
Thursdayton Indeed

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

This is what happens when you decided to take an extra long lunch break…. you come back to this.

You know, for a while one of the rumors going around was that the Rev?s new name was going to be ?Nintendo Entertainment System? once again. I sorta wish they had actually gone with that.

But Wii is certainly cute and attention grabbing, which is what Nintendo?s all about. And the name goes along with their online service, which has been rumored to be named Go. I can see and heard ?Wii Go!? already.

Besides, its a stupid name, sure. But so is Dreamcast and countless others, which means we’ll all get used to it.

Plus its further evidence that Nintendo just doesn?t give a rat?s ass what the rest of the gaming public thinks, who are undoubtedly going to have field day with this news.

Oh man, I can’t wait to see the wacky Photoshops that comes from this…


  • http://www.johngreenart.com John Green

    So they gave it a name that’s a homonym for “urine” and “penis.”

  • http://drunkensamurai1.livejournal.com/ TDS

    im still holding on to playstation as the worst name ever

  • https://www.fort90.com Matt

    For me, it will always be the Xbox 360.

  • phooky

    How quickly you forget. Colecovision. How can this possibly be worse than calling it the Colecovision? Unless you called it the Coleman Camping Stove Odyssey 4000, which I would buy, if it didn’t need a television to plug in to.

    (BTW, you probably already know, but Frontalot at Forbidden Planet on Monday.)

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