
I Guess I Am a Big, Raging Comic Book Nerd

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

Oh, so I saw Superman last night (it was Mike’s birthday) and… in the interest of sparing those who have yet to see it, I decided to post my two cents over at my LiveJournal since its easy to “hide” stuff there. So again, don’t click unless you don’t care about spoilers.

For those who don’t want to click till they’ve seen the movie, I will mention that yes, I do bitch about the suit even more. Call me crazy, but it did play a big part in me not enjoying the film; a super hero’s costume, obviously, is representative of the hero, and any change in color will have a pretty big impact, especially with Superman who’s red, blue, and yellow is practically iconic. And to try and make him all “realistic” and “darker” by fucking with the costume is just… plain stupid.

Oh, so I also caught the Spider-Man 3 trailer beforehand, but I saw it online earlier like lots of folks. Now there’s a comic book hero who’s changes from the comic I feel are actually an improvement. Sorry, but the idea of Spidey being a mutant so he has super strength along with the ability to shoot webs makes a helluva lot more sense that him just having muscles but having to construct web shooters (yeah, it’s suppose to show of his brains, but that’s what the one-liners are supposed to do). As for the changes in his costume… I know folks are still pissed with the raised webbed look, but I don’t mind. Though personally, I’ve never been to fond of the rubber look in the first place, and always preferred the cloth look, especially when Alex Ross and even Frank Miller have depicted him, in which certain spots get bunched up, since its fabric after-all, which sorta makes him seem even more human (like some shlep who can’t even afford decent dry cleaning).

But as for his Venom look… I flat-out HATE how its just the regular costume but in black. It should look like the suit from the comic, damnit! I know it wouldn’t make too much sense, but still… it would look so damn cool! Hopefully it’ll sorta look like that as the movie progresses, like it slowly transformers or some shit (okay, that’s asking a lot). And of course, Venom had better look like we all know him, Topher Grace’s small frame or not.

As for the rest of the film, I too am worried that there’s just going to be too much shit going on, but also like others, I have faith in Sam Raimi to pull it off. Especially after Spider Man 2, which is indeed one of the best super hero flicks ever made, though not the best like Roger Ebert I think said… but we all know what kind of an idiot he can be anyway. The title of best ever, I feel, does deserve to go to the first Superman movie, since it really set the mold and just got EVERYTHING just perfect. Though my personal fave has to be the first Tim Burton Batman, without a doubt.

Anyway, Robin also passed along the teaser trailer for Transformers. And all I can say is… yikes.

  • Jason

    Spider-Man 3 looks hot, I’m more excited for that than I was for part 2. I feel you on the black suit, though I don’t mind the look in the trailer.

    As for Transformers. Lame. But I’m not gonna let that film get in the way of nostalgia.


    Hollywood has a tendancy to piss on nostalgia. I have a lot of Transformers nostalgia, and I think Michael Bay has a lot of piss.

    I’m worried.

  • http://www.gamersquarter.com dhex

    all the comic book folk who caught it seemed to like it (that i spoke to) though they said it was too long.

    but such is the way with this sort of thing, innit? lots of people who were unfamiliar with truman capote liked “capote” a lot more than i did.

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