
Watching, and Playing, and Buying, and Meeting the Past

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

- Well my whole “I have to get at least six hours a sleep every night” edict was broken last night. After spending most of last night writing up stories for various cartooning peeps for Unlucky, I stayed up till 2 in the morning playing Mega Man X8 (I know its supposed to be one of the better X titles, at least post X4, but I just can’t get into it), Wario Ware Twisted (for the longest time I thought my cart was busted since the calibration always goes off after a few games, but after consulting the instruction manual… which I don’t think I’ve done for any game in about ten years… I think I’ve just not be restoring it to the upright position after each game like one is supposed to, which is sorta annoying, but oh well…. its still one of the best games I’ve played all year…. the re-play value is fucking insane!) and various NES games on my Mac.

I’m a bit miffed that I have the VS version for almost every early NES game that went arcade (remember how they all had “Vs.” in the title?) except for Super Mario Bros. Most people don’t realize that the level design is bit different in the later arcade iteration. Whereas worlds 6 and 7 are just earlier ones repeated, the ones in the arcade are totally unique, and a bit harder too (though not crazy hard like the original Super Mario 2). You’d think Nintendo would have released them homeside by now, as an unlockable in one of the many SMB re-issues or something…

Also watched the Anton Corbin Director’s Label DVD (we just got the latest set at work). I always watch DVDs or play games via headphones late at night as not to wake up my roommate, and as I started up Depeche Mode’s Enjoy the Silence video, I quickly realized that there was no sound. At first I was confused but then reasoned that perhaps it was the way the video was supposed to be seen. So I watched all of Enjoy the Silence in silence, but when there was no sound in Nirvana’s Heart Shaped Box, I realized something was up: the connection between the headphones and the TV was loose, hence the audio problem.

- I’ve also been catching up with all the gaming news I missed out on. For over two weeks I couldn’t do any my regular surfing with all the projects I was neck-deep in. And I wasn’t surprised to discover that I missed out on a lot. I’ll list the most noteworthy stuff later on, but check out this out: Link vs Starfox, and not from Super Smash Bros, but the N64 classic the Ocarina of Time.

For more details, you can check out my little write up about it for Insert Credit (though I actually came across it at the GAF). Plus, here’s another story about someone getting Mac OS 7.5.5 running on the PSP which was also posted on the IC front-page for about two minutes but got accidentally wiped off.

- I’m also a bit behind the times with the real world as well. Just found out that Topher Grace is going to be Venom in Spider-Man 3. WTF?!?! Thomas Haden Church as Sandman sounds just about right though. And back to the subject of DVD’s, I discovered that this just came out:

I remember enjoying it when I first saw the mini-series all those years ago, not sure why though. I was just a sucker for off beat ABC programming back in the day (hey, with Twin Peaks and On The Air, how could one not?). Hey Xmas is just 80 days away, but for those who want to get a leg up on the holiday shopping for me, just keep it in mind. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to pick me up a copy of this other direct-to-TV classic.

And hey, I finally got my Simpsons season 6 box in the mail today at work! I’ll take a pic of it later tonight or something.

- One last thing: I forgot to mention that this past weekend I ran into a pair of faces I hadn’t seen in quite a while: the Abahuni twins. I was friends with the identical twin sisters back in my school daze. They even acted in the film adaptation of Quicken Forbidden that Dave & I tried making. Since then they’ve gone on to tour the world with their fine arts/robotic inventions. Last I saw them was at a robot show in city a few years back when they were showcasing a robot that recognized and translated handwriting. Such a small world…

  • legalstep

    Don’t forget all that DS stuff today. My froth has reached a foam stage.

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Seriously… the amount of awesome games coming out is INSANE. It’s like impossible to keep track of all the new stuff that’s being announced.

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