
“I just want it to be over.”

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

… That was one person’s sentiment at the Gaming Age Forums regarding the latest development in the MGS 3 Subsistence Pre-Order cluster-fuck (which was previously outlined last week).

Now its been reported that some GameStops and EBs have already received the 4th “bonus” disc ahead of time, and its available for pick-up, plus has been shipped to online pre-orders. Once again, this disc contains a behind the scenes documentary, starring Hideo Kojima himself (which I hear is quite good), plus a bunch of MGS trailers, including the upcoming part 4. I called the EB in which I ordered from to see if its in, and was told no (plus the person seemed somewhat annoyed by the inquiry… not a good sign). But reports due state that it has shown up in NYC stores…

So the basic fear is that folks who went through all the fucking trouble to order the damn thing, especially once the Limited Edition package was quietly discontinued, which set MGS fan scrambling for a viable source, such as myself once again, will may not get the complete package because a part of it is now out there before the rest, and as we know, communication between Konami and the retailers have been piss poor, plus we already know how bad it already is between the stores and the consumers. When you go to a brick & mortar GameStop or EB, most folks who work there don’t know what the hell you are talking about anyway on any given day, and this new development just makes thing even more needlessly complicated (the fact that info on the 3rd and 4th disc have been mistakenly swapped on at least one of their sites certainly does not help).

Once again: what a fucking mess. I can’t believe how Konami can fuck things up even further, yet they have, and all signs point towards things getting much, much worse. And I just don’t have the time and energy to check message boards every five minutes and call EB every ten minutes to see what the situation is. I’m already facing the cold hard (and excessively stupid) truth that on the 15th, when the game is due, I’m going to have to drop whatever I’m doing once I know its actually at the store and literally run to get it. Yeah, reserving in advance (remember, I paid in full for on package, and put down money towards a second), is supposed to guarantee me everything, but anyone who’s gone through this song and dance before with any major game retailer knows its all bullshit.

In the end, I’m most pissed at myself for getting so damn worked up in the first place. At least I don’t live in Canada… they’re not getting anything, period.

  • Westacular

    Huh? What are you saying about Canada? I have a preorder on Subsistence and was told I would get the “Saga” bonus DVD. Sadly, no one seems to have ever even heard of a Limited Edition … but that’s a far cry from “not anything”. The “Existence” disc is the only thing Canada seems to be missing.

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    I have read several reports from Canadian GAFfers that their local EBs told them to they would not be getting the bonus DVD (with others claiming that they had heard a different story, leading to even more confusion). And yet, the disc is starting to trickle up north as well. Again, another fine example of how misinformed the major game retailers are…

  • http://www.gamebunker.com Arluss

    I’m lucky. My local Gamestop has people working in it that I find to be helpful.

    Now, both my local EB Gameses… I’d rather not walk into one too long. I had the manager at one bother me about PC games as I was casually browsing around, and the topic somehow shifted towards trade-ins in which I replied “I don’t feel like selling my games for less than they’re worth.”

    After that I left. XD

    The other EB had a manager that looked like a deer in someone’s headlights when I wanted to make a Xbox360 reservation. If you can’t do it, you can’t do it. Don’t look at me like I’m the grim reaper or something. XD

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    There’s now at least one person at the GAF that mentioned how his EB already gave away his DVD.

    I just called my store and the guy I spoke with mentioned that they still haven’t gotten there’s in, but assured me that when they do, the proper amount of copies will be put away for those who pre-ordered. But as that one guy at Gaming Age proved, often time they just blindly give out the bonuses to just anyone who claims to have pre-ordered without checking, which again fucks over those who did the right thing and were prompt about it (which happened to me once a little over a year ago).

    Though often its usually just asshole clerks who horde the discs for themselves and then just sell it on eBay (I hear they’ve already begun popping up).

  • J

    “blindly giving bonuses to people who have not preordered without cheking”

    me and my copy of MGS Saga Vol 1 can confirm this.

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Awesome, just awesome. Well for you at least.

    Hey, mind picking me up an extra copy, just in case? Or just let me know which store. Hope its not the one I pre-ordered from…

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