
Cheetahs & Reggie Jackson

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

So the big news of the day was my long awaited doctor visit.

For a while now, it’s been rather uncomfortable to urinate (and other bodily functions have also been affected). Like an idiot, I didn’t see my doctor immediately, despite the insistence of MK on numerous occasions, and simply assumed the pain would just “go away”. Well it didn’t, and after this past weekend when it started to literally hurt to pee, or to even just walk (due to friction caused by rubbing against your own underwear), I knew something was seriously wrong, and I had to seek medical help ASAP. Plus I really felt like a retard for waiting so long.

The prognosis? Urinary tract infection… maybe. It’s not conclusive since the test results won’t be in till Friday, but that’s what its looking like. So I have a medical ailment that girls and cart get.

Okay, that’s not true, since I’m now finding out that men get it too. At least it’s not kidney stones as I feared. The worst was actually yesterday; when I told folks at work about my condition, they all gave possible causes which scared me shitless, like kidney stones, an infected prostrate, or too much sex (okay, that last one is a sorta cool one).

The doctor visit was not pleasant (duh) despite my doctor being totally cool. Like his hand, specifically the two fingers he shoved up my ass to check my prostrate. And then of course was the cotton swab he had to shove into my penis to collect a sample. I know it’s dumb to say that I have an aversion to catheters since, at its been pointed out, every guy hates them, but I really do, ever since my dad went to the hospital and the folks there forced one up his penis that was way too large, causing massive internal damage. Then his kidneys shut down and it was feared that he might need them replaced, and that Xmas I went home assuming that I would have to donate one of mine. Luckily, his kicked in, and I didn’t go under the knife, but that same trip was the one that I got e. coli, but that’s another story…

Anyway, when I finally found out, the reaction from my coworkers varied depending on the sex. All the guys were like “Ohh! That sucks. Dude, it’s lucky you’re getting treatment now, cuz once I… yadda yadda yadda…. and I almost had kidney failure!” As for my female coworkers, I got a few, “What the hell? Only women get those!” And upon telling Jason the prognosis, he was shocked that I returned to SVA after the doctor visit. “You went back to work after feeling all dirty?”

At first I was embarrassed to let anyone know about my problem, but as is often the case, pain tends to make people not care. I think me saying out loud, “Christ, my dick hurts!” might be a bit off putting to some, though at least I’ve kept my desire to walk around with my hands firmly on my groin (to avoid friction) at bay.

Even MK got a good laugh from the diagnosis, but that’s only because she knows so many people that’s gotten it. Though her friend was also in the “But you’re a guy!” category, God bless her soul. But MK really felt bad (though she shouldn’t have because it’s true, only girls get UTI’s… and cats) and was sweet enough to buy me some cranberry juice and enough ramen to last a whole week.

After a quick stop at Cosmic Comics (its Wednesday, new comic day), we went a diner in Chelsea to have dinner with Dave, Raina (Telgemeier), and Steve. BTW, the new Bizzaro World anthology from DC comics just came out today (again, it was new comic day) and Dave and Raina have a super cute story in it, so everyone go buy it!

Afterwards we all (well everyone except MK, who unfortunately had class tonight) went to the UCB to see Directory Commentary LIVE! As one might guess, it features DVD-style commentaries, all improvised in front of the theatre audience. The show featured Matt Walsh and Paul Scheer, both of whom are funny as hell, plus Scot Armstrong, whom I’m unfamiliar with.

The film that was supped to be screen, The Passion Of The Christ, was pulled for some reason, so in its place was some after school special from 76. Overall, the show was pretty funny, with the three speaking as the director, writer, and star of the special, which revolved around some girl with a sloppy drunk of a mother. The entire cast was a bunch of nobodies, except for the grandmother, who was also Large Marge from Pee Wee’s Big Adventure.

It’s perhaps easy to think that it was going to be some sort of a Mystery Science Theater 3000 type of deal, but it wasn’t, since the whole thing was clearly improvised, whereas MST3K is scripted pretty tightly. So in that sense, it really was like being with some friends watching a bad movie (translation: people trying to do MST3K themselves). So it was funny in some spots, rather dull in others, and sometimes I got annoyed by the talking cuz what was happening seemed far more interesting. Just like the real thing.

Also tonight, I promised Raina to read Scott Pilgrim immediately (both her and MK each got me the book this past Xmas). When I told her that I super backed up with my reading, primarily due to all the video game magazines I’ve been going through before throwing them away, she thought was some obsessive nut, and she’s totally correct.

BTW, real quick like, here’s an awesome video from France that shows off a potentially amazing breakthrough for gaming.

Plus, here’s an auction for the Xbox Millennium Falcon

And here’s a typical screenshot from Mugen that I dug up for this recent thread, which I might never get tired of looking at…

Finally, despite his predictions of gloom and doom, Joe made it back alive. Here’s my fave of the pics that he shared…

  • Job


    WTF is up with that total immersion video?

    I am both frightened and amazed….

    My Dad always used to joke over the years when each new Nintendo came out… “Hey, before you know it, you’ll have mario jumping around your living room…”

    I always laughed at how crazy he was… and how impossible that would be to ever pull off..



    (if this vid is for real of course….)

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