
Central Booking, Opening Reception

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

In this post:
1. just a bunch of pictures from last nigh!
2. and the bringer of death

Last night’s opening bash was simply awesome! To be completely honest, I had zero idea what to expect going in; been to plenty of art openings before, but this was my first time being part of one. Quite the rush!

Here’s a few pics, at least the ones that came out okay. Not gonna blame my crappy camera for the so-so quality this time; there was just SO many people that taking pictures in general was just super tricky…

… I need to give a quick shout out to both Maddy Rosenberg, who runs Central Booking, and Jon Coffelt, her co-curator (Jon’s also the guy who stumbled across my work in the first place and set the ball rolling towards my involvement with the gallery). Congratulations on the smashing success!

A big thanks also needs to be extended once again to all my best buds that came out and showed their support. It really meant a lot to me. But for those of you who couldn’t attend (poor Joe Salina got into an accident earlier in the afternoon… hope you’re alright if you’re reading this… and any more blood get on your DS this time?), no worries. One thing that I thought I had made clear beforehand, but ended up being a shock to Katie and the rest of the gang, was the news that my zines are actually part of Central Booking’s permanent collection!

Other highlights from last night:

- Hearing Joe Simko and June’s idea for an opening for my cable/online show, which will happen sooner or later… promise. It’ll take too long to explain properly, so in the meanwhile, I’ve got just two words for you: babies crying.
- Explaining to someone (a fellow zine-ster, specifically the same guy who did the puppet show at that Ding Dong show a couple months back, aka the only high point of that train wreck) why I wasn’t going to SPX, aka high school 2.0. Sorry to be a hater, though I’m certainly not the only one who is more than happy to sit this year’s out.
- And explaining to Hilary over dinner why people think the year 2012 spells the end of the world. Though I should have simply pulled up the forums on my iPhone and showed her this…

… As well as her criticisms when it comes to my beer pouring skills. Which I will admit, is rather pathetic.

BTW, was going to pass along this week’s handpicked assortment of game related news and nonsense, but it’s Friday night and I just feel kicking it with Halo 3: ODST. Maybe after I’ve had my fill, i.e. I’m too motion sick to play anymore.

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