
I’m Harry Fucking Potter!

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

So yeah, I was Harry Potter, ten years later, in which it?s apparent that his best days were clearly those glory days at Hogwarts.

Not bad I guess, given the lack of time and resources at my disposal. I know it?s somewhat less than creative, but then again, when you have glasses, you’re more or less forced to work around them. And no, I can?t deal with contacts, thank you very much. I was originally going to be drunken Tony Stark, but once more, glasses! Plus, I then discovered that Dave Mauro had the same idea; in the end, his take was so much better than anything I could have pulled off.

As for my attire, the only genuine Harry Potter item is the tie, which I borrowed from Dave Roman. Thanks again Dave! When I first showed it to Katie, she wondered it was actually an official Harry Potter tie, and when I flashed her the official Wizards Ties label, all she could say is “Oh my God.” Eh, as noted previously, Katie kinda doesn’t get Potter-mania. And regarding my “magic arrest” bracelet, it?s actually a chintzy Guitar Hero wrist game from a box of frosted flakes, wrapped in electrical tape! I was originally going to get one of those electric shock collars that cats and dogs were, per Mike O’Connor’s suggestion, but didn’t have to.

And Katie was a dead girl!

At one point she wanted to be washed-up, slutty Hermione, but I insisted that she stick to her original idea… which was Napoleon, but when she never got the chance to get the hat, nor any other accompanying article of clothing for her other ideas, she simply made do what was around the apartment. Which was more than fine with me; I personally like it when a couple goes out totally mismatched, like a nun with Optimus Prime for example.

All we did last night was check out Halloween parade in the village. To be honest, I can’t even remember the last time I did so, and it was absolute amazing, perhaps my best time yet. There was simply SO many awesome and hilarious costumes… it actually reminded me why I love going to comic book and anime conventions, but about a thousand times better, due to the pure volume and variety of characters, as well as subject matter on display, along with the different kinds of folks who participate. I had my camera handy, but didn’t bother to take any pictures… I was simply overwhelmed (plus it being night time, and my camera’s less than spectacular low light capabilities, I just didn’t want to bother and simply relax).

Though given the focus of this site, I wish I got a shot of the most spectacular Cyborg Ninja from Metal Gear Solid I’ve ever seen, but he was just too far away. There was also a surprisingly large number of Leeloos (you know, from Fifth Element) and Pee Wee Hermans. Though not at all a shock were the tons and tons of Heath Ledger Jokers roaming around, yet not as many Sarah Palins as one would expect. Perhaps it was too obvious in many people’s eyes? Speaking of, one thing I was not looking forward to was heavy-handed politics that is generally the staple of the village parade, but I think most people are pretty much sick and tired of the election. Still, even I couldn’t help but go “awww” at the little kid dressed as Obama, with a huge entourage of secret service men and the like. And one of the absolute best from the entire evening was easily this dude dressed as an AT-ST, but it was the ex-boyfriend of a friend, so snagging a pic might have been somewhat awkward. But here’s a pic of Joe and June, whom Katie and I did all our Halloween gawking with. Joe’s a 80′s glam vampire, and June’s a Harajuku girl!

As for today, I checked out the Machinima Festival 2008 at Eyebeam. I’m actually covering it for both Gamasutra and GameSetWatch, so be sure to keep an eye out at both places for my report, as well as my interview with the guy in charge this year. All in all, I must admit, it was far more interesting and entertaining that I had anticipated. Truth be told, my opinion of Machinima has never been that favorable, but that was from what I had seen and know about in years past, and as I learned, much as changed in that world. Though I will say, I can’t think of any class of individual that makes me more angry that some snotty, arty-farty rich bitch who not only lives in a majestic condo in the sky, high above Park Avenue, but also embraces Second Life.

And as for the rest of the weekend, just gonna catch up on some games. Among other things, Konami was kind enough to pass along a copy of Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia earlier this week that I’ve yet to crack open, found a copy of Stuntman Ignition for dirt cheap the other day, and my copy of Thunder Force 6 arrived earlier this afternoon! So with that in mind…

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