
The True Face Of Horror – OR – You Tell Me Folks…

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

Unlike the past couple of weekends, this last one was rather low-key and pretty chill. Meaning no weddings, chiptunes, or dressing up in a monkey suit for the Weekly World News, which to be honest, I was rather happy about. I really needed some downtime to recover, and I got some of that, finally. Though there was the IGDA Holiday Party on Friday night (again, if there’s a party, I’s gots to be there). It was fun, though it was both funny and kinda depressing that virtually every single conversation I overheard basically had “… so I’m working on this Xbox Live Arcade game, and…” simply because I’m not!

I mostly just hung out with my peeps from the NJ Chapter, plus Dave (Gilbert), who was recently called an “underground sell-out” in a recent interview btw, as well as Nick Fortugno from gameLab, who promised to let me know when his next live-action game takes place. The shin-dig itself was most impressive; the revitalized NY IGDA continues to impress, and this most recently party was a far cry from the days of being crammed in a tight corner of the Large Animal office, fighting over one last slice of pizza. This time around the action went down at the Gibson Guitar Center, and like my last visit on the behalf of Nick Mag, Guitar Hero 2 was projected on a huge screen, but everyone got the chance to mess around with the real things in their showrooms.

As for Saturday, I got together with Jason to work on some upgrades for this here site. The new journal page is almost ready, with some added features, that might come in handy and useful, and not just myself… though thing which might not make the cut is the addition of polls since we can’t find anything that will fit in nice and neat. So I in the meantime, I’m just going to have to ask questions directly for a response, like this following one, even though I’ve already asked it before (and haven’t gotten much feedback on… hence why having a handy poll option but be the way to go):

One particular thing which gets me just as many compliments as complaints is the length of my blog entries. I get pretty much the same number of people telling me “I really like that it’s long! It seems like a real conversation, and not just boring bullet-points…” as I get “Dude, your entries are too fucking long.”. I also hear plenty of “I like that what you write about is all over the map”, as well as “Dude, there’s too much stuff. I can’t keep track sometimes. Again, TOO FUCKING LONG.”

Though to be honest, the complaints are starting to outweigh the compliments. I guess, one solution would be to simply split up my posts, to make them stick to a certain topic or category. Just only talk about video games in one, and that’s it. And only talk about, say, movies or crazy homeless people exclusively in another. Which I guess makes sense, since I hate the idea of people missing stuff that I think they would like because of too much of something else they’re not into. But what do you guys thing? Yay, nay, or whatever?

Also, some might have already noticed that I have done away with the Reviews section of this site. The plan was for me to conduct formal video games reviews and to house them there, but due to a variety of reasons (most of them technical… more on this in a sec), I just haven’t gotten things together. I did recently start to pass along links to my video game movie reviews from GameSetWatch, but considering that I already do that around here anyway, plus I kinda already review games and other stuff around here also, just having a separate section just seemed redundant. I still plan on doing game reviews, but they’ll simply be incorporated in this page (which to be honest, is where 99/9% of everyone goes to anyway), and perhaps be a bit less formal that originally planned.

Though what I REALLY need is to figure out a way to play PSone games on my Mac, so I can do screen captures and the such…

Plus, others might have also noticed that Reviews has been replaced by Forums. And yeah, I’m still going make one (hopefully there’s still some interest among a few of you out there). Again, it’s coming. Soon.

Later on, I joined went over to Robin‘s, where him and MK were working on the new Friends of Lulu Anthology. Robin had Netflixed See No Evil, starring one of my favorite pro-wreslters of all time, Kane, and Robin’s a big-time fan too, so we all watched with total lust in our eyes, and hearts (okay, not all of us; MK made fun of us by going “You guys are totally gay for Kane!”… and we were). The movie, as expected, totally sucked ass. Primarily problem? Not enough Kane.

But what makes Kane so special anyway? Well, its really hard to explain why I’m such a fan of the guy… but let’s just say that even by pro-wrestling standards, his “character” is totally insane. First off, it should be noted that he’s this big goofy looking guy who had tons of shitty gimmicks previously. Once he was an evil dentist. Another time he was simply known as “The Christmas Creature”. Nuff said. Eventually the WWF (now WWE) came up with a decent character for him: an anti-social, somewhat dimwitted and therefore easily led astray muscle man, one who was totally scarred, both physically and mentally, from a childhood incident involving fire. This not only required much of his body to be covered, meaning he had an awesome looking mask, but his vocal chords for whatever reason were also damaged, meaning he had to talk with the assistance of one of those things that hardcore smokers that have lost their voice boxes use. I myself watch wrestling, not to see two dudes with first and last names running around a ring in simply skimpy black tights and “grapple”, but to see psychos, vampires, zombies, and Europeans fights with each over ridiculous crap, and Kane represents “the good old days”. And as wrestling became more popular, more “real” in the late 90s/early 2000, everything began to shift, but not Kane. Well they did make him more “edgier” but the results were pretty damn hilarious. Believe it or not, there is such a thing in professional wrestling as “character development” and eventually Kane became less of a dangerous loner and over time part of the gang, enough to gain enough confidence to drop the voice box, so he could say with his true, albeit tattered voice to “suck it”, with much fanfare from his mostly adolescent fan base. Which of course led to him being double-crossed by his new friends, making him totally nutso-destructo once more, but worse. Eventually, in another attempt to add depth to his character, they introduced the notion that he had a girlfriend at one point that is now dead, and his main nemesis at the time had sex with her dead corpse leading up to their big Pay Per View match. Later on, in a fight in which the stipulation was that he had to take off his mask if he lost, he did indeed loose, and instead of revealing horrific scar tissue underneath, which had been what been supposedly been covered up all this time, it was just some regular, somewhat doofy looking dude. So then his gimmick became that he had gone through tons of plastic surgery to look normal, but in his mind he was still scarred, which at one point led him to go bonkers yet again, enough to light the guy who was interviewing him on fire. Then later on, he fell in love with a girl and forced her to marry him, in the middle of the wrestling ring, of course (and anyone who knows wrestling knows that wrestling weddings are the absolute best). But there’s much more, enough that the WWE even had a book published to help keep track and connected all the wacky storyline stuff (such as clarify how it was originally mentioned that he was raised in a cage, without any human contact, then at another point it was explained that he had an indie career, which was how he met his girlfriend while on the road). Did I mention he can also shoot fireballs? I could just go on….

…. Sorry, I really didn’t mean to go on and on about pro-wrestling.

Anyway, speaking of movies, I finally emailed the person representing Karate Ruler, and the studio behind the movie, and stated my case as to why the vid should not be pulled from YouTube, and… this past weekend, I got a response. The person saw where I was coming from, and is letting me keep the video up! Yay! So Karate Ruler will still live (and rule) the internet! And thank God for that.

In other YouTube related business, I also recently got the following comment in regards to the dumb white hardcore/punk/emo kids at some shitty show vid that’s also fairly popular. Basically, according to “hi2u2sir”:

“youre a fucking bitch who doesnt know jack. check out the boston beatdown tell me hardcore is emo fuckwad.”

Thanks “hi2u2sir”! As always, all comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Okay, instead of going straight into video game talk, I guess I’m just going to end things right now, and save all that stuff for my next post (like I said, I’m gonna try to break things up into categories). So one more upload, a bit of some cop show parody in Japan. It’s not the funniest thing in the world, but I simply LOVE the theme song!

  • http://www.johngreenart.com John Green

    If you want to play PSOne games on Mac, try Connectix Virtual Game system, if you can find it. I used it to play PSOne games on my first-gen iMac and it seemed good enough.

    You’d need to run it in Classic mode, I imagine. I might still have my CD…

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