
Communism: The Video Game

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

- I was up past 2 in the morning playing We Love Katamari last night. Some of the levels are just pure genius, such as the one where you go around picking up rain clouds to brighten up a school girl’s field trip (though that might be due to me being addicted to Cloud Game at the moment).

Though I must say, whereas the first game has an absolutely brilliant soundtrack where every song simply fit like a glove and was infinitely listen-able, the sequel isn’t as lucky. While some tracks are awesome, others aren’t as so. Sorry, but the Katamari theme as done my animals is cute the first time, but after about five minutes I wanted to bash my head into the wall.

Anyway, here’s the Japanese cover to upcoming My My Katamari:

- John Ricciardi pointed this out at Gaming Age earlier this morning… members of Club Nintendo that have platinum status will receive a TV remote shaped like the Revolution controller:

As explained before, folks who buy Nintendo games in Japan get points for registering them. And once again, why the hell do only Japanese gamers receive cool shit? Hey, I’m a loyal Nintendo fan, I’ve bought tons of games and submitted tons of registration codes! Throw us a fucking bone Nintendo of America, Jesus…

- BTW, word on the GAF is that Sony plans on both dropping region coding in their games (the reason stated? since games is a global market, then what’s the point?) and the inability to play used games on the PS3. I would love to see the first, for perhaps obvious reasons. The second thing though would be a complete disaster, and I’m certain that Sony would never be that stupid.

- Meanwhile at Insert Credit, Simon passed along some good stuff on the front page just the other day: Canadian chiptune musician 6955 has created the following for his upcoming European tour:

You can read (and hear) more in his news post. But seriously, isn’t it beautiful?

- 1UP recently ran an interesting comparison between the Dreamcast and the Xbox 360. My favorite has to be #22. I fondly remembering being all gay over the Dreamcast Zip Drive. I had just gotten my first Mac the same winter I got my DC, and Zip disks was the thing to have carry files and the such, so the idea to somehow unify both my iMac and my Dreamcast just seemed awesome.

- So everyone’s favorite lawyer, Jack Thompson, has stepped away from the Grand Theft Auto case. Gee, I guess equating the game to “Pearl Harbor 2″ wasn’t such a smart move after-all, eh?

- Jason passed this along yesterday: afraid of online games from the west corrupting the minds of its youth, China is going to create their own MMORPG, one that reinforces the positive messages behind Communism.

- And yesterday, Andre, who a few folks might recall as being part of the award winning SVA team during the RetroRedux 24 Hour game jam, showed me his latest project. Its a homebrew DS app called Ticklegirl:

You can read more about it here.

  • Westacular

    The animal song thing: It’s not just the theme, it’s a medley of all of the songs from the first game. The cover for the PSP version compels me to ask: what is the plot? Why do all the cousins hate the prince!?

    I still think #13 on the 1up comparison is the funniest (given its presentation).

    Regarding Nintendo registration: To date I’ve received from registration, hmm, a rebate coupon, three issues of Nintendo Power, and that Zelda-ported-to-GameCube disc that was also a GC pack-in for a bit. And I have a bunch of other games I’ve not yet registered. So! (I’m not sure how many of those things were Canada-only.)

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Regarding the cover to the PSP game… the idea of all of the prince’s cousins hating him is a great idea. After-all, we just had everyone love Katamari, so everyone hating it seems like the next logical step. Besides, I hear its working out just well for Chris Rock at the moment.

    And as for the Dreamcast/Xbox 360 list, that pic of Allard as the crazy rich bald guy is pretty awesome.

  • http://www.johngreenart.com John

    Hmm, reinforcing the benefits of communism with a game… Kinda like in Mario Kart, how it’s always the people in last place who pick up the best stuff?

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    Wow… very interesting observation.

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