
Deal Of The Century?

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

So tonight was to be the first night of the fall semester edition of my game design class. The key words here are was to be. Unfortunately, the class was officially cancelled this past Monday. The reason? Not enough people were signed on.

This came as a total shock, even though it really shouldn’t have been. Afterall, it’s no secret that there’s a shockingly low degree of interest in the field here in NYC. Also, I didn’t do nearly as much self-promoting as I did for the summer class, but after the huge number of students I got for that one, plus this being the fall, a time when everyone’s going back to school, I figured I would have nothing to worry about. Guess I was wrong.

At the very least, the class is still scheduled for the upcoming spring and summer, plus I still have my duties as thesis advisor for the next year. Also, with SB and a possible book on the way, I need all the extra time I can get. But still, that’s a good chunk of change I’ll be missing out. Looks like Xmas is going to be light this year…

I think I’ll cheer myself up with these: Super Mario Pixel Dioramas…

… I wonder if I can find them at Toy Tokyo or Zakka?

Also, check this out: another one of those crazy monster game collections for sale on eBay

That’s a whole lot of NESs. 78 to be exact. Plus 33 PlayStations (not including PSOnes), and a shitload of other stuff.

Today at work, I tried convincing my coworker Steve (who gets married this weekend) to pick up the stash, and he’s actually thinking about it. He reasons it might be a viable investment; right now, the bid is at (only) $3,550, and he could surely make double, even triple, that amount by selling off the stuff in parts online. I wonder what his fiancee would think of this? Actually, I do know her, and she would totally dig the idea.

Of course, I only want this to happen so I can pick up that lone Genesis CDX, or just that model 1 Genesis with model 1 Sega CD attached; both look to be in great condition. And slap on a 32X… for esthetics alone, of course.

Gee, I wonder why there’s no Xbox to be found anywhere?

  • http://www.vitaminsteve.com Steve!

    He obviously got an XBox, and realized the rest of his videogame systems are uselesss now.

    I actually saw someone once using a CDX as a discman. I’m serious.


  • David Goldstein

    What are the red ones in the second photograph on the left side of the second shelf from the top?


  • David Goldstein

    A real shame about your class being cancelled :-(
    I was actually kinda looking forward to seeing what they’d send in for the Amateur Game Programming Showcase at I-CON…


  • https://www.fort90.com/ Matt

    Yeah, I?m pretty bummed about the class being cancelled as well. Bottom line: it?s simply fun (at least for me, and considering how much I love the subject matter) to teach!

    And as for those ?red ones?, I figured they?d be obvious to you? it Nintendo?s only true abysmal failure: the Virtual Boy!

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