
The Doc(Future) Is Back (From The Attract Mode Archive: #120)

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

The following post originally appeared on attractmo.de, on September 17, 2014.

The above, “Amateur Speedwalk: WarioWare, Inc.: Minigame Mania: Drifting Away in 11:57″, marks the long awaited return of Topher Florence, aka DocFuture.

It’s been over two years since we last saw the good doctor’s handiwork, which aside from being impossible to properly articulate is often impossible to fully comprehend as well. At any rate, it’s been way too long.

Been a fan since back in the day, and used to post his videos whenever I could over at GameSetWatch. Am especially fond of his Pro Speedruns, so this latest effort is a treat indeed. For those not familiar, here’s one for the obscure NES side-scroller, Shatterhand

Sonic 2

And finally, Batman for the NES…

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