
Returning To The Belly Of The Best… A Belly Belonging To A Long Island Furry

by Matthew Edward Hawkins

My glorious return to ICON is this weekend! I’m actually waiting for Jason to pick me up this very moment. Really looking forward to the show, though mostly because I desperately need a break from the grind.

Was going to do a proper pre-trip post, but you know the deal. One that would cover the Tokidoki fashion event I was privy to earlier this week. So till then, here’s my obligatory Instagram pic from the thing, which has been kinda popular on Tumblr?

Oh, and for who have been asking, am still not done with Sine Mora review. Sorry! Next week, promise. But I did beat Kid Icarus, and my two cents on that game can be seen on MSNBC (and yes, I now own a 3DS).

BTW, be sure to click around; I think I covered some neat stuff this past week, with my personal favorite item being a Minecraft mod being used as a tie-in for a recently released e-book. Though mostly the idea of it being used by folks, like indie filmmakers, who can’t afford a full-on video game like Hollywood.

Meanwhile, on Guyism, just posted yet another example of why I love dubsetp so much.

All right, that’s it for now. Time to fill my iPhone to the gill with Sega racing music for the road trip ahead. Next time, my full rundown, and hopefully I’ll also be able to finally spill the beans on my big pre-TCAF shindig!

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