
SHAME & SMELLS: Otakon 2009 Part 5

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

Time for yet another stroll in the dealer’s room. That’s where I spotted the frog from Chrono Trigger (just like last time, but this one is no repeat)…

Even more Half-Lifers…

Final Fantasy 7-10 cosplay is hardly unique these days, but how about Final Fantasy 6?

Here?s some dragon dude…

What?s crazier than the male Scarlett O’Hara? How about this pair of all black, cat faced mercenaries?

Then you have this naval captain, who I guess is from the Love Boat or something?

As for what was available for purchase, the usual stuff. Again, almost everything can be found online, so it’s mostly a chance to dig for older, harder to find items, as well as nab smaller things that cost too much alone on eBay due to the high cost of shipping from Japan. Still, $8.50 by itself is a bit too steep for this Hard Gay in a barrel…

Almost bought this Lucky Star X Evangelion shirt. The key world being “almost”…

There were plenty of dorky, gamer tees, and this was easily the best of the bunch…

I was on the look out for neat looking figures and statues, but nothing caught my eye (or perhaps everything good was simply snatched up before I got the chance to look… I did come an entire day later after-all). Though I was somewhat tempted to nab the Battleship Yamato figure on the left, for Katie….

Naturally, video games could be found, but anyone expecting to find a grand assortment of the hottest titles from Japan will surely be disappointed. Sure there were import titles, but primarily for classic systems. Spotted Radiant Silvergun for $220, which is not too crazy given it’s current asking price on eBay (which is about $220). Would have totally picked up a copy of Dux if I hadn’t heard so many bad things about it…

Art books from Japan were basically one’s best bet. You have a nice mix of the old (someone was selling the Xenogears Perfect Works for over $200) and the new. Was pretty tempted by the Queen’s Blade collection…

… But in the end, got this really swell series of illustrations from the primary artist behind the Strike Witches…

… Speaking of, I was sorely disappointed by the total lack of Strike Witches (and Sky Girls) cosplay, though Hilary claimed that she spotted at least one cat girl with WW2 machinery for legs on Friday afternoon. Also never saw any K-On! cosplayer either, which was simply baffling. Anyhow, made a return trip to the gaming room after the dealer’s room, and here’s a pic of some old Japanese guy playing Under Defeat for the Dreamcast in the most casual manner possible…

Was going to finally give Otomedius a spin, but for whatever reason, it was gone! But in its place was the new G.rev shmup, also for the Xbox 360, Mamonoro…

… And it’s fairly fantastic. Best way to describe it is a bullet hell crossed with Pocky and Rocky, for those who might remember that SNES classic). Though much like Senko no Ronde, it was originally a Naomi title, meaning it’s really a Dreamcast title at heart. And I know it’s totally unrealistic to even entertain the idea of a DC release, but how else will I be able to play it? Dave has zero interest in importing it for his Japanese 360.

Moving on, yet another Morrigan, whose feet are being massaged…

… When I asked her if it was okay to take a picture, and the dude to not stop messaging his friend’s feet, he became all indignant and shot back “I’m her boyfriend!” Basically, he was offended how I hadn’t naturally assumed that they were a couple. In my defense, and not to sound like a jerk, but you kinda had to see the dude to realize that it was a bit of an odd coupling. You know, how sometimes the girl is way too hot? Anyhow, good for him!

At least he wasn’t nearly as pissed as this one dude dressed as Pokeman whom I addressed as Squirtle. Problem was, it was actually Blastoise, which is two forms later, and the guy was seriously offended! LOL.

Anyway, here’s yet another Travis Touchdown…

Yet another stop by the artist’s alley, this time to hang with Lamar…

… We mostly just wasted time reminiscing over old arranged video game soundtracks, like the super experimental one for Chrono Trigger, which I guess everyone is taken aback by initially, before it grows on you. That and the one for Secret of Mana, which is just one track, clocking it at almost an hour (it gets good… around the 35 minute mark). Plus, I was reminded how I paid $40 for a Mega Man drama CD, without knowing what the hell it was, and was less than plussed by all the spoke dialogue and the scant 20 seconds of Magnet Man music. Oh, the days of collecting game music before the internet!

Back on the show floor, this pair was super cute, especially the one of the left…

Even more Gurren Lagann action, this time the mecha itself…

I have absolutely no idea what is going on here…

The two dudes here as Sonic and Shadow were on verge of passing out, due to the extreme temperatures inside…

Joe Salina predicted that BlazBlue would be the hot cosplay ticket, and there were a few, but not to a crazy degree. Mostly that cat girl, and the regular human girl with the big guns…

Link from Wind Waker…

And his/her co-star…

Here’s Hard Gay, thrusting his groin to the camera…

Sorry, I’ve always been a sucker for Yuna from Final Fantasy 10…

… As well as Tifa from part 7….

This girl’s Leeloo costume looks pretty spot-on, but also rather snug if you catch my drift…

It’s King Hippo!

What made this BioShock duo work so well was the cracked out looking Little Sister…

And what makes these Venture Brothers henchdudes is #24′s sad eyes…

That nurse from Silent Hill 2…

And those other undead nurses from assorted Silent Hill titles as well…

Time for one last picture for this particular entry, and it’s yet another Persona 4 chick!


  • http://bakamiyu.deviantart.com Miyukisetsu


  • that guy

    boyfriend of morrigan getting masage feet,
    yes that is me in the pic, never said I wasn’t her bf. You’re one of the many that would not go away and leave her alone.
    Nice to our faces then talk so mean about them off the feild, thats why you don’t get good pics anymore. And even when cosplayers are in pain you don’t lay off? Why do you think after a long day,fanboy #whoknows, and this position we start to get curt?
    Is good that you’re jealous, thats ok. But I made the costume, carted her around and literally blocked 5 guys from forcing those drippy hugs. So yes, she deserves a guy like me to 1:tend to her hurt, 2 fend off those who give no respect like yourself and 3 make her feel great about wearing such a success and 4 loving her years before trying such a cosplay. only Shallow ppl spit the “deserve” trip before knowing wtf they’re talking about. Proof is in your own picture.
    If I was THAT jerk, I’d tell you to take down the photo and comment, but I’ll stick to just inquiring comment, it was dam rude as was the persistance in taking the shot to ultimatly do this crap.

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    First off, I apologize for the slam, it was a bit of a low blow. Then again, you’re demeanor did leave a bit of an impression on me.

    Hey, we all have our bad days and inappropriate moments, hence why you should have said something. I asked politely to take a picture, and if you had said no thanks, I would have walked away with no harm, no foul. I guess it sucks that not everyone exercised some basic consideration as I did, but that’s still no reason to clump me with all those others.

    To be honest, I was gonna delete the picture and not publish your comment, but “drippy hugs” was just too good to pass up. Sorry.

    BTW, if people think your gf is way too hot for you… and trust me, I’ve been there… consider it a compliment, jeeze.

  • alek

    dude thats me up top. The headcrab zombie

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