
Let’s All Help Make Tiny Cartridge Even More Awesome (From The Attract Mode Archive: #095)

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

The following post originally appeared on attractmo.de, on February 6, 2014.

Fellow Attract Mode Collective members Eric and JC are best known as the driving forces behind Tiny Cartridge, aka best damn blog dedicated to portable gaming out there, period. They also do a superb job of covering toys, apparel, zines, fan art, chiptunes, and game culture in general!

But it’s not easy keeping the good ship Tiny Cart up and running, and every single day without fail. Which is why they’re asking for a modest amount of support, so I say we all chip in and show them our love! Because the fact of the matter is this: not only is Tiny Cartridge the greatest thing ever, it’s also part of a dying breed.

Specialized blogs maintained by everyday folk have fallen to the wayside, who have largely moved onto social media to spread their word. In their place are blogs that are owned and operated like businesses, with a staff of many. Which is cool, but many attempt to be all encompassing, since they seemingly have the resources. Yet something’s always missing…

And that’s what Eric and JC do best; Tiny Cart highlights things that either no else has/would otherwise, or perhaps more importantly, the things we take for granted in video games. All in such a warm and inviting manner to boot. So please check out their Patreon page; toss them a few bucks and get some really cool stuff in return! Along with their heartfelt gratitude.

Might I recommend the Gold level? That way you can swap friend codes with the guys. Why, I remember checking out Eric’s Animal Crossing town once, and out of the blue, the creator of Nyan Cat showed up! So who knows what surprises await for supporters of Tiny Cartridge. And I have been told that there are plenty in store!

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