
The Band’s Back Together

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

… Speaking of movies, last night marked the return of “movie night”.

Some explanation: I run with several packs. There’s comic nerds, gamers, and then there’s film geeks. Now I’ve noticed that virtually everyone calls themselves film geeks these days, mostly based upon their love for whatever quirky genre or subject matter. Well sorry, but everyone has tons of DVDs lying around, and everyone has a fave director or whomever or whatever, so that’s not enough. I’m talking about true blue, diehard cineophiles. And it’s been a while since I’ve attended a movie night, at least a Jeff Rovin movie night.

Back in 2002 when he used to live in the west village, I would attend each and every Wednesday evening, along with his son Mike (whom I’ve been friends with since college, where we worked on several movie projects together…. and was the prime reason why I ended up doing more film than actual comics which was my major) and all of his father’s friends, which included a wide assortment of actors and actresses from the film and stage, and other show biz types. Some might actually know Jeff’s name, since he’s a prolific writer and his vast knowledge of everything and anything related to movies, television, books, music, comic books, and all other facets of pop culture is quite evident all throughout his home, which is covered wall to wall with all sorts of toys, original artwork, and memorabilia, enough to make any diehard geek weep.

It was also a time when I had a lot of time on my hands (i.e. I was unemployed), so making the commitment… and it was a commitment, towards an elite club (film folks take their business seriously) was easy to do. But once Jeff decided to leave for California (for “Rancho Fatalis” in the town of Temecula), movie night drew to a close. Mike tried continuing the tradition, as did our friend Mike Simses, but it was never the same (though Simses and I did have fun watching, and making fun of, Rovin’s fave Star Trek film, part 5, via a MST3K-viewing, which we even ended up recording for posterity). But a few years later, Jeff decided to move back to NYC, and movie night was alive again.

But unfortunately, much had changed in my life by then, and with so many responsibilities to attend to (and not enough time), I had to pass. Until last night, which marked my triumphant return to the fold. And if you think I’m being over-dramatic, once again, being a film fanatic is serious stuff.

The way it works is like this: first we all watch a bunch of clips from various films. But its never random; Jeff choses everything beforehand, and with a theme in mind (again, serious stuff). Last night included: Rambo, Bridge of the River Kwai, the old b&w Superman serials, Abbott & Costello Meet the Invisible Man, and some live performances by the Doors. There’s probably some stuff I’m forgetting. And what was the thing that tied everything together? Was there anything in the first place? Actually, yes. Anyway, after the clips is the feature presentation, and it can be literally anything, from some cheesy sci-fi flick from yesteryear, to an old John Wayne western, or a 70′s classic from one of the heavyweights at the time, or something more contemporary. Though it tends to stick to an old Hollywood classic, but we have watched stuff like Ghost World or the South Park movie. Last night’s was Harvey, the Jimmy Stewart and giant invisible rabbit picture.

Not sure how all that sounds to the rests of you, but it’s certainly nice to be back into the fold and to get serious about film geekdom once more. Can’t wait for next week!

Oh, and since we’re on the subject of moving pictures, for those who haven’t seen it, here’s Michel Gondry’s latest video starring the White Stripes and bizarro Conan O’Brien. Everyone’s best bet is to choose “save as” for the clip. All apologies if this has been seen a million times, but I don’t have cable so I can’t tell.

And one last movie related thing: anyone who knows me is well aware that I’m totally psyched for what promises to be next year’s movie of the year, Snakes on a Plane. And many still not only understand the plot (it’s fucking snakes loose on a plane! duh…) but that it’s even for real. So whenever I skeptics pop up, I have to show them this still from the upcoming movie:

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