
The Truths

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

So aside from watching SNL, and getting my panties in a bunch in the process, other stuff happened this weekend. I didn’t end up even proposing the chiptunes show to MK on Friday night since I really wanted just a low-key, let’s just hang out at home and make dinner, read comics, plus play video games kind of evening. Which is precisely what we did. MK whipped up some chicken marsala and salad, both of which was absolutely delicious. Then we stopped by Rocketship, which if I haven’t mentioned before, is the perhaps the best damn comic book store out there. I forget what MK got, but I finally picked up a copy of something I have been long waiting to get: Don Rosa’s the Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck…

… I was a pretty big Uncle Scrooge comics fan back in the day (like most diehard DuckTales fans), and have been waiting to get my hands on the collection for over ten years, since it took precisely that long for one to be produced, though I don’t have a clue why. I even have a few of the original issues when they first came out. and I guess its a good thing too… since according to this, the collection is incomplete. Though to what extent, I really don’t know; I haven’t had a chance to read to yet.

On a side note, I really wish someone would just reprint this already.

While paying for it, I chatted a bit with Alex, who aside from running the place is an old friend from college, and for some reason the topics of furries came up, in which he confessed to not believing most of the stuff that he had heard about it. Alex then pointed towards a furry related story in the new Bob Fingerman book, You Deserved It, and was taken aback to discover that much of it was based in the truth. Later in the evening, I sent Alex a link to this BCC show which does a really good job showing what its truly all about. I cannot emphasize this enough: EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE THIS VIDEO. I also got the book, but again, btw.

EDIT: The vid was kindly being hosted by someone else, but I guess it was raping his bandwidth, so its no longer up. So does anyone know how to upload or submit something for Google Video?

Once we got home, I showed MK Beyond the Mat, perhaps the finest documentary on professional wrestling ever produced (and one of the best documentaries I have ever seen, period). I knew she was somewhat hesitant at first, but like everyone else, it took about five minutes for MK to get hooked in. Again, I cannot recommend this film enough to people, especially comic book folks who find wrestling to be “dumb”. Its a fascinating look into the lives people, that really aren’t that much different from you and me, other than the fact that they decided at one point to get a job where they put each other in headlocks and allow themselves to get hit with chairs.

The next day MK & I stopped by Rocketship once again to drop off copies of our minis, plus some perfect bound Catfights. Afterwards we were going to head into the city to see Mike Moosehead’s other bad, Blackout Shoppers at a punk rock/comic show, but MK wasn’t feeling so hot, so we headed back home (albeit reluctantly… after-all, Mike promised to buy me “a shitload of beers” at the show). Once home, MK read both the Scrooge collection and the Fingerman book. Again, I haven’t a chance to read it, but upon flipping through some pages, I was both elated and horrified to see some nerd character who ends up fucking a baloney was wearing a shirt with the Earth 2 Superman logo, something which I’ve been secretly obsessed with getting, and even making, myself.

While MK read, I played some GameCube, specifically more of Super Mario Sunshine, which I thoroughly loathes at this point. Mainly because of the controls which are way too loose in certain regards, and just plain fucking weird in others (there’s one point that felt like a 3D Sonic game, believe it or not). I sorta want to blame the Cube’s analogue stick; for as mush shit the Nintendo 64′s stick gets, I don’t recall any problems whatsoever with over stepping and the such. Once I finally became sick of it, we tuned into SNL, and then watched the new 26th anniversary DVD edition of The Jerk. And once again, I’m totally craving for pizza in a cup.

As for yesterday, I pretty much spent the entire day and evening trying to fix MK’s PowerBook. Long story short, when she updated ITunes recently, it ended up wiping out most of her mp3′s. Thankfully, I have all her personal files backed up on my machine from the last time I had to re-install everything, but things didn’t go nearly as smooth this time around. In fact, the more I fix up people’s Macs, the harder it becomes due to problems becoming more and more non-sensical. I’ve been meaning to go on an Apple tirade for sometime now, but I’ll just say at the moment that OS X is becoming a bigger piece of shit each and every day. As for my own system (running Tiger), I just discovered this weekend that the Google Maps widget is no longer working, which sucks because it was one of the few actually useful widgets out there. So its yet another wide to just die all of sudden, along with the TV tracker, which was handy for checking showtimes of television shows. Gee, what’s the fucking point of the Dashboard then?

Meanwhile as I worked, MK played some Zelda; first the original for the NES via the special collector’s disc that came out a few years ago. As I learned when I got the GBA iteration, that game is fucking tough as shit without the map that came with the game originally. I also had to aide my quest perhaps the greatest book ever written…

Anyone who had this book as a child know precisely what I’m talking about. Its key feature was the ultra detailed maps for tons of games, from Zelda 1 & 2, to Metroid, and even Rygar! Just thinking about all the times I consulted the book for wisdom, either for myself at home, in-front of my NES, or for others in the school yard when a friend was stuck in the game (as mentioned previously, I was the walking hint-book back in the days), I get all misty eyed. And I would gladly play a large sum of money for a near mint condition of the book today.

Afterwards, MK gave WInd Waker a turn and I was reminded again how gorgeous it looked, as well as how fucking generic looking Twilight Princess in comparison (sorry).

Anyway, real quick…

- Seeing Beyond the Mat reminded MK of something she had read in The Beat (due to the obvious ties between kids who grow up reading comics and those who fight bad guys while dressed in spandex); here’s the story of a real-life group of super heroes, and how some of the them went rouge.

- And here’s another example of why British comedy is so fucking rad.

- Finally, here’s a pic of Mario and the girls from Dead or Alive….

  • http://www.jennydevildoll.com Jenny

    That Punk Rock Comics show isn’t until February though.

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Oh… duh, I didn’t read. So I still get the chance to check out Blackout Shoppers and comics at the same show! Awesome.

  • http://newave.mooshuu.com newave

    I wouldn’t nesessarly blame apple for trouble with 3rd party widgets with the dashboard…anyway tv tracker has been updated…so maybe that why the old version no longer works? http://www.monkeybusinesslabs.com/beta/index.html

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Thanks for the link! As I said, its one of the few truly useful widgets out there, at least for me, so its nice to have it back.

    … Though I have to admit that I’m not exactly thrilled that I have to sign up for a Zap2It account in order for it to work (I just hate signing up unless I absolutely have to… which applies in this case since I don’t even have cable, plus I hardly watch TV in the first place)…

    Though what I want is the Google Maps to work again. There’s another one created by some other party, called G Maps or something, which has a shitter interface and is slow and bug as hell.

    This morning, my weather widget stopped working for some reason, and I went “What the fuck?!?!” But it’s working now… for a while there, I just wondered if I had shit luck with widgets or something.

  • Ben

    The mario pic is cool

  • http://www.videogamemuseum.com GamesOgre

    I’m loving the Mario photo!

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