
The Faith Has Been Restored

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

Some more E3 odds & ends, for anyone who might be interested (and hasn’t had the time to spend the entire afternoon surfing all the usual spots for news)…

- Here it is, the first look at Wii games in motion, though most of the vid is just footage of people playing the games. Its totally necessary I know, but I just feel… I dunno… a bit uncomfortable whenever I see all those pretty people wiggle around with glazed smiles on their faces. But anyway, regarding the games, there isn’t a heck of a lot, and none of it is at all wild and crazy as many had hoped for, but Super Mario Galaxy looks pretty damn neat (and more than makes up for Super Mario Sunshine). And as expected, WarioWare for the system looks phenomenal.
- Sorry to bitch, but I still can’t believe Sony’s $600 pricetag. Hey, didn’t Sony state that one of Microsoft’s key blunders with the launch of the Xbox 360 was having two different configurations? And imagine how much those bundles from EB & Gamestop is gonna go for.
- Plus, I still can’t believe that Sony decided to stick with the Spiderman font for the PS3.
- I’m also still shocked at how bad Tekken 6 looks, which is especially embarrassing when compared to Virtua Fighter 5.
- Check out Wikipedia’s listing for the PlayStation 3. I’m sure its been changed by now, and if so, here’s what it said eariler this afternoon: Well, let’s see. They stole a bunch of crap from Nintendo, and they act like they came up with it, and then they charge you $600 for it. That’s about all you need to know.
- The new PS3/Xbox 360 Sonic the Hedgehog looks insanely stupid. They made Eggman more human, Sonic now has Matrix-esque powers, and Shadow is back, and he still has a gun, but now with some Humvee-esque vehicle. Just when you think Sonic couldn’t get any worse.
- Hey, Rule of Rose is coming to the US!
- And Ouendan is going to be Elite Beat Agents. So the cheerleaders have been replaced with secret agents. It’s great that the game is finally coming to these shores… but I think I’m still going to get the original from Japan.
- Plus, check out the controller for the Wii’s “virtual console”…

Looks neat, and I’m relieved that I won’t have to rely on the Hori Cube controller; it’s cool how its all SNES-like, but the button config has never been hot in my book.

- Given the absolutely asinine price for the PS3 (I don’t give a shit about the creator’s reasoning that it’s actually cheap, nor its defender’s stance that “you’re not just getting a game console but an entertainment hub”), and the already steep price of admission for the Xbox 360, I simply am not ready for the next-generation of video games.

In the past, I’ve always been annoyed by those who have stuck their noses up in the air to next-gen; yeah, I certainly enjoy the classics, and “old school” gaming gives me warm and fuzzy feelings just as much as the next person, but I just can’t live in the past, hence why I’m always excited about the future. I’m also secretly annoyed by those who have a “it was so much cooler back then attitude”… acting like an ornery old guy with certain things is one thing, but when its video games, its a tad bit sadder.

People have always been complaining that they can’t stand the direction that games are heading, and some are fearful of (while some are even hoping for) a video game crash, which is total bullshit. The bottom-line is that everything changes, and as games continue to enjoy mainstream success, its evolution will reflect this. But I have to finally admit that I’m not too keen on how things are heading… its not so much the direction I have a problem with, just its pace, which is too fast.

Anyway, my point is that I’m going to wait things out. I sorta have to… again, the prices are just ridiculous. Plus, according to some, I wouldn’t appreciate the graphics anyways since I’m a dinosaur for using a regular standard def CRT television set (hey, folks who are willing to spend $3000 on a TV set and are angry that others don’t think that way have to justify their purchase somehow).

But thank God for Nintendo, right? I know I come off as another mindless Nintendo fanboy, but despite the fact that the Wii was somewhat underwhelming, they are clearly the star of E3 (thus far at least) with all the hot new DS games on the way, like Yoshi’s Island 2. Hell, they’re even still breathing some life into the Cube with Super Paper Mario…

EDIT: And Robin found a vid of the game in action!

  • http://www.gamebunker.com Arluss

    I’d be willing to spend $3000 on a new TV if I somehow had the ability to bleed money.

    I have to say, Sony’s conferences are always boring. I mean, they had a couple things on PS3 that excited me. The way they used Eyetoy was just awesome. Then a couple of the games that didn’t have nervous developers demoing them were decent. As much as Phil Harrison and Kaz Hirai wanted to kill it, there was some buildup going on.

    But, it started to get to a point where it became annoying. Kaz Hirai demoing the emulation of….Riiiiidge Raaacer… on the PSP. That so made me not excited about it. If Nintendo announced their legacy titles to be downloaded from the virtual console onto the DS, that would be exciting. As I can’t keep my SNES and 64 plugged in, and have long ago gave up my NES. But, I’ve held onto my Playstation collection because it can play on the PS2, and will play on the PS3.

    Then came the acellerometer revelation. At that point I said “mother fuckers!” and was fuming when Phil was standing next to Kutaragi(who I really don’t like in general) with his shit-eating grin… It was really transparent how they were mocking Nintendo at that point. Then they had that one developer come up, demo that game I don’t really care to remember the name of. It looked like he was fumbling around with it. The kicker was when he he appreciated the innovation… I wanted to gag at that point.

    The price was the final straw, making me disapointed with the PS3. $500 base price… $600 for the non-retard version. It was like Sony just stabbed me right in the gut somewhere. It’s not like I need a PS3. But, it was almost like they were taking advantage of everyone in the audience, including myself, because we bought the previous two Playstations. For $600 I’m not expecting a 60GB HD.

    I have much more better uses for $600 if someone just handed me a few, legitmate and printed by the mint, Benjamins. Like chopping off almost half my debt to my mom. Or paying for my car insurance for six months so I wouldn’t have to worry about that debt. Not to mention it’s plus tax…

    For $600 I could even upgrade this computer for a few new features since it’s my real entertainment hub.

    Nintendo’s press conference the next morning was a breath of fresh air though. Although, someone on my MB was disapointed that Miyamoto wasn’t demoing the next Mario on stage. But, I was really impressed with how the Wii is turning out and the features that the Wiimote has. I don’t see how anyone who was watching it live, and anyone who was watching the stream and talking about it with other people at the same time, could be disapointed and unexcited.

    Iunno, it just seems that Nintendo has made all the right moves to attract me, as an adult who has more than a few bills to pay and ambitions to go to college in less than a year, than Sony or Microsoft. Heck, Peter Moore and Kaz Hirai still going on about the 18-34 male demographic… Which makes me cringe whenever I hear about it. Mostly because my demographic is just outspoken, and really isn’t the voice of the mainstream at all.

    Here’s hoping to a successful Wii launch. Now to try to figure out what is wrong with my 360.

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Well I finally got around to viewing the Nintendo press conference a day or so ago, and despite the fact that much of the news was old by that point, it was still an interesting watch, simply because it was a Nintendo that was running on all cylinders; it was just nice to see Nintendo finally (almost) on-top of their game. And their optimism and enthusiasm was simply infectous. If there’s any good in this world, the Wii will find its audience, which has the potential to be VERY big and be a success.

    As for the Sony conference… man, you weren’t kidding one bit.

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