
She’s Right. Monkeys Really Are Not That Funny Anymore.

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

So I discovered an awesome new web comic today. It’s by some girl named Natalie Dee and they’re ultra cute, and pretty damn funny…

Also, I stumbled across this: FPGameRunner. I think I’ll let the site do all the talking on this one…

“There has never been a better way to play First Person Shooters like there is with the FPGameRunner. The GameRunner brings players one step closer to actually being inside the game. We’ve worked hard to design a controller that is not only intuitive and easy to learn but is also capable of delivering a fresh breath of life into the overall immersiveness of first person shooters.

Fusing exercise and video gaming into one exhilerating and healthy experience for game enthusiasts, the GameRunner is a revolution in medical science and electronic entertainment. The activity of playing a video game generally leaves players physically inactive for prolonged periods of time. The GameRunner solves this problem by allowing players to use their body to play games instead of having the player sit and use only their hands. Naturally this makes playing games on the GameRunner beneficial to your heath by burning calories and keeping your heart rate up.

When you get on the GameRunner you won’t want to get off (unless you need to catch your breath!). Playing on the GameRunner allows you to exercise while having all the fun of playing your favorite FPS. Exercising has never been more fun!”

As stupid as it may appear at first (and I highly doubt it works as well as one would imagine), we are going to see more and more stuff like in the near future. I’ve always been fascinated with bizarro gaming inputs; not necessarily playing them, but seeing how they fare in the hands of actual gamers. I guess it all started on the NES… and not with the Power Glove which probably comes to most people’s minds. Actually, it all started when I saw a special controller for quadriplegics that Nintendo themselves developed in the late 80′s. If I recall correctly, there was chin stick for movement and a straw for buttons. You sucked for the A button and blew for the B. I always wanted to try a game on that, and see how tricky it might be to do a running jump in Super Mario Bros.

Speaking of Mario, here’s an awesome History of the Mario Sprite. Besides being a highly entertaining read, it just makes me want to play Wrecking Crew ’98 even more!

And finally, I forgot this last time.

  • elisse

    yeah it does work suprisingly well i used one once and i really liked it, the only problem with it though is you get to into it to stop really, but i must say i wouldnt have motivation to use a tredmile if not for this.

  • http://www.gamerunner.us Seriousgamer

    GAMERUNNER. Yes it’s true. It really works. I got to try it out at the CES show in Las Vegas and it was a blast. Forget about getting fit. It’s just a real rush to be able to use your feet to get around in the game. Much closer to reality than pushin buttons

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