
The Soft, Cooling Snow

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

So everyone knows it snowed like crazy in New York, New Jersey, and surrounding parts over the weekend. Facing the possibility of freezing to death in my apartment (landlord finally turned on the heat, but only a tiny bit, fucking cheap-ass), I went out to Jersey to stay warm and alive at MK’s house.

I arrived just as it was really coming down Saturday night. So much so that the governor declared a state of emergency and ordered that no one could be on the roads unless it was an emergency. Translation: no Wawa’s that night. Instead, we just ate at home and shoveled the driveway. And played in the snow of course; it was a total blast imitating Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat moves to hapless snow-covered bushes at the grade school next to her house. Once both of us had raging rivers of snot running down from our noses, we called it a night, made some hot coco and watched perhaps the first funniest SNL in years. Gee, I wonder if it had anything to do with the brilliant and funny Paul Giamatti as guest host. Hmm?

Plus MK showed me Rock Fighter, an improvised film by a friend of hers in Syracuse. A while back, MK showed me Basil Warriors, an improvised infomercial starring two guys who would develop the characters and have them star in a whole series of films (four in total), all borne of total boredom and spices that were lying around. MK starred in two, as Princess Paprika or something. Anyway, one of the two did another movie, Rock Fighter, which is basically about some guy who goes around killing imps on the behalf of a hotel manager who really likes carrots. Hilarity ensues when the titular character questions the need to kill a baby with cancer, as well as complaining about the lack of selection of the hotel’s In Demand channel (that one movie? Leprechaun in the Hood).

The next day we slept in till 2 (it was MK’s fault) and did some more shoveling till MK’s friends Morgan and Andy showed up. We all went to a golf course where MK & I sledded till dark (Andy & Morgan weren’t dressed for the occasion, but Andy did have fun pushing MK & I down the hill). As much fun playing GameCube and surfing message boards is, nothing beats rushing down a hill, wind and snow hitting in your face (and going up your nose), flying high in the air on a plastic disc designed for kids, and landing on your ass hard.

Once it got dark and far too cold, we all had dinner with Morgan’s family who all wanted to see met me (only natural considering MK is practically a member of the family, hence their interest in her choice man). Everyone enjoyed the insane amount of chicken pit pie that was prepared. Some pool was played and then MK drove me back to my, as expected, freezing apartment. Though Adult Swim helped dull the pain.

Speaking off, and I forgot to mention this before, but there was apparently a Q&A on the Adult Swim forums on Thursday. Here’s some of the stuff that was revealed…

- New anime is hitting the air in 2005: Samurai Champloo and Paranoia Agent.

I got the chance to see both at a recent anime fest here in NYC and really dug both, especially Paranoia Agent. Champloo is certain to be a smash hit, plus I feel Agent stands a good chance of become a cult sensation. I wonder how it did in Japan? If the reception has been similar to Satoshi Kon’s other works (the man was also behind Perfect Blue and Millennium Actress), then probably awful. With shit like Naruto being the biggest thing over there right now, I have to assume so. So maybe, like his movies, he’ll find some appreciation here in American. BTW, he also did Tokyo Godfathers, but I have no idea if it did well there.

- Venture Brother has not been cancelled, but the fate of a second season hinges on the ratings for the next 3 weekends (one of which has already passed). So you hear that folks? If you’re a Nelson ratings person, PLEASE WATCH IT FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. Thank you.

I’d like to say that I’m perplexed why the normally keen Adult Swim audience didn’t embrace the show the instant it premiered (Lord knows there’s not a single bad episode in the batch), but then I remind myself that Home Movies also fell through the cracks, so this one probably will as well. Also going against it’s chances of renewal is the simple fact that unlike the other AS shows, it actually costs money to produce, so I’m just praying for a DVD release of what’s out there.

- Sealab has (finally) been cancelled. And thank God for that.

- American Dad, the new show from Seth McFarlane, creator of Family Guy, debuts on Sunday, Feb 13. And like Family Guy, I won’t make any effort to catch it, but if it’s on, I guess I watch. Not surprisingly, I’ve head that American Dad is a carbon copy of Family Guy to a fault. Apparently, just replace the talking dog with a talking fish or something.

- There’s a pilot in development called Lucy: Daughter of the Dead. Sounds like a hit already!

- Tom Goes To The Mayor will have new episodes in April. Till then, I guess they’ll be showing the same four episodes over and over and over and…

I have to admit, when the show first premiered, I absolutely hated it. I thought it was just another unfunny, self-indulgent exercise in overly “stylized” animation. Even Bob Odenkirk’s name didn’t do anything for me. But as time went on, the show grew on me, and now I can’t wait for new episodes. I think it was the Xmas one that did it for me (and I sorta want a Rats Off To Ya! shirt as well).

Given some time, it will find it legs. And hell, I thought Aqua Teen was stupid as fuck at first, and it got pretty damn good. All that’s needed is that one brilliant episode to get things going. For anyone interested, check out some other stuff by the show’s creators, Time and Eric.

- In other anime news, they just acquired the entire run of Inuyasha (ugh), Case Closed will return soon, as will Trigun and maybe Blue Gender (double ugh).

- They spoke about how to pitch shows to them. What do they want? Something that’s 15 minutes long, cheap, innovative, and cheap as hell to produce.

- Oh, and Squidbillies is still in development.

One last thing… Johnny Carson died yesterday. Know how I’m always saying how I started watching Letterman when I was in the first grade? Well you should also include Carson’s show as well. Plus, back in the day, I never missed Carson Comedy Classics, which was a syndicated half hour show that compiled the best of his skits ran regularly as well. Never.

By now, most have seen the numerous retrospectives on television by now, all the clips and interviews with folks know knew and loved him, and everything they’ve said regarding his showmanship, his humility, his sincerity, the profound effect he’s had on television and comedy as a whole is all 1000% true.

  • mk

    OREGANO, aka Mary Kate. Geez. Not hard to remember.

  • https://www.fort90.com/ Matt

    Hey, you know I don’t cook that often!

  • mk

    :) You are plagued with factual errors! And what the hell is a chicken PIT pie? Show me a chicken pit! Show me!!!!

  • https://www.fort90.com/ Matt

    Hey, again, I don’t cook that often! Plus, you know I have a real hard time with the English language; I’m half Korean!

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