
Blue, Blue Skies I See

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

There’s a movement in the works, one which time has been long coming: a call for blue skies in video games. And what that means is less grim and grimey and more bright and happy. And all I can say is damn straight. Just as the article says, “We want to COLLECT BANANAS FROM MAGIC CASTLES not earn respect from fictional gang leaders! We want to stun enemies with BOUNCE ATTACKS, not shoot them in unrealistic and shoddy drive-bys!”

In a funny way, blue skies is precisely the reason why I’ll always be a Sega fan; their use of colors has always left a big impact on me. Its why I play video games: to escape and to feel better, hence why I’d much rather play a blue hedgehog than 50 Cent, and their bluer than blue skies always hit the mark, especially in games like Daytona, Sonic 2, and NiGHTS (to name a few).

In other news Joe’s been making music videos for the Beer Drinking Fools for a while now, and today he passed word that the BDF Fight Song vid is now online, which guest stars me in the very beginning. So if you’ve ever wanted to see me get punch in the face, here’s your chance.

BTW, today was suppose to mark the release of Joe’s brand new single, Boo Berry Overdose, but its been delayed. Something about the producer getting arrested in LA for something… you know how musician types are. Anyway, here’s a look at the CD art; I’ll pass along the tunes as soon as they’re ready.

And hey look, Optical Sloth just reviewed Unlucky #1!

  • Joe

    Hurry up and do another journal entry so my ugly mug can move off the top of this page!!

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