

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

In this post:
1. What I did for Halloween!
2. And how I embraced myself the following day.

Man, the past two days have been totally nuts, especially today. LOTS of stuff going on, and most of it good! In addition to a new steady writing gig, which I won’t be going into just yet, but soon, I’ve finally been making some decent inroads as it relates to the consultation space. All of a sudden, I find myself involved in like 20 projects, and who knows how all of them will pan out. Remember that animated series I was working on earlier in the year? lol. But hopefully, fingers crossed, a good deal of them will actually reach fruition.

That being said, there’s not much time to spare at the moment, but I really need to pass along the following since the longest one should wait to post Halloween pics is two days after the fact, before folks officially don’t give a sh*t anymore.

A Big Bottle Of Fake Blood, But With Nothing To Make Bloody

Me and Katie’s Halloween hijinks actually kicked off the night prior with our cat Josie; it was finally time to put on her costume that we picked up at Target a few weeks prior…

… Was it hard getting the thing on? Not really; these days, she’s just this big flurry turd that just sits there and takes whatever punishment we dish out.

The next day was the big day, so we went over to Joe and June’s in the afternoon to get our gear on, as well as get our drink on, nice and early, to save ourselves from dealing with a heavy bar tab later that night. Plus we further got into the spirit of things by watching the 80s classic Cat’s Eye! Which isn’t super scary or anything like that, but still far more appropriate for Halloween than The Room, which was Katie’s original idea. Though Tommy Wiseau is a pretty scary dude…

Anyhow, here we have Katie as Little Red Riding Hood…

… And myself as Hipster Andrew Dice Clay…

Remember how Katie was originally going to be B. B. Hood from Darkstalker? Well here she is doing her pre-fight pose, along with June as a mime and striking a pose herself…

… Which she would do for much of the trip downtown…

The original plan for the evening was to hit the parade in the West Village like the previous year, preceded by a stop at Otto’s Shrunken Head to see the Beer Drinking Fools, whom I hadn’t seen in almost forever! Pus, Katie’s never seen them once. Unfortunately, we got there right after they had wrapped up, which was lame to say the least. Seriously, when was the last time a punk rock card had its bands hit and exit the stage on time? Anyway, here’s front-man Richie Rheingold…

… Who thought was I was the Terminator, which hey, whatever works! And here’s Joe along with Mike Moosehead on the right, with the lead singer of Green Hell in the middle…

… Who had a big bottle of fake blood with him and was aching to empty out. Including onto Katie’s basket, which we had to deny him the pleasure of, simply because it was borrowed from her job.

Oh, and here’s a pic taken by Joe, of a guy dressed as a rat getting drunk at the bar…

Since we missed BDF, that just left some punk rock poet chick (oh boy) and the aforementioned Green Hell, which is a Misfits cover band that Mike’s in. When I asked beforehand if Where Eagles Dare would be played, Mike responded with “Oh sh- I don’t think so!” So when they opened up with that, I’d like to think either it was added for my benefit, or my leg was just being pulled. More than likely the latter. Since that would be like a KISS band not playing… whatever the one song they’re best know for. Sorry, can’t say. I don’t like KISS. Oh, and here’s a pic of Richie playing guitar to the side; he’s not a member of the band, but just decided to play along…

Unfortunately, that’s when the rain really kicked into gear, which more or less forced a change in plans. Plus, we had to stick around a bit longer than planned because Katie’s pal Sally Bloodbath was running late, due to the F shuttle train debacle that I myself got caught up in the weekend prior. Cuz, you know, the MTA couldn’t stand to have things run normally on a Saturday that everyone knows is going to have a crazy amount of people using the trains, even more so than a normal workday. Anyhow, here is she is as Velma…

With the downpour and our time-frame messed up, we made a detour into a bar that served pizza with each drink purchased, and it wasn’t half bad!

… The pizza wasn’t nearly as gross as one Brooklyn bar’s equivalent. But you know me, I think Brooklyn pizza is the absolute worst. Once more: pizza from Queens >>> pizza from Manhattan >>> pizza from (certain parts of) New Jersey >>>>>>>>>> pizza from Brooklyn, usually.

We then decided to just hit the one place we were going towards after the parade anyway: Grassroots. The place was packed, not surprisingly. I ran into not just one, not two, but THREE Flashes!

… Actually, there was a third, who didn’t make it into the frame. Meanwhile, there was another mime, which led to an inevitable showdown…

Unfortunately, the night didn’t last long; Katie didn’t feel too hot, which necessitated an early turn in, though the rain pretty much screwed up the entire evening from the get go. But still, much fun was had, plus it afforded me the chance to get plenty of rest for the next morning. Which was…

You Know, The Uni-Bomber Sorta Had A Point There

… Dave Gilbert’s wedding. I was one of the lucky few to be invited to the mostly family-oriented and rather intimate affair. And I was there for a grand total of fifteen minutes. Why? The following is fairly embarrassing, but for whatever reason, I feel the need to share the following with everyone. Actually, I can think of one: it’s called narcism.

First off, in the past I’ve joked about how much I love technology, but how it also seems to hate me. Well, the feeling isn’t exclusive to video game consoles, but tech as a whole. Virtually every single moment of my life these days is spent with technology of some sort, and because every single moment is either a struggle or just a disappointment of some sort as a result, I’m somewhat of a miserable person.

Take the computer I’m on for instance, it’s an iMac, last year’s 17-inch model to be exact. Never mind how my OCD has barely been able to forgive me for purchasing a computer with a screen ratio of 1680 x 1050, and how I simply haven’t had the time to properly convert the hundreds and hundreds of desktop wallpapers that were mostly designed for a 1600 X 1200 display (those 80 extra pixels unfortunately make a bid difference), let alone 1280 x 960, which was the native resolution of my previous machine, an eMac. Yes, I’m one of those kind of folks. Or my severe annoyance and utter disdain with a great deal of Mac users in general, like my now constant war of words with the douchebags that run and are loyal to Tekserve. Though a very real problem is all the issues I’m facing with the latest version of their operating system, aka Snow Leopard, aka the absolute worst version of OS X ever. It quite frankly boggles the mind how they got everything so right with 10.5 and screwed it all up (plus then some) with 10.6. Thank God I wasn’t hit with the CPU overheating bug that afflicted many when… get this… the clock went back late Saturday night. No joke. But Preview and Spaces being broken is seriously destroying my workflow to the point that, unless they’re address and fixed in the next update, 10.6.2, I’m going to downgrade to 10.5, period.

… Seriously, regarding Preview being broken, that thing was working perfectly since 10.0. How in the hell do you break an image viewer? Ask Apple I guess…

But my primary source of frustration these days lie squarely with the iPhone. I’ll spare the long-winded diatribe, since anyone who follows me on Twitter is already bored to tears with my constant bitching and moaning. Yet once again, the only reason why I put up with such nonsense to begin with is for purely developmental reasons. Otherwise, I?d have switched to Verizon a LONG time ago. Hence why I can’t wait to finally get a damn game out the door, to finally justify such madness. And for the record, the problem is two fold: first there’s the pathetic service that AT&T still has the gall to charge people $30 bucks for each month. I honestly can’t remember the last time I had a conversation that didn’t develop into a massive headache from me straining to decipher what is being said through all the static and noise. Though Apple needs to share the blame as well, for constantly gimping the phone with each subsequent firmware update, making it slower and slower. Thank God I also don?t have an iPhone 2G at least. Also, gotta love that inability to multi-task; heave forbid you’re listen to music, checking your email, AND get a text at the same time! Even crappy Nokias circa 2006 were able to handle all that at once. Though the iPhone is an important element to the following. Since I’ve already killed everyone’s patience with big blocks of nothing, gonna simply describe Sunday?s events in numbered fashion. Why? Why not:

1. After an even slower than expected train ride, one that ended prematurely due to track work (yay), I was running late. So I hopped into a cab to finish the strip.

2. Once I left the cab, to enter the restaurant where the ceremony and reception was taking place, I almost immediately realized that I had left my iPhone in the taxi! Which led to me running after it, but to no avail.

3. Rushed inside and immediately spotted my friend Jenna. I apologized for being unable to chitchat and asked to use her phone, because it was a bit of an emergency. Which I guess it was?

… The thing is, with the phone, anyone could easily access my email, or whatever other site I frequent, like Facebook, and then simply lock me out by changing the password to then wreck whatever havoc. Which is a definite headache to be sure, but all that pales in comparison to the real damage that could be done by accessing my bank account and other equally sensitive areas, which again is easily manageable via the device, as silly as it sounds. Long story short, it’s okay to have your computer at home remember all your passwords, but when that computer is in your pocket… not so much. Hence my quiet sense of panic. But mostly it was anger, directed at myself for being stupid enough to misplace the thing in the first place.

4. Tried calling 311, which is the general help line for NYC. When something happens, like you lose something in a cab, that’s the number you call. Unfortunately, the process of filing a claim is fairly lengthy, plus not much can be done on a Sunday. Great.

5. Next tried calling AT&T, to get my phone shut off remotely, a feature with the iPhone that Apple loves to tout. Unfortunately, trying to make calls with Jenna’s phone, which was a Motorola slider from Verizon was damn near impossible to do. As much as I want to hate the iPhone, it?s by far the simplest and most logical cell phone to operate, hands down. One main negative of Verizon has always been the ugly-ass interface they?ve forced upon all their handsets.

6. Had to use Verizon’s directory assistance, which I know must have cost her $5. But here’s the thing: once connected, the people at the AT&T store couldn’t hear me. Splendid. I tried again and again. Their service sucks so bad that even the phones in their own stores don’t work! Oy vey.

7. Finally got through after my seventh attempt. Another great thing is how disinterested and usually rude the folks who work at AT&T stores are, especially in NYC. Was told that the ability to shut one’s iPhone remotely was only available to Apple’s MobileMe service. I’ll skip the explanation, other than to say that it’s completely useless and only the most gullible of Apple zombie actually waste money on such a thing. My only option was to go to an AT&T store in person and have my account deactivated or something.

8. Went upstairs where the wedding was about to start. Gave Jenna back her phone and wondered how much of an a**hole I would look if I split right then and there. Was asked what was the matter, and I said it was an emergency… nothing severe, like my girlfriend’s falling down 20 flights of stairs… but an emergency nonetheless. Though I was mostly too embarrassed to speak the truth.

9. Caught Dave, just a few minutes before he was going to exchange the vows. Told him that, I’m REALLY sorry, but I had to jet. Again, cited a mini emergency, but this time I had to tell him the real deal; the look on his face was of confusion and disappointment, which was heart breaking. Can’t blame the guy, my plight was pretty ridiculous. But he understood.

10. Then it was a mad dash to find a cab and race home before whomever had found my phone could do damage. Granted, if I could only just call Katie, who was at home recovering, to log into my email and bank account and change info as a preemptive strike, no panic would be necessary. But once more, when you put your entire life inside a small, portable device… There used to be a point in which I memorized every girlfriend and best friend’s phone numbers. Those days are long past me.

11. Eventually found a cab, but got stuck in traffic almost immediately. The west side looked to be completely tired up, so the cabbie decided to try the east side instead. Meanwhile I asked him if I could use his phone, to call my bank. Told them what happened, and was going to suggest that they turn off my bank account for the time being. But I didn’t have much cash with me and would have to use my bankcard. Which wouldn’t work if my account was shut off, right? So I had to pray that by the time I got home, my account wasn?t completely emptied. All of you outside of NYC have to understand, stuff works lightening fast around here!

12. Unfortunately, the ride home took forever, due to a stupid marathon that was going on. I love running believe it or not, but there’s ways of doing it without getting in everyone’s way. While sitting in a stationary cab, on the FDR Drive, somewhere around 135th street, is where my brain began to go into overdrive. Basically, all those identity theft, nightmare scenarios started racing through, and I hadn’t even pissed anyone off on 4chan to set things off!

13. Once the meter had reached close to $40 (its usually $25, tops, to reach home from where I had begun my trip), the cabbie turned the meter off and apologized that it’s costing me so much. Really nice guy, a real Niko Bellic type btw, who totally didn’t have to do that. Wasn?t his fault. I obviously gave him a nice tip. But in the end, it took almost an hour to get home, when it honestly should have taken 20 minutes.

14. Once I rushed in the door, got a fairly classic “what the hell? what are you doing home so early?” look from Katie. Quickly explained what happened as I rushed to the Mac to see if I could still access my email. I then asked Katie if she had gotten any call from me, but not me, and noted that there was a voicemail. It was Joe! He had gotten a call from someone using my phone, with instructions to call it.

15. Called my number it was some dude named Lee. He had found my phone and wanted to give it back. Thank God for good samaritans! And as much as I bitch about the Big Apple, truth be told, it’s filled with some really nice people here. Anyhow, I got his address and immediately went out the front door yet again.

16. Lee lived very close to where the wedding was taking place, the one I was missing. I felt kind stupid for panicking in the first place, but what was done was done. I guess I was just happy that my phone was in safe hands and that I wouldn’t have to go through the hassle and costs of getting a new phone. Another thing that I kept thinking about when I was kicking myself is how I should have password protected my phone. But then again, as Katie pointed out, the kind stranger would not have been able to use my phone to call friends. Valid point.

17. Once I got off at the World Trade Center stop, I made my way towards Lee’s residence. Or at least tried to. Problem was, I wasn’t too sure where his street was. Asked some cops for directions, and they totally led me the wrong way for about 15 blocks. Wonderful. F’n NYPD, I normally think they get way too much flak, but not this day. But once again, I used to have such a keen sense of direction. Which, thanks to being overly reliant on things like Google Maps, has all been destroyed.

… Back to that anger at myself from before. It wasn’t just me being stupid enough to misplace my phone, which was an honest mistake, but how I’m so reliant upon it in the first place. Which speaks of my dependence on technology in general, and how what’s supposed to make my life so simple and full-filling makes me want to run head first into a concrete wall 90% of the time instead. Despite the fact that Escape From LA was a pretty wretched movie, the best part was at the very end, in which Snake (sorry for the spoilers, but like you were gonna see it anytime soon) decided to let the terrorists win and destroy all technology across the globe, by flipping the switch himself. And as much as I love the internet (as everyone who knows me is well aware of), I think it would be kinda cool to wake up one morning to find out that all of it… and I mean ALL of it… was magically wiped out. Hence why I believe technology is killing is all, or at the very least, making us all a bit too lazy or tense than we need or used to be. Since I clearly can’t be the only one.

Which is why I’m making minor efforts to give myself some breathing room. As I headed towards Lee’s place, without my iPhone, which I always use as a music player, it was the first time I had walked the streets of New York City without something blaring into my ears. And must admit, it was actually nice to hear the city for once. Sure has been a while. I guess I also need a reason to read more comic books and regular books as well. Hence why I will NEVER get a Kindle, screw that noise…

18. Lee had told me beforehand that he was on his way out, so he left my phone with his doorman. I introduced myself to this person, and a moment later, my phone was back in my possession. Since I’m kinda poor at the moment, with that big cab ride from earlier in the day certainly not helping, I couldn’t pass along a reward like I wanted to. Besides, by the looks of where he lived, Lee clearly didn’t have any money issues. So I just gave him some of my mini comics as a thank you gift.

19. Afterward I thought about going back to Dave’s wedding; I knew the ceremony had to be over by then, but the reception was probably still in full swing. But I was simply too embarrassed. Instead, I went to a Japanese joint whose curry I?ve wanted to check out for a while now, and I’ll be writing about it for Americurry next chance I get, since a new review from me is long over due.

So if you’re reading this Dave, real sorry man. Hope I can make it up, somehow. And for those of you who think I’m an idiot, just do me a favor and tell me something I don’t know!

Alright, time to wrap things up. Gotta burn a copy of Vib Ribbon and Love Love 2 for Raina Lee; she’s in town and we’re having lunch tomorrow! Also, I want to try and clear Tekkan 6′s ridonkulous scenario mode before I got to bed if possible. So I’ll be back next time with a review of that, or maybe something else, as well as go over what’s happening in the world of video games in general. Though in the meantime, simply head on over to GameSetWatch, where a couple of my game related Tweets made it over there today alone!

  • Ed

    Matt,, your outfit can double as the original Terminator! Get a red LED to stick in your shades – GOLDEN. But Diceman – good choice

  • http://www.enemyonbothsides.com Fitz

    Flash Mob…

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    I can’t believe I didn’t figure that out myself!

  • http://www.jennydevildoll.com Jenny DevilDoll

    I thought of going to that show but opted for the other one at Port 41. Damn, their servers are pushy.

  • http://mkmiku.blogspot.com/ MkMiku

    I want your cat so badly!

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