
Time To Go

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

So it’s past 8, my flight back to Washington departs in less than 12 hours, I just got home and I have yet to start packing, there’s presents that still need to wrapped, emails that still need to be sent, my eyes are burning from the acidic stench that my roommates have concocted in the kitchen and which is permeating throughout the entire apartment (Seriously, what the fuck did they cook their dinner with tonight, battery acid? Oh wait a minute… now they’re now yelling at each other. Again.), I’m typing on my eMac which just had a massive kernel panic from out of no where and is now acting funny, and best of all, my iBook is now dead, which totally sucks because it was going to be my main mode of entertainment while back home. All in all, a fitting end to an extremely shitty day.

Actually, the day has had a few bright spots, such as how friends and coworkers have been nice enough to pass along DVDs chock full of goodness (including the Trailer Park Boys Christmas Special, which I didn’t even know existed till today) since they all know how oppressively bored I’ll be back on the west coast… though now I can’t watch most of it due to the lack of a computer. I also got some primo games in Chinatown, like Bubble Bobble Old & New for the GBA and Space Station Silicon Valley for the N64. I’ve been wanting to sink my teeth into a DMA game without GTA’s shooting hookers in the face nonsense (I was going to get Cosmic Race for the sake of novelty, but in the end, I have better things to do with my $25). Plus, on the GAF, I managed to make the president of Working Designs think I was pedophile.

But otherwise, it’s been hell, especially these past few weeks, and tonight’s series of disasters is the icing on the cake, almost acting as one final reminder of why I have to get the hell out of town. I really feel akward saying this, especially in public, but the thing is, and for reasons far too numerous to even get into at this point, I’m pretty much sick of New York City. I guess you could say that the novelty of being here wore out a long time ago, and I often wonder sometimes why the hell I’m still here.

Yes, I know there are plenty of awesome things about this place (and to be totally frank, I’ve managed to make quite a nice little niche for myself), but there’s also plenty of inexcusably shitty things that I’m tired of dealing with on a daily basis, and I can no longer buy into the whole “that’s what you get when you live in the greatest city on earth” nonsense.

Then again, I get this way at the end of every year. Which is why, despite the fact that I hate the idea of going back home (also for a variety of reasons which I won’t go into right now, especially since some is rather personal), I still appreciate the chance to get away, at least for a short while. Though the real problem is, my tolerance for all the bullshit in NYC seems to lessen with each passing year.

And since I will be without a computer, and therfore have extremely limited access to the web, this will probably be the last entry of the year. Not the best note to end things on, I know. Not only was I hoping to chronicle the happenings back home (as spartan as I expect them to be), I also wanted to touch upon this past year on a personal level, which by all accounts, has been pretty incredible. There’s just so much going on, a lot of it really great, though it’s now to the point that it’s almost overwhelming.

Which is why, I really need a vacation, now more than ever, though I could really do without having to humor my parents and avoiding awkward situations with folks I went to high school with. Oh well.

Anyway, I really hope everyone has a great holiday! I better sign off, there’s still plenty to do…

Oh, and please enjoy this card I whipped up for the occasion. It’s actually from two years ago; I didn’t have time to do a new one this year. Sorry.

Oh, and real quick, what’s my new year’s resolution? I have two actually: to finally do some comics this year and to stop buying role playing video games. Also, what’s my personal game of the year? Tough call, but I’d have to say, in the end, Katamari Damacy. No other game played, looked, sounded, or felt as good. Period. Though Metal Gear Solid 3 is a pretty close second.

This is Matt signing out.

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