
“I can?t wait for Q-bert to show up with a script.”

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

- So I didn’t go to the chip tunes show on Wednesday night, and I had to miss last night’s synesthesia thing at Eyebeams (which is a real shame since I so wanted to hear someone fax philosophical about Rez that actually had credentials… hopefully George was able to make and can fill in on the details).

But hey, at least my Threadless order finally came in yesterday! They just had a huge sale where every shirt was ten bucks, so I got one for Dave as a birthday gift, one for MK, and a few for myself, including the brilliant Darth Loves Gardening t-shirt.

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking: for a guy who hates Brooklyn so much, what’s the deal with me now dressing like one? What can I say… a cool shirt is a cool shirt, and if emo hipster-fags dig them too, there’s not much I can do about that. They pride in taking over and ruining whatever’s cool and interesting by “making it” into their own, and I’m not going to squelch my affinity for wacky shirts that’s been around since I was five.

And at least I’m wearing some shirt that cost $5 back in ’85 but cost some retard in DUMBO $45 at some trendy vintage clothing shop. That and playing in a kickball league. Plus, I’ve known about Threadless way before Wired covered them, due to my YayHooray connection, so that’s that.

BTW, Dave and Raina share the same birthday, and this is what I ended up getting her.

- On the subject of Studio Ghibli, I forgot to mention a whiles back that there’s a Miyazaki and Takahata retrospective going on at MOMA.

I missed the premiere of Howl’s Moving Castle on Monday night, and I might have to pass on everything else due to all the stuff going on this month. Plus the eight or so movies that I already have tickets for in the Subway Cinema film fest (and counting).

- There’s a ton of movie news flying about as of late; I know that Goonies 2 was rejected by Warner Bros, which I think is good news since I, like most people with brains and taste, are sick of Hollywood pissing on the legacy of classics by creating shitty sequels driven by easy nostalgia-tinted money.

- I also know that the Watchmen movie got its plugged pull by Paramount, which I also think is not such a bad thing. I generally don’t mind translations from comics to film or television and any changes that might come about, but the reason why Watchmen is so utterly brilliant, and is still to this day in mind the ultimate comic book (though note that I didn’t say it was the best ever), is because it tells a story and themes revolves around a subject matter thats is inherent to its medium by utilizing almost every facet of its form to its advantage, to the point that the same story could not be told any other way, both dramatically or even sensibly so.

Basically a movie, no matter how big the budget or how long would not be able to recapture the essence, and Watchmen is truly not some ordinary super hero comic. Plus I also hear that the script was pretty bad, with many characters not being true to form. Then again, that’s hardly surprising since I doubt any studio will green light a movie where one of the main characters is a guy who’s totally blue and naked for most of the story. Perhaps a girl, but definitely not a guy.

On a side note, you wouldn’t believe how disgusted I was to find out that the majority of my cartooning class at SVA hadn’t read Watchmen (and this was like final year too). I mean seriously, what the hell?!

- Then there’s the Simpsons movie which is finally happening. Great. Sorry but no Conan O’Brien or Brad Bird means no sale for me.

- This is sorta old news, but I totally missed it the first time around, but thanks to (coworker) Steve, here’s a rundown of all live action Transformers film thus far. And Jesus Christ does it sound like a mess.

I guess it’s turning into one huge clusterfuck thanks to the movie studio, the script writer, and Hasbro the toy company not being able to agree on anything. I know I just said that I don’t generally mind changes during translations, and even though I was pissed with the idea of Soundwave not being a boombox, I could still somewhat begrudgingly understand. But a fucking helicopter?

- Last night I was talking to Rob, and he seems to be the only other person on earth, besides MK, who has even heard of Mike Judge’s new movie, which is about a guy who wakes up in the year 3001 to discover that he’s the smartest person on earth, but only by default since everyone has gotten so stupid at that point. I didn’t know till this Rob mentioned it, but Luke Wilson is going to be in it, which totally kicks ass.

- And its seems as if Robert Rodriguez’s new movie The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl might be being facing a lawsuit by the real Shark Boy himself.

He’s a indie pro-wrestler who’s been going by the name Shark Boy for sometime now and is trying to stop the film from hitting theaters (a bit late I’m afraid) and owe up to copyright infringement. Considering how the makers of Monster cables went around suing everyone for using the word monster, including Disney for Monster Inc, and actually won, I think Shark Boy might just have a chance. And as retarded as frivolous lawsuits are, I’m actually a fan of Shark Boy and sorta want to see him win something.

- So Microsoft is still having trouble selling the rights for the Halo movie, mainly because Microsoft seems to be annoying the fuck out of everyone.

On Monday they sent a guy dressed like Master Chief, the game’s main character, to each movie studio with a script in hand (which was written by the guy who wrote 28 Days Later for one million dollars) and had the studio’s executives read the whole thing while the guy dressed in the space marine outfit waited in the lobby. Afterwards they were told of MS’s demand, which are pretty crazy even by the standards of Hollywood execs.

My favorite quote from one of the less than impressed studio staffer: “I can?t wait for Q-bert to show up with a script.”

- Speaking of games and movies, here’s some of the latest released for the PSP:

Hey, that’s cool and all, but the ratio between games and movies for the PSP is starting to get embarrassing. Though I have to admit, its nice to see some genuinely good stuff get on the platform (especially this one), and not just stupid Michael Bay action crapfests (even though the PSP owners who are in it for just the movies is the ideal audience sadly).

- Meanwhile, on the DS, a system which is seriously looking better and better every day, here’s a new movie for New Super Mario Bros. The game looks totally hot; I’ve been wanting a 2D Mario game with 3D graphics since forever.

- While still on the topic of Nintendo, here’s a totally awesome looking GBA game from the makers of Pokemon called Screw Breaker.

- Something else I forgot to mention before, but was reminded of since word just came out that its being pushed back to August, a shooter/RPG by the name Sigma Star Saga.

First a shooter/fighter, now a shooter/RPG. Where’s the shooter/dancing game? And I’m serious.

- And while still on the topic of Namco, for those who haven’t seen it, here’s the cover to We Love Katamari Damacy:

I love hearing how in this new game, the King of Cosmos will not only berate you for messing up but he’ll shoot lasers out his eyes. Plus you can even dance around to avoid them!

- This in from insert credit: Sega has a new cell phone game out that’s actually from Segagaga, the simulation game in which you ran Sega that came out for the Dreamcast in Japan (and I title that I’ve obsessed with for some time now). The Sega Saturn is actually an end boss. Oh man…

- Finally, it seems that absolutely no one knows about or has heard of LVHRD, that ultra-?ber hipster secret society. Either that or no one’s talking…

Anyway, that event on Monday night that I mentioned which I though about crashing but didn’t, simply because I had much better things to do, was an undies only video game competition, and here are the pics. So they had it at Barcade, the arcade/bar in Willamsburg, a place which I have done my best to avoid. Now you see why I find these folks so insufferably annoying?!?!

And for those of you who think its immature to make fun of people online, or giving them attention in the first place, all I can say is that I’ve had a super stressful week and right now I feel like goofing on dipshit hipsters in their underwear. Nuff said.

Anyway, catch you at Joe’s art opening/the Meathaus party/MoCCA/the BBQ this weekend!

  • http://www.jasonsawtelle.com Jason

    Bar-going in your underwear sounds like a setup for being able to say you’ve done something “CRAZY” at the next party you attend (and if said party is filled with the same hipsters from the aformentioned bar, no one will care)! Your grandkids will still think you suck.

  • jamie

    wow…. your fucking awesome! hahha i just read like.. the past month entries u wrote and… god damn… ur awesome, chill, and boss high five!

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Ummm… not sure how to react to that. Thanks I guess.

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