The awesomest part about living in New York City is that there’s always a ton of stuff to. But the biggest problem ends up being there no being enough time to do it all…
So I have a few minutes till I take the train out to Queens to the Museum of the Moving Image for the Video Games 1.0 event, featuring the father of home video games himself, Ralph Baer, who’ll be interviewing for Gamasutra. So needless to say, I’m pretty psyched.
Then I’m heading back into Manhattan for the NY Shitty Punk Rock CD release party to check out BDF and Blackout Shoppers and about 30 other local area punk bands.
Unfortunately that means I won’t be able to attend either the screening of Highcore, which is a documentary about one guy’s attempt to break the high score record for Asteroids, which means he has to one credit the machine for about 56 hours.
At least I’ll be around the corner from the The Tank, which is where BENT 2006, the International Circuit Bending Festival, is taking place. If there’s anything that’s possible cooler than hearing music being created from Game Boys, then it has to be broken toys.
BTW, I was going to pass a heads up about all this stuff last night, which would have been more timely and useful I realize, but I was super tired when I got home last night. And since I’m out of time, I’ll have to talk about being interviewed by a UK game journalist yesterday morning about my childhood infatuation with the Sega Genesis, as well as seeing Drawing Restraint 9, that new Matthew Barney/Bjork thing, next time.