

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

So to celebrate my new game design gig, as well as mark the end of my SVA days, MK came up with an idea for a party, and it went down this past Saturday night…

The festivities took place at Joe (Simko)’s apartment (I’ve pretty much given up on having any further parties where I live due to all the cat fur and shit all over the place). And aside from being generous enough to provide the space, Joe also made some primo cookies, cupcakes, and deviled eggs (as expected, I was the only one to really dine on them; Joe already knows I’m the only other guy who likes them, so they were kinda made just for me!). Oh, and there was plenty of booze as well; I actually broke my no drinking rule, at least for this one night.

But yeah, it was awesome! Since Joe’s apartment is fairly small (but what Manhattan dwelling isn’t), we had to keep the guest list tight. Yet there was still a very good mix of comic book folks, punk rockers, school teachers, gamer dorks, and at least one Jewish stand up comic. I spent most of the evening entertaining folks with assorted tales from my days of hitting on girls on makeoutclub, my long history of insane roommates, and my thoughts on anal sex, among other things. I was also flattered to hear that all my friends actually read this stupid site! And everyone cares enough to notice and have the same basic opinion: I need to do a better job with the horrible spelling and grammatical errors.

The evening began with a cup of champaign in my right hand around eight, and it ended around three in the morning with a PSP in both hands. Dave (Mauro) brought his along to show me one of the shmups I had written about this past Thursday, but more so than the PSone emulator, I was simply bowled over by the system itself; I had never actually seen, nor handled, a white PSP in real life. And its fucking sexy. Enough to make me go “that’s it, I finally have to get me one!” But much of that enthusiasm died when I discovered that the white PSP is still only available in Japan; I thought they were going to introduce them in the States, but that does explain why I only see black systems on the subway, and one of the main reasons to get a white one, aside from the fact that it looks absolutely gorgeous, is that I don’t want to be seen as another one of“those” people (you know, the ultra hip urban youths who only have one for “bling” value, and just want to be seen with it…. whereas Dave only sees people play that one baseball games, I only see people either play football or basketball). Anyway, it being import only makes avoiding dead pixels all the more difficult, and never mind all the hassles of trying to find one with compatible firmware to run emulators (aside from the PSone emulator, I got to play a few Genesis games, and dear God they looked amazing). So in the end… I may just get a regular, black system for as little as possible just so I can play Lumines and Every Extend Extra.

Also late in the night, Joe & I recounted the glory days of Manhattan cable access, and we spoke of our favorite shows (and of course, I mentioned my personal dealings with Zenbock, everyone’s favorite sci-fi con attending/r&b guitar playing Vulcan from Long Island). Note to self: bring some Madame Chow’s to the shitty movie night myself and Nullsleep are throwing together in near future. Anyway, Mauro mentioned some crazy cable access show that one of the dudes from Anamanaguchi had mentioned, and which MK & I both remember to check out earlier today. And we found it, and its simply amazing. Basically its a dude that both paints and cooks at the same time, while also running on a treadmill. Plus he takes calls from the home viewing audience. You just have to see it for yourself…

Here’s two to start off with: this first clip has him painting, exercising, and making a sushi-gingerbread house. And this one has him painting, exercising, and cooking pancakes. Enjoy!

  • http://www.dmauro.com dmauro

    Hey, I love deviled eggs, but the fact that I was two hours late and they hadn’t all been eaten by then made me cautious.

    Is this entry short because you’re so busy right now or because the “Yes” poll responses are catching up to the “No” poll responses.

  • https://www.fort90.com//journal/ Matt

    Yeah, I’ve noticed the numbers change…. but also, I’m pretty busy right now, hence the short entry (spent most of late last night working on this tv show that I might be helping to develop). It’s also why I haven’t really checked what’s going on in gaming right now. So, have they released the UMD-less PSP yet or what?

  • http://www.bunkerforums.com Llydis

    The PSP is a nice little system. I don’t like it as much as my DS but, I’ve been picking up some more games for it recently. Of course, the only people I’ve seen playing it around here are the really nerdy looking types. But, then again, I don’t live in New York(or LA for that matter) either. :p

  • https://www.fort90.com//journal/ Matt

    For a system that is supposedly floundering, its doing pretty well here in NYC. As I said, its all the ghetto kids favorite toy. Some actually play games with it, (as also previously mentioned, sports titles and almost nothing but), but most seem to use theirs as a mp3 player. One even tried making it a mini-makeshift ghetto box. Which was, you know, kinda ridiculous.

  • Akiman

    Actually they’ve had White PSPs in the UK for a while now.

    It also costs around ?30 more than a black PSP (about $58) for no real reason apart from Sony Europe are complete bastards.

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    BTW, I keep forgetting to the mention that a primary reason for being interested in the white PSP isn’t a cosmetic one: the square button isn’t as mushy as the regular, black system. And for whatever retarded reason, Sony just won’t fix the problem so both systems control fine.

    Mauro also mentioned how he had heard that the Japanese systems have better screens, and ther was zero ghosting with his system.

    ShaperMC, are you there? You promised to help put an end to my desire for a PlayStation Portable! Where the hell are you?!?!

  • http://www.dmauro.com dmauro

    Oh no, there is definitely ghosting on my white PSP. You don’t notice it until you play a NES game though (the heavy black pixels smear and make the adjacent pixels darker when the screen is moving). I have no idea why the screen is supposed to be better.

    The DS definitely has better games, but the PSP has: PSX emulation, better NES emulation, better Genesis emulation, CPS2 emulation, and MVS emulation (all of these are near perfect btw). Plus, by now I’ve played all the DS games I’m interested in and nothing too exciting has been coming out lately, so I’ve just been playing GBA games on it (which is an impressive library I had been missing out on).

    Now that I can play DoDonPachi and, Gremlins 2, Progear, Alien Solider, and Rondo of Blood on my PSP, and I’ve modded the dpad so that it is as good as the dpad on the DS Lite, I’m actually favoring the PSP.

  • Kaycee

    Sooo…. Where did sweetrot.com go??? I just looked it up because I need pictures for my end of the year art project (which I’m doing on JOE SIMKO, natch.) and some weird search engine comes up? What the heck gives??? Does anyone wanna tell me what happened? Ha.
    If anyone even knows….. hit me up, I need to know NOW!

  • https://www.fort90.com/journal/?fbconnect_action=myhome&userid=1 Matt

    It’s back up! Not sure what happened… maybe it got hacked, or perhaps someone forgot to pay the bill! that stuff just happens. Anyhow, all is back to normal. Thanks for the head’s up!

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