
Goodbye Park Slope/South Slope/Sunset Park/Whatever The Hell My Neighborhood In Brooklyn Was Called

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

Earlier today, I got a call from a good friend of mine, who informed me that he had managed to get his hands on a copy of Super Mario Galaxy (yes, the one game that EVERYONE, not just Wii owners starved for something new to power up their systems, aside from Virtual Console titles, like Sin & Punishment, but folks who are dying for what might be the next truly great Mario game since Mario 64, which is still weeks away, which means, yes, it was acquired by somewhat “unscrupulous” means) and wanted me to come over to check it out. Unfortunately, this was at 4, and not only was I just starting to my lunch, but I had yet to go to work. And that was because this entire morning was dedicated to moving the rest of the my stuff to my new place, which I hadn?t planned on doing till this upcoming weekend, but anyone who?s been keeping abreast of my wacky roommate situation in the forums (or LJ) is well aware of the stuff that?s been going on. So, I had to bite the bullet and hire a dude and his van, and despite being somewhat pricey, he was a totally cool dude and well worth every penny.

Course, the change in plans meant I had to spend all of last night packing the last of my possessions instead of being out and about and enjoying Halloween, but as I walked back to my place from Staples, after getting some last minute additional boxes, it began to dawn on me that it was simply time to move on. Because I swear to God, its amazing how hipsters can fucking ruing ANYTHING, including Halloween.

On a side note: this past weekend, which almost entirely dedicated to packing and moving stuff (I actually got the majority of the important things over to my new place on Saturday and Sunday, thanks to Jason, Joe, and June, which made spending money this morning all the more annoying, since I wanted to go as cheap as possible, that in the end, that just wasn?t possible), I did manage to hang with Hilary, who took me to here fave ramen place in the East Village, and her reaction to all the hipsters in front of us was classic (?Where the fuck did they come from??).

Anyway, I packed and packed, well into the night? and it?s not that I had that much more stuff, just tiny odds and ends, various delicate stuff, and I guess my brain was so tired from packing that it kinda shut itself down, which actually happens whenever I?m packing. Didn’t even bother to check to see if the Charlie Brown Great Pumpkin special was on; do they even show that anymore? I went to bed around two, then got up at five to continue, and by the time the dude in the van arrived, at 9, I still wasn?t done, but he totally helped me out. Some furniture sadly did not make it on the way there, either abandoned in Brooklyn or banged up on the road, but Ikea shit is not made to last, so that was hardly surprising. But I had saved the heaviest stuff for the last, and I was completely spent by the time everything had gone up the four flights up (no elevator of course).

We wrapped up a little after 12:30, and I wanted to pass out, but instead, I had to go back to my old place to clean up, plus take a shower. Since all my towels were at the new place, and to be completely honest, my roommate?s are completely covered in cat crap, I had to dry myself off with paper towels. Went back to the city, then grabbed some lunch, like I said before, and then went to out to Newark. Some folks might think I was crazy for going to work after all that, but hey, there?s not internet at my new place, and work had to be done. But it?s almost 8 right now, and Newark gets pretty scary after dark, so I guess I?ll be wrapping it up. Anyway? yeah, I?m officially a Manhattan-ite once again!

Though I?ll still be stopping by Brooklyn on a regular basis to hang with friends, to booze and video game it up, plus get back into boxing, as well as shop for comics at Rocketship, naturally. And another hearty thanks man to Mike for lending me the last minute gigantic roll of bubble wrap that I needed to help my packing when I had like ZERO cash on me. I didn’t think I would come close to using all of it, but the guy was right: “You can never have too much bubble wrap.”

Yet I will say this: despite all the… stuff… I had to deal with in my now former living situation, there will be one thing I will miss. And that’s Mr. Lopez, one particular cat that I developed a special bond with. He was big, and fat, and really dumb, but lots of fun. And I kinda got him “off”; I believe I managed to find his kitty g-spot while petting him (no, not there, though near his tail, which is near his ass), which was pretty… crazy. Anyhow:


… BTW, as usual, with all the nonsense I’ve had to deal with in terms of my living situation, I’ve still had some time to fuck around the forums. In fact, it’s really helped me to reduce my stress levels, which as been pretty high throughout the past couple of days. But instead of just passing along yet another link that most people can’t check out (but should), how about I just pass along a small taste of the awesomeness that is… for all the children of the sky.

EDIT: But also be sure to check out the random videos thread as well, primarily for the awesomest Mortal Kombat video in existence.

Also, the aforementioned dude with the van was a super swell guy by the name of William. If you’re in the city, and need someone to help you move, check him out. Again, totally awesome guy.

  • http://calicocomics.com Katie

    Lopez’s got the evil eye!

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