich anything). But with the weather again, I might just pass till the mid-week, though I might not have any time at that point. At least I have plenty of movies at home (Shaun of the Dead, among many others) plus Trailer Park Boys season 3 to keep me occupied at home.

- And one last thing… even though I’ve been checking it out for over a week, this has yet to get old.

… Well, so much for trying to keep things “brief.”

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I now have a new favorite site. It’s called Rumor Engine and it allows people to freely post whatever game related discovery or nuggets of truth (i.e. totally made up shit) with the rest of the world. Here’s just a few…


- A new type of non-Windows non-Mac non-Unix computer gaming system has been patented in North Korea that will supposedly revolutionalize the gaming industry

- Sega Sammy and Nintendo are bound to sign a partnership to create a new retro console. The new console is going to have a internal hard disk , keeping in there all the Sega, Sammy and Nintendo released for 8 and 16-bit consoles of Sega (Game Gear, Master System, Mega Drive) and Nintendo (GameBoy, Famicom, Super Famicom). The system is having a system that is able to play all the games for the systems above. It’s not known whether it will be a handheld o a desk console. More details as they come

- The first 9/11 game is being produced in the UK by Rockstar. It is going to be an action/adventure game that revolves around a character named Jack “Brick” Wilkins, a Smoke-Jumper from California who is caught in the North Tower on that fateful day. The game will feature parachuting sequences through billowing smoke and flames, aerial gunbattles, life and death struggles through the smoldering rubble, rescue attempts, and other dramatic sequences. Rudolph Giuliani, George W Bush, and Saddam Hussein (tentative) will make guest appearances.

- The character Ben from Full Throttle and Hoagie from Day of the Tentacle are in fact brothers.

- Duke Nukem Forever just went gold and will ship on September 30th

- The Xbox 2 is currently in the design stage to have a hovercraft base which will float above the surface using magnetic forces, allowing the cooling of the system by sucking in air from below the X2 and releasing it through the sides of the system.

- Xbox 2 is going to be silver. Because it’s futuristic.

- ed logg didn’t design centipede.

- Mel Gibson’s Publishing company is working on a game based on the popular movie “The Passion”. It will be a multi-POV FPS, in the tradition of Call of Duty that allows you to take the part of Roman Soldiers, Jews, and Jesus Christ himself. The game will be based around a set of mini-games, such as a game in which the player controls a roman soldier whipping jesus and must aim his blows correctly, a logical puzzle game that pits the player (as the head jewish priest) against Pilate in a battle of wits to have Jesus killed, and finally a typing game which has Jesus on the cross and forces the player to speed type biblical passages. Mistakes cause Christ’s hit points to decrease. More mini-games will be announced as the game is developed

- A relatively unknown Irish game studio named Shannen Corporation is developing a knife fight FPS. You play an often drunk Irish werewolf and you cruise the Englih pubs in the countryside. You pick up fights, etc. Looks pretty lame from what they showed at the magazine I work in

- John Kerry will promote the banning of videogames from the American game market

- Sid Meier’s new Pirates game will actually have many sci-fi elements, including nuclear weapons and glider carriers

- John Romero married a mail-order bride from Russia, and now he’s remaking Gauntlet.

- Michael Moore is making a documentary on Duke Nukem Forever. Rumor has it, in one of the scenes, Moore drives around the 3DRealms offices in an ice cream truck while reading missed release dates and past DNF previews on the loudspeaker. A lot of ice cream is also consumed.

- Capcom is in talks with Michael Moore and his production company for a Fahrenheit 9/11 game based on the movie. It is expected it will be released for PC, Playstation 2, and XBox

- Actually, Sony will file for bankrupcy on September the 17th, not the 15th as someone else said.

- In gta4, you will actually be able to have sex with the hookers, in graphic detail.

- wonderboy will be re-released on the playstation 3, so will alex kidd in miracle world, seriously

… The “seriously” bit is the best part.

And I love you too internet.

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Lights and Sounds

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

Sonic Team’s first game for the DS has just been revealed. The title is “I Will Die For You” and it takes just one look to figure out that is not from the same folks that gave you Sonic Heroes or Billy Hatcher (thank God). Actually, the man behind the game is Takumi Yoshinaga who hails from the United Gaming Artist sides of things (the part that decided to stick around) and was a designer on Space Channel 5, which more than shows. The story revolves around one guy’s obsession over one girl and game is all the things he has to do to woo her.

It’s played with the touch screen alone and from just looked at the few screenshots (and hearing the looping music from the game’s site, I;m already in love with the game. And, much like Rez before it, it’s almost guranteed to enjoy a strong, cult following…. and be an abysmal commercial failure.

On the GBA side, the first screenshot of “Yoshi’s Universal Gravitation” was also shown in the same issue of Famitsu. Visually, it’s looks just like the N64 platformer Yoshi’s Story, which was slated to get a GBA translation (one level was ported years ago as a means to show of the then fledgling’s capabilities) but that never happened (though I don’t feel too bad since I really didn’t enjoy it that much in the first place). It also utilizes the same motion sensor technology that’s in Wario Ware 2.

Back to Sonic Team, I finally got a chance to listen to their “farewell” album, Sonic Team Unplugged Live 2004 which I wrote about a few months ago. And it’s… nothing special. Perhaps it was a bit foolish to hear a drunken Yuji Naka in the background making fun of Blinx, but there’s nothing wrong with hoping…

But the really big news this week has been the long awaited unveiling of the new game from the folks who created Ico. It’s either called “Wanda and the Colossus” or “Wonder and the Giant Statue”, depending on whom you talk to. There’s very little info on the game as of right now, but the few images that have been releases have been absolutely beautiful. If Terry Gilliam ever wanted to make a Time Bandits game, these are the guys to make it (unless they’re doing it already).

Also, some technical issues that were in the way have finally been resolved, so I’ve finally begun posting descriptions for the Internet Archive’s massive collection of game related videos. To find out what games I’ve updated, simply keep any eye on the message board at the bottom of the main page.

I also recently did a write up of Alien Hominid for Insert Credit. The game’s publisher, O3 Entertainment, was in town on Wednesday to talk with the press, but I almost didn’t make it due to the storm that hit the city earlier that morning. Normally I never complain about the weather since it’s totally out of anyone’s hands (plus it’s totally stupid to do so since the same storm took people’s homes and their lives in other parts of the country) but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t bitch about the subways which were totally crippled for some inexplicable reason. Well the MTA did provide one: the storm caused a flood that shorted out the entire train system. I love how NYC was so ready for the army of Republican delegates and protesters that followed just over a week ago, yet when it came to just three inches of water everything went haywire.

So with no trains running and buses bursting with passengers (with people literally hanging on, like they do on trolleys in San Francisco) I attempted to walk the entire 104 blocks to work, though along the way I shared a cab with two women, both of whom did not know each other but happened to be from France. The cab ride was pleasant, thanks to the opportunity to chit chat with a hot French chick, and despite the bitching from the cabbie, since they can’t stand it when people share a cab (which is total bullshit since they’re getting paid regardless). But as I stepped out, my cell phone fell into puddle of oily water, and it’s been on the fritz ever since. Plus by the time I got to work, I had to leave in just five minutes to make my appointment.

You can read my impressions of the game when it’s posted on IC, but what I will tell you is that I ended up chitchatting with the folks at O3 and eventually I brought up my past as a designer for a major game studio, which of course was Ubi Soft, and then came the question I always love answering: “What was your biggest game?” And just as much as I enjoy saying Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I love all the “Jesus…” looks and “I’m sorry” comments even more, though they’re totally justified; the game flat out sucks ass, no doubt about it. And of course, there’s the explanation I always give regarding my numerous (and futile) attempts at making the game would be good, which should have been good given the strength of the movie’s license. After all, you play people who sword fight and run on rooftops… how could anyone possible fuck that up?! But I usually get the “we know, we know” response from those who know how things work in a major game publisher. The fact that O3 is all about helping smaller developers get their games to the marketplace with raping them in the process is something who’s time has truly come.

Though the most uncomfortable part of that conversation was when someone made a comment regarding Ubi Soft’s rather “French” way of handling business, which of course led to some jokes on that country’s expense… all while with a French producer (who was there to demo another O3 published game) was in the same room. The guy was super nice (I feel bad that I had zero interest in his game) and tried his best to roll with punches. Man, Wednesday was a really French Day.

Friday was the opening day of the iGames Expo. Even though I wasn’t there to cover the event for anyone, that didn’t stop one of the organizers from giving me a red carpet tour. I guess it has something to do with the fact that I write for Ziff Davis and they’re the ones behind next month’s Digital Life, which is hosting GameOnNY (and happens to be iGame’s “competition”). So after humoring the guy, I headed down to the basement where the Gamer’s Nite Groove party was going on and caught up with the guy behind that, plus a few of the regulars whom I’ve become aquatinted. Empire Arcadia was there and I finally met its members face to face. They were on hand to specifically help promote Guilty Gear Isuka, by bringing in some of country’s best fighting game aficionados, including Justin Wong (which I think most people will know best from this vid) whom I also got to meet for briefly. I ended up chitchatting with one guy from Empire Arcadia for most of the night, mostly on the subject of Sega racing games and really obscure PSOne titles. Before leaving I spoke to the Sammy rep who was quite eager to pimp a game that wasn’t even playable, though the opening cinematic could be found looping over and over and over again. It’s called Darkwatch and when I went home to do some research on the game, I came across this. All I can say is that you really have to try hard to out smut the topless BloodRayne pic from Playboy.

The next day I went a backyard party thrown by my boss in Brooklyn. It’s almost always assumed that everyone who lives in Brooklyn eats healthy (i.e. vegan), and the food on the grill generally reflects this, but thankfully my coworkers were in the same boat as I was; we all craved just one thing: meat. There was to be found; my boss had a separate grill for meat… a very small grill actually. Which meant we all had to fight over tiny morsel of animal flesh. I totally missed out on the hamburgers, so I tired a veggie burger instead. I’ve actually had some good ones in the past… and this time was not it. Inside were all the colors of the rainbow, as if someone compacted some Fruity Pebbles in meat patty form, though it didn’t taste nearly as delicious. At least there were to whole trays of deviled eggs for sustenance. That and the slice of $36 cheesecake.

Afterwards was a trip back in the city and a belated birthday dinner and drinks with Joe. By the end of the night, I was set on heading towards Penn Station to catch the 1/9 train home, but then I saw the light towers in the distance (yep, it was September 11th), so I figured I’d check it out. Joe lives on 26th Street and I walked all the way down to the Ground Zero; I don’t know how many blocks that is (it’s practically half the entire length of Manhattan,) but the weather was really nice, plus I really need the exercise. As I got closer, I noticed little pieces of “something” moving about and shimmering in the light. As I got closer, the light became larger and more ominous, even surreal; the streets were deserted (it was like 2-3 in the morning at this point) save for a few other who were all walking towards it like me, and all looking up, as it was a signal from another world. By the time I arrived at the site, I realized they were hundreds of tiny moths going nuts for the lights and one by one they were dive-bombing into the hot bulbs. As soon as one made contact, they burnt up instantly, with a just a small puff of smoke rising up. I’m not trying to make some deep or profound (or groan inducing) analogy or statement, just an observation. Obviously the subtext was there, but even without it, it was quite the sight.

The next day, I finally watched that PBS documentary on video games which I taped on Wednesday night. Overall, I thought it was decent; it’s easily the best in-depth look into video game that has been produced thus far for American television thus far, though that’s really not saying much. I both liked and hated at the same time the all over the map look at the subject. It featured tons of interviews with an impressive selection of industry folks (Bushnell, Miyamoto, Molyneux, Meier, Wright, Blackly, Rubin and even Bernie Stollar!) and tried it’s best to cover a great deal of territory, but the all over the map presentation grew tiresome, especially after the second hour, which almost felt as if it had run out of steam. Plus there was the minor inaccuracies in certain places, and their choice of footage for certain instances made absolutely no sense (if you’re specifically talking about the Star Wars arcade title from the early 80′s, then why show footage from the latest PC game, which doesn’t even feature any element that’s instantly recognizable to the average Star Warts fan?).

There’s been many complaints regarding the overall value of the show, specifically its tone, but I think that’s a fairly ridiculous thing to get worked up about. The documentary was clearly aimed at the masses, so of course it “didn’t show or say anything new”. Video games is still very young, which translates to mystery and confusion for many (despite it being such a powerful medium, even at this point in time) and the documentary certainly did a good job of filling in the blanks for the general public, which popular media, or even their children might not do all that well. But then again, inaccuracies are inaccuracies, and simply saying that common folks won’t ever know or even care is not good enough. Plus it’s not a great sign when “the authority” can’t even gets their Nintendo pack-in games straight.

But still, perhaps the best part of the entire thing was not seeing some of the industry’s greatest minds, but the blind girl who can play Pokemon. I’m so glad they used her as a focal point instead of that girl who lost 100 pounds via Dance Dance Revolution. Don’t get me wrong… she fucking hot…. but the shtory of the blind girl and how video games has made her life better is simply more profound.

Later in the evening was another documentary, this one on A&E and it was all about Star Wars, which obviously coincides with the release of the DVDs coming out very soon (the same documentary is actually included, along with additional material that covers the latest “improvements” which I could care less about). As clich?d as it has become, I too must echo the sentiment that what Lucas is doing to his masterworks is indeed “destroying my childhood”. I’ve always been steadfast when it has come to my disgust towards Lucas, as well as my disdain for the franchise as a whole, but watching the behind the scenes footage of what was once my favorite films of all time really made me remember how incredible and magical those films were, as well as how much of a genius Lucas was. And as crazy as it sounds, hearing his constant complaints regarding how, at least for the original film, never lived up to what he had in mind, for the first time ever, I almost became somewhat sympathetic towards his desire to make what he had truly envisioned. But it’s also sorta sad… especially when he spoke of how when he was younger, he had stood up to the studios and did things his own way, until he became so powerful he became his own studio… essentially what he hated most (he even made the whole Darth Vader analogy himself).

But still, I’m just like all the others who love the original films and simply want to see them untouched and preserved. I could give a rat’s ass about the touch-ups… even though the latest ones do fix a lot of the botched up “enhancements” from the Special Edition, it simply re-enforces that chances should have never been done in the first place… we just want the original versions as well. Though unlike most of the complainers, I am not going to be buying the DVD set, since it will only validate Lucas’s efforts, so I for one will proudly be pirating them. Besides, I believe I’m going to be getting a free set anyway, though I really can’t say how just yet…

Lastly, Super Mario Bros. was first released 19 years ago on this date and it’s just as good today as it was back then.