
On Opening Night, Everyone Was Invited To Crush Hard Drives

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

It’s Friday! And as part of my continuing effort to keep this place somewhat regularly updated (hey, there’s been three post this week alone), here goes my second attempt at what I had intended on being an end of the week tradition, and that’s pass along my favorite game related YouTube vids.

Though the thing is, the last time I presented any was ages ago (well, a little over three months ago, actually), and as a result, my list of what to share has gotten quite long. Which is why I won’t be waiting for the following Friday for the next batch, but instead will be doing this every single day! At least until I run out of stuff.

BTW, I must reiterate that the following is mostly for friends who don’t spend every single moment on Kotaku or Reddit and therefore are not aware of every single thing that gets posted online. Translation: please spare me the ”OLD” knee jerk reaction, got it?

- Starting with something that pretty much everyone has probably seen already, since it’s by Mega 64. Yet it’s also about my current favorite game to hate: Destiny. I could play FPSs (thanks to motion sickness, I can’t, and it blows), I’d maybe be able to get over how everything else, especially the story, is so dumb. But I can’t…

- Duke Nukem in an art gallery? Am legit surprised it took this long…

- Time for another wacky hardware mode: say hell to the Sega Mega Gear, which is an old Nintendo 64 made to play Game Gear games…

- I’ve long been fascinated with videos of folks trying to do stupid sh*t while on a rollercoaster, and while playing with a 3DS is not as dumb as proposing to your future wife, it’s still up there (feel free to fast forward to the 4:13 mark if you’re not interested in the set-up)…

- So someone decided to make a music video combining Evanescence and the Madden GIFERATOR

Time an oldie (somewhat) but a goodie, a sudden death match in Super Smash Bros Brawl, which perfectly illustrates why I’d didn’t nab the game for the 3DS like everyone else did this morning, and instead am waiting for the Wii U version, since trying to do just a fraction of the following would absolutely destroy one’s circle pad (not to say that I have the skills to even attempt a fraction of the following)…

- Speaking of Smash Bros, here’s a medley of the game by the Nintendo Special Big Band. Still trying to figure out if these were the same folks involved in the Mario & Zelda Big Band Live CD

- And finally, yet another clip that surely EVERYONE is familiar with, yet it still makes me laugh every single time, so whatevs…

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