
Gone Fishin’

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

So yeah, as I said before, I’m pretty burnt out. Scratch that, make it totally burnt out.

I am so friggin’ tired and exhausted (and thusly grumpy as hell) that I need a vacation, which thank God I’m finally getting; I’m taking all next week off from SVA. Plus, with the exception of a few that I already commited to, I’m also giving various freelance jobs and side projects a rest as well.

So what’s the plan for next week? Aside from catching the rest of the Asian Film Fest, going to Coney Island for the first time all year (for the Mermaid Parade), and celebrating the 4th, I’m doing absolutely nothing except sleep and play video games (I don’t know which two days it will be, but there’s definitely going to be a solid 48 hours somewhere dedicated to holing myself in my bedroom for non-stop game playing, with only sleep and bathroom breaks, plus time to cook hot dogs on the grill).

Though I still can’t ignore the fact that I’ll have an even bigger mountain of things to waiting for me afterwards. If was suggested as a joke not too long ago by Jason that I get an intern, to help with the more menial tasks (like transposing interviews that I’ve done, or just spell and grammar check my journal entires) and it was brought up again, but this time I’m seriously considering it. And the funny thing is that I already know two folks who’s already interested!

Though I’m certain that I can’t offer college credit, which is gonna be a deal breaker for sure…

  • http://www.jasonsawtelle.com Jason

    I wasn’t joking.

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