
E3 2012, in a nutshell?

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

? Also, this guy. And let’s not forgetting this week’s other new, Nintendo-spawned superstar: Non-Specific Action Figure!

UPDATE #1: for those curious about the scene above

UPDATE #2: Non-Specific Action Figure to be Nintendo’s brand new IP CONFIRMED

So my buddy John, who is into video games, but not way, WAY into video games? and therefore has been confused by the mass hysteria that has flooded Twitter since yesterday? asks via Facebook:

OK, fill me in on whatever just went down at E3. Twitter is ablaze with statements like “video games are over now” and “you had a nice run, video games” and “so this is how video games will end” and so on, in very angry and negative tones.

My response:

Long story short: many longtime/hardcore gamers have long felt that the mainstream gaming industry is losing track of the ideals that brought gaming to “the dance” in the first place, and moreover, are being left far behind.

Yesterday was filled with long-winded press events containing either games that are ultra violent in nature, which long-timers find grotesque, or content that has precious little to do with gaming at all, in an effort to go after a different kind of audience, which predictably has hardcore-types feeling quite bitter.

For the record, I find much of the longer-timers’ complaints a tad bit eye-rolling, if only because much of their bitching about how vile and worthless content sounds a bit too close to how many parents, politicians, and other “authority” figures sound when shunning gaming as a whole.

As for the diehards, I’m quite happy with gaming going in wild, non-traditional directions. Yet I too am perplexed by some of the directions that some are choosing. Especially Sony’s Wonderbook initiative, which is offensive on multiple levels, especially to anyone that enjoys reading (will explain later).

Anyway, both camps were looking towards Nintendo to save the day, and they essentially f*cked it all up by being Nintendo. As in, they’re still too self-obsessed to know what the deal is anymore, with offerings that are underwhelming and even flat out confounding.

And as much I’ve tried to keep a positive attitude about mainstream gaming as a whole, this is the very first time in which I’m being to feel disillusioned as well. That landscape is honestly not looking very good. But hey, at least there’s always indie gaming!

Also, someone is actually bringing Tokyo Jungle out in the States! So E3 2012 isn’t a total wash after-all everybody…

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