
No Show

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

First off, I would like to take this opportunity to publicly apologize to Mastiff Games. As you might recall, I was trying to obtain a copy of Technic Beat for a review from them directly and was frustrated by their lack of response. I even wondered how the small publisher would fare if they were seemingly unwilling to lend a hand to the small number of folks who wish to talk about their products and wanted them to succeed.

Well I wasn’t being ignored. Mastiff actually sent me a copy right before it hit store shelves. But it was sent to my day job (at SVA) and guy who handles incoming packages put it aside when it showed up and only yesterday handed it over, despite it having URGENT: DELIVER BY 11/4 written clearly across it. Needless to say, I was livid, and of course, the retard (who pulls dumb crap all the time) couldn’t have given a shit.

So again to Mastiff Games, I’m sorry. Thanks for sending it out, I’m just sorry some asshole made thing complicated. It’s a great game, btw.

Also, I didn’t do the radio show last night due to a scheduling problem, but it was just as well since it gave me the chance to get some much needed rest (I slept for about 10 hours). So I guess it’s happening tonight, but I’m actually feeling a bit worse (now I have an annoying little cough) so I’m not sure what to do. I almost don’t want to do it, but there’s just so much to talk about that I feel the need to discuss certain things while the topics are hot. Plus it’s not the like the first time will be spectacular in the first place, so I really want to get a “test-run” out of the way.

At least it’ll get me the chance to talk about EA. who are visiting SVA today. I’m supposed to have dinner with them tonight, but considering how icky I feel, I know it’s not going to be all that pleasant. Besides, it’s going to be a bit awkward to talk about current events when they’re in the news for a variety of not so hot reasons (the latest being their plan to eliminate credits in games… seriously, what the fuck… is this 1977 all of a sudden?).

Though on the bright side, my haircut tuned out pretty awesome. I’ve been getting compliments non-stop at work. In fact, MK even says I have a Dean Cain vibe going on, which is neat to hear.

Unfortunately, everyone has also been goofing on me for the hickeys I was sporting yesterday. And no I’m not 16. At least it prompted my boss to ask me “Did you get attacked by Bunnicula?” and I though that was pretty rad.

  • David Goldstein

    Sounds like Mastiff Games needs to get into the habit of e-mailing or calling to tell people the tracking numbers when they ship stuff. That way, you’d know it was sent, and you’d know it had arrived, and you’d know exactly who to yell at for not bothering to deliver it for two weeks. May the Powers That Be come to the aid of SVA in the event that a replacement part for a server needs to be shipped…


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