
“I want to hint to my Dad to stop dressing like a clown without hurting his feelings. Can you help?” (From The Attract Mode Archive: #076)

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

The following post originally appeared on attractmo.de, on September 16, 2013.

The game I’ve been waiting ALL summer for finally arrived. No, not Grand Theft Auto 5… I’m talking about VideoHeroeS!

Earlier this weekend, emails began going out to supporters of the LA Game Space Kickstarter, containing everyone’s golden ticket to the Experimental Game Pack 01. Received mine last night, and I seriously have not been able to do anything ever since.

I’m guessing the one game that will get the most attention will be ALPHABET by Keita Takahashi and Adam Saltsman, and for obvious reasons (can’t get enough of the soundtrack, guest starring both Adam and his son Dante, btw).

Though my personal favorite is the aforementioned latest from Santa Ragione. Due to the fact that my youth was wasted in front of a TV set, and not just cuz of my NES, SNES, or Genesis, but also Freddy, Jason, or Leatherface. And VideoHeroeS brilliantly encapsulates those bygone days of digging deep for buried treasure at local movie rental shops.

BTW, for those of you who were not able to donate to LA/GS this past winter and have been kicking yourself ever since, you have one last chance to nab the Game Pack! But it’s only for a limited time, so click this link ASAP.

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