

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

I forgot to mention that a live action Transformer film was indeed formally announced at ComicCon as I speculated recently. And not only that, Dreamworks are indeed attached to the project and Steven Spielberg is even acting as an executive producer.

Now, onto the bad news…
While one of the aforementioned producers, Don Murphy, has stated that those behind the movie are going to stay focused on the original mythology (“Steven is COMPLETELY behind staying true to the mythology – no supersoakers.” ) and that they’re even working on getting permission from various auto manufacturers so Transformers can turn into what they used to in the cartoons, there are still changes on the way, and most sound pretty bad.

First off, regarding Megatron….

“Megatron is NOT gonna be a gun
That was lame anyway”

Well that totally blows. He’ll probably turn into a tank, like in Generation 2. Also, they’re not sure if Soundwave will be in the film, but if he is, he won’t be a tape deck, but most likely a CD player (dear God…). In fact, many of the characters will be “retooled” to bring them to modern times. Also, here’s more from Don…

“we are gonna try to treat this as realistically as possible

one giant robot doesn’t turn into the gun for another
nor does a giant robot turn into a tape deck

We MAY have Soundwave- but we’d keep him proportional and make him a cd player or something.


If Megatron is a tank, then when he transforms it is to scale.

Does anyone think we should keep the Transforming SOUND- squugeee or however you’d spell it?”

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that if the original transforming sound is not in the movie, there will be rioting in the streets.

Also, there’s no word on a script or voice actors thus far (with only a year to go till the film hits theaters? excellent), so I suggest they get this girl to play the role of Bumblebee:

  • http://www.demolicious.org PAINPAINPAIN

    Working headlights!

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